Term 1 Week 6 College Newsletter
Acknowledgement of Country
From the Principal
Curriculum Corner
Identity and Mission
Director of Students
Pathways Hub
Caritas 2025
Digital & Design Technologies
2025 Interhouse Swimming Carnival
Sporting Team News
Student Wellbeing
International Women's Day Breakfast
Students on School Grounds Outside School Hours
School Fees
Acknowledgement of Country

From the Principal

Dear Parents and Carers
At the start of this week I was in Brisbane with EREA Principals from across the country for our annual conference. EREA is Australia’s largest national network of schools, with our schools ranging from the likes of Gregory Terrace and Nudgee College in Brisbane, to Aquanis in Perth and Flexi schools that are throughout the country. EREA even runs two special education schools and two early learning centres. While this group was a diverse group of educational leaders, what united us for the two days was our theme of transformation. We were challenged to unpack this theme throughout the conference, and we were particularly challenged to unpack what this looks like in our own school communities. For our College we are beginning this journey of transformation, as we approach the end of our four year planning cycle, and begin to review what we are doing now, in an effort to inform our future.
As we embark on the final year of our College strategic plan, we have a wonderful opportunity to think about how this College can undergo genuine transformation over the next period, to ensure that it remains as the school of choice for young men in North Queensland. This week we have taken the first step toward transformation as we have hosted a review team from the Australian Council for Educational Research at the College. They are here to objectively highlight various strengths and areas for improvement, which will help us to be targeted in our focus as we look to develop the next strategic plan which will guide the College over the next four years. We know that there are areas that need attention, just as there are areas that we believe we do well. This report will provide us with expert opinions that are external from the College, and are simply highlighting what it is that they see evidence of and hear from our community in their time with us.
As a part of our process to then develop our new strategic plan, feedback will be sought from parents/carers, Advisory Council members, staff, EREA Colleges and students, allowing us to gain a holistic understanding of the pulse of our community, but to also gain an understanding about what you are looking for in an IPC of the future. While we want this document to be practical, we are also looking for it to be aspirational and have a future focus as we continue to navigate the ever-changing landscape of education, all while ensuring that our young men remain sought after graduates, enabling them to move into their chosen field, upon graduation.
I will provide plenty of notice to you when this opportunity to provide your thoughts is going to be available, and I would encourage you to take the opportunity when it comes.
While we have had our own challenges this year with weather, and as North Queenslanders we accept that it comes with the territory, I would ask that you keep our southern neighbours in the southeast in your thoughts and prayers over the next couple of days.
With nine EREA Colleges schools in Brisbane facing this cyclone, our College leaders sent a short video of support to each of the schools. While I know that all Principals appreciated the gesture of support and solidarity, one College Principal replied with the following message.
Just to let you know, we played the video on assembly following the Ash Wednesday liturgy with all 1800 boys present; the whole school spontaneously clapped and cheered. Please thank them for me.
Have a great week.
Luke Thomson | Principal
Curriculum Corner

Key dates for Term 1 (dates subject to change)
Wednesday 12 March – Wednesday 19 March | Year 7 & 9 NAPLAN |
Wednesday 19 March – Thursday 27 March | Year 11 Exam Phase |
Monday 24 March – Friday 28 March | Year 7-10 Exam Phase |
Monday 31 March – Friday 4 April | Year 12 Exam Phase – Blocked (from Tues 1 April) |
Friday 4 April | College Learning Habits Reports Issued |
Our Year 7 and Year 9 students have now completed the NAPLAN Practice test. Their participation was positive and fills us with confidence for the upcoming testing days. During the sessions, the students and teachers were able to identify areas of improvement around being better prepared. Some key learnings for our students include:
- Make sure laptops are fully charged the night before – plugged in and switched on
- Pack chargers as a back up
- A good night's sleep
- A healthy breakfast
- A positive attitude
The testing schedule for Ignatius Park College is below:
Wednesday 12 March | Writing Test | Year 7: Periods 3 and 4 |
Thursday 13 March | Reading Test | Year 7: Periods 3 and 4 |
Monday 17 March | Language Conventions Test | Year 7: Periods 3 and 4 |
Tuesday 18 March | Numeracy Test | Year 7: Periods 3 and 4 |
Should you have any concerns regarding NAPLAN or your son’s participation please curriculum@ipc.qld.edu.au.
End of Term Exam Schedules
This week the College published the exam schedules for Year 7-12 for this term. This can be found on the College website here: https://www.ipc.qld.edu.au/studies/exams-assessment-study-documents/. Parents are asked to review this schedule with their sons to ensure all are aware of their commitments.
Please note for Year 12 students, this exam phase is blocked from Tuesday 1st April, meaning students will only be at school if they have a scheduled examination.
Variations to Assessment – Absence, Extensions
It is timely to remind parents that requests to vary the conditions or due date of any assessment item can only be considered following the submission of the appropriate form and supporting documentation.
Year 7 – 10: The completed Variation to Assessment form should be submitted to their Subject teacher. Documentation may be required (i.e. standard medical certificate)
Year 11 – 12: The completed AARA form, along with required documentation (i.e. detailed medical certificate and details of absence) must be submitted to their Subject Faculty Leader or the Edmund Rice Office.
A copy of the forms are available on the school website at: https://www.ipc.qld.edu.au/studies/exams-assessment-study-documents/. Alternatively, hard copies of this form are available from the Edmund Rice Office.
Lesley Gardner | Director of Curriculum
Identity and Mission

Preparing for Lent: A Time of Reflection, Renewal, and Action
Dear Parents and Carers,
As we are now freshly into the sacred season of Lent, we are invited to enter a time of deep reflection, renewal, and spiritual growth. As mentioned to the students during our recent Liturgy, Lent is not merely about giving something up; rather, it is an opportunity to reorient our lives towards God, focusing on prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. These three pillars help us draw closer to Christ, deepen our relationship with others, and live out our faith in meaningful ways.
Lent calls us to examine our hearts and ask: How can we be more Christ-like in our daily lives? How can we extend compassion, justice, and mercy to those in need? How can we strengthen our commitment to living out the Gospel message? As a community founded on the charism of Blessed Edmund Rice, we are reminded that our faith must be lived through action. This Lent, let us embrace a spirit of generosity, seeking ways to serve and uplift those around us.
We have celebrated well this week, with a massive day on Tuesday for Shrove Tuesday as well as our traditional Ash Wednesday Liturgy in the Hall to truly mark the beginning of Lent.
Prayers for Pope Francis & Members of Our College Community
As we prepare our hearts for Lent, we also keep Pope Francis in our thoughts and prayers during his time of ill health. May God grant him strength, comfort, and healing. We also ask your blessing for those in our College Community that need your support during this time.
Loving God, we pray for Pope Francis and our fellow IPC community members. Bless them with peace and restore health in all forms. May Pope Francis continue to lead your Church with wisdom and compassion. Amen.
Mark Holmes | Director of Identity & Mission

Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday Images

Director of Students

Parent Engagement
At Ignatius Park College, we believe that strong collaboration between parents and the school is crucial for student success. When parents and educators are aligned in their goals and expectations, students benefit from consistent support both at home and in the classroom. At times, this will be tested. As I mention to all parents each year at parent evenings, please be open to discussing issues with the school in order to gain a balanced perspective in situations where you feel injustice may be eventuating. Open communication helps address challenges early, fosters a positive learning environment, and ensures that students are encouraged to reach their full potential. We encourage all parents to stay engaged with the school, attend meetings, parent evenings and communicate regularly with teachers to ensure a shared commitment to their child’s education and overall well-being
Attendance and Punctuality
Over the past year, there has been a renewed focus on both behaviour and attendance. Punctuality and attendance are key to academic success and personal growth. Being at school on time ensures that students are present for important lessons, setting the tone for a productive day. Arriving late or choosing to stay home might seem like an easy option, but it often leads to missed learning opportunities, falling behind in class work, and a lack of connection with peers and teachers. Consistent attendance also helps build discipline, responsibility, and time-management skills, which are essential for future success. Ignatius Park College emphasizes the importance of a strong commitment to education and the value of being present. Students are encouraged to take pride in their learning environment and not succumb to the temptation of skipping school. By showing up on time every day, students create a foundation for academic achievement and demonstrate their dedication to their personal development and future opportunities. After all, we are preparing young men for real world situations, and it is rare in the adult world that poor punctuality or absence from the workplace are tolerated.
Electric Scooter Use.
I want to once again raise my concerns with regard to scooters. With the rise in popularity of e-scooters, IPC has developed a policy around their use. These vehicles do form a very real risk of safety to both students and others on the roads. This policy is in line with Queensland State Government Road rules, and requires our students to follow them. Beginning in term 4, the below expectations will be in place for students wishing to ride scooters to school. Non-compliance with these rules will result in student scooters not being able to be ridden home, parents contacted and the students being picked up.
Use of Electric Scooters
- All normal road rules need to be adhered to, including speed.
- Riders must maintain a safe distance from others.
- Helmets (bike or motorbike) must be worn.
- E-scooters need to be locked and stored in the caged area designated for bicycles at the college
- Students under 16 must be supervised by an adult whilst riding an e-scooter.
- Children under the age of 12 cannot ride e-scooters.
- There can only be a single rider at a time on scooters (no doubling).
Thanks to all parents and students who continually strive for the outcomes the college works hard to instil. Appearance, manners and presence are excellent markers for a young man with intent and discipline. In the pastoral realm, I want to say thank you to all who were involved in our anti-bullying campaign last week. It was a huge success and has brought some issues to light which will enable our community to be safe and provide a sense of belonging for all.
Upcoming events include our annual house choir, Industry Placement week and an important assessment period. Help your son to stay focused and balanced as we enjoy the final four weeks at the park.
John Deer | Director of Students
Pathways Hub
Week 6 saw the first group of boys complete their White Card course with Blue Dog Training. These boys now have the knowledge and skills to be able to work safely in the construction industry. Well done boys on completing this as a part of your Certificate I in Construction.
Week 7 (Monday 10th – Friday 14th March) is a critical week in the Skills and Training office – all VET boys (students who are on an industry pathway) will be engaging in a week of Industry Placement.
Ms. Hansen in the Pathways Hub has done a fantastic job of placing students into industry pathways according to expressed interests. I thank her for her efforts on this immense task.
It is the student’s job to contact the employer prior to industry placement. When contacting the employer some questions to ask are:
- What time do I need to start work?
- Where do I need to meet you?
- Where do I get picked up from and what time?
- What are the uniform expectations, for example, are long pants required or work shorts?
- What footwear do I need?
- Should I pack a lunch? Or bring some money to buy a lunch?
The boys all completed an Industry Placement induction last week and were given details on their industry placement during this session.
This program is invaluable and has resulted in students attaining both school-based apprenticeships and post school trades.
Be the best version of yourself. You are representing yourself and your school in the community.
If your son is absent or during his industry placement he will need contact the employer, the school, and send a text message to my work phone detailing his absence. Furthermore, if there are any issues/concerns while on industry placement please contact me.
Kristy Clarke Ph: 0438 185 403
Good luck on your industry placement week. Staff from Ignatius Park will be heading out into the community to conduct visits while the boys are working. These reports can be used when applying for jobs in the future.
Remember when you come back to school in week 8 there will be class work that you may need to catch up on.
Have a good week at work.

Caritas 2025
Can you help make a difference? Check out the first of our Project Compassion fundraisers here:

Digital & Design Technologies
Digital & Design Technologies: Engineering strand with Mr Lucas
This Semester has allowed students to apply their theory work to designing and building prototypes across a number of year levels. Here are some of the projects being worked on in the Faculty:
- Year 9 STEM (see photo below)
In this brand new subject for 2025, students have been investigating forces, momentum, weight and torque while building trebuchets.
- Year 10 Engineering (see photos below)
Students have been investigating sustainability and renewable energy while building solar powered cars and wind turbines.
- Year 11 Engineering
Students have been investigating beams and trusses to build bridges. They are in competition with each other to see whose bridge will hold the greatest load. Stay tuned for the winner in Week 8…
- Year 12 Engineering (see photo below)
Students have been building geodesic domes. They honed their design skills to calculate error when comparing their designed solutions vs their final prototypes. Congratulations to this year’s winning group; Isaac Whelan, Indygo Keir and Nicholas Barr for the lowest error of 5.43% across their whole geodesic dome.
We’re looking forward to seeing what our future STEM leaders can produce with more projects to come in this subject. Coming in Term 4 is the annual Year 11 field trip to JCU.

Year 9 STEM

Year 12 Winners

Year 10 Solar

Year 10 Wind
2025 Interhouse Swimming Carnival
Last Friday, February 21st, Ignatius Park College held its much-anticipated Interhouse Swimming Carnival, and what a spectacular day it was! The atmosphere was electric as students filled the pool deck with cheers, house spirit, and competitive energy, making it an unforgettable event.
From the first race to the final relay, swimmers from all houses showcased incredible determination and sportsmanship. The competition was fierce, but it was Rice House that emerged victorious, claiming the 2025 Interhouse Swimming Championship title.
The final standings were:
🥇 1st – Rice -1218 points
🥈 2nd – Reid – 1131 points
🥉 3rd – Treacy – 1030 points
🏅 4th – Nolan - 901 points
🏅 5th – Putney – 885 points
🏅 6th – Baillie – 781 points
🏅 7th – Carew - 711 points
A special mention goes to our age champions, who demonstrated outstanding swimming ability across multiple events. Their dedication and commitment to their respective houses played a key role in making this carnival such a success.
A huge thank you to the staff who ensured the smooth running of the event. The support from the boys in attendance added to the incredible atmosphere, and we are grateful for your ongoing encouragement of our swimmers.
With the Ignatius Park College Swimming Team now preparing for interschool competitions, we look forward to even greater achievements in the pool throughout 2025!
2025 Age Champions
The Ignatius Park College Interhouse Swimming Carnival saw some incredible performances in the pool, with our Age Champions stepping up to dominate their respective divisions. Their dedication, endurance, and competitive spirit were on full display, as they battled it out for house points and personal bests.
A huge congratulations to our 2025 Age Champions:
🏅 U12 – Liam Ruddell
🏅 U13 – Porter Gilbride
🏅 U14 – Oscar Demos
🏅 U15 – Sebastian Sieben
🏅 U16 – Darby Whiteley
🏅 U17 – Euan Roberts
🏅 Open – Ronan Richter
Each of these athletes demonstrated remarkable skill, speed, and determination, securing top finishes across multiple events. Their efforts not only contributed to their personal success but also played a key role in their house’s overall performance in the carnival.

Seniors from our 2025 Interhouse Swimming Carnival Champions - RICE!
Sporting Team News
Rugby Union Block Sport Wrap Up
On Tuesday the air was filled with the invigorating scent of freshly mown (and slightly wet) grass as the Year 7 and Year 8 IPC Rugby Union teams converged at the IPC field ready for the 2025 local season.
After a late start to the season, both the Year 7s and Year 8s took on Cathedral in round 1 of the competition. The year 7 game witnessed a number of tries scored by both teams in a high octane showdown. Although the game ended in a 25 – 25 draw what truly set this game apart was the unwavering sportsmanship and winning spirit shown by every single player. Even amidst the fierce competition, they embodied the essence of fair play and camaraderie, making this match a shining example of what sportsmanship is all about. MVP was Viliami Fevaleaki
The Year 8s had more luck in their game with a 40 – 16 win. Try after try flew across the scoreboard in a heart-pounding frenzy, leaving spectators on the edge of their seats. MVPs: Boston Bolton, Cade Naseby, Braxton Thorburn
On Wednesday afternoon it was time for the Year9/10 team and the 1st XV to kick off their season.
The First XV put in a dominating performance to beat Grammar in a convincing win.
See below for a report from IPC student Taj V around the Year 9/10 Team...
Year 9/10 Block Sport - Rugby Union
Ignatius Park College v Cathedral
Ignatius Park started the game with the kick-off. Koby Dewet’s kick was questionable, leading to an easy catch for Cathedral. However, strong defense forced a quick turnover.
Lachlan Rosemond took advantage of a loose ball, sprinting half the field to score the first points for The Park. From there, the lead shifted back and forth as both teams played a great game of footy.
Tries were scored by Brock Watson, Hayden Nemienen, Lachlan Rosemond, and Bosse N. The highlight of the match came from Brock Watson, who charged straight through the middle off a quick tap, bulldozing a Cathedral defender and scoring under the posts.
The final score was a close one: Ignatius Park 25 - Cathedral 23.
Guest Reporter - Taj V

First XV v Townsville Grammar

Year 7/8 Block Sport
Student Wellbeing
School TV
School TV is a wonderful resource for parents to receive credible and current information from wellbeing experts.
See the flyer below and link on our website, for more information: https://ipc.qld.schooltv.me/
International Women's Day Breakfast
We are excited to team up with the ladies from Soroptimist International Townsville Breakwater for their annual International Women's Day Breakfast, which will be held at our Edmund Rice Hall on Friday 14 March.
Tickets are on sale now - please see more information and QR Code below.
As part of the fundraising for the Townsville Womens' Centre, raffles are run at the breakfast. If you are able to donate a raffle prize, we'd love to hear from you! Please contact events@ipc.qld.edu.au

Students on School Grounds Outside School Hours
Ignatius Park College has an enviable co-curricular program that operates outside school hours for a number of activities. All these activities are supervised by College staff and operate with parent and/or College permission.
For students arriving at school before the school day begins and remaining behind after the school day concludes, supervision is provided by school staff from 8.10am until the start of homeroom at 8.30am and after the school day concludes at 3.00pm until 3.20pm. School bells ring at 8.10am and 3.20pm to indicate the beginning and end of this supervision.
Parents are reminded that unless students are taking part in supervised outside school activities, they will not be supervised by school staff except during the period from 8.10 am and until 3.20pm. Parents should ensure that suitable arrangements are in place to ensure the supervision of their students outside these times. While school gates will be open before and after these times, this is to provide access to staff and for students attending these supervised activities.
School Fees
The College Fee Schedule for 2025 can be viewed at https://www.ipc.qld.edu.au/enrol/fees/
Please be informed that timely payment of the school fees is mandatory. If you have defaulted a timely payment or have outstanding fees, please pay in full as soon as possible. Please contact the College Finance Team at finance@ipc.qld.edu.au or call 4796 0222 if you need further information.
School Fee Platform - Edstart
From Term 1 2025, all school fees including annual and periodic payments will be managed by Edstart. You can set up your Edstart account at edstart.com.au/ipc
Vilton Crasto | Director of Business Operations