Term 4 Week 8 College Newsletter
Acknowledgement of Country
From the Principal
Curriculum Corner
Identity and Mission
Director of Students
Pathways Hub
2024/25 Office Closures
IPC Cross at EREA National Office
2025 NZ Ski Tour
Message from Department of Transport & Main Roads
2024 National Parent Survey
Bus Service Information
Applications for Non State Schools Transport Assistance Scheme
Students on School Grounds Outside School Hours
School Fees
Acknowledgement of Country
From the Principal
Dear Parents and Carers
We had the pleasure of hosting the Year 12 graduation last week in the Edmund Rice Hall. From the procession of cars entering to the mother and son dance it was a fantastic evening, and a fitting celebration of the young men who are about to call time on their journey as an Iggy Park student. This event was then followed by our final College celebration on Friday as we farewelled our seniors as a whole community. I would like to acknowledge the work of this senior cohort in their leadership of the student body. The termly anti-bullying campaigns, the Stella Fella initiative, the blue brigade and the manner in which they represented the College at events such as ANZAC day, are all testament to their dedication and passion for this school.
On behalf of the whole College community, I would like to congratulate these students on their graduation and wish them all the best for the future. We know that they are well prepared to step out into the world and make their mark, while carrying on the tradition of excellence and service that Ignatius Park is known for.
Monday this week the work began on the Quad Redevelopment. There will be some disruption to the college as work begins however while I acknowledge that starting this project with two weeks to go is not ideal, by starting at this time we are ensuring that it will be complete for the start of the 2025 school year. The area will be fenced off and demolition works will be managed as best as we can to minimise the noise during learning time.
Next Monday, work will also begin on the full refurbishment of our science blocks. This will see the science labs out of commission for a term and a half, however we have put alternate plans in place to ensure continuity of learning within these subject areas. We have established two temporary labs in the old library space and have already reached out to partner organisations such as JCU to tap into their facilities in the new year for our senior students. This is a major project for the College, but it is also an exciting time as we embark on facilities improvements, in order to ensure that our boys have the best possible learning environments in order to meet that high expectation that we all hold for them.
This week we also welcomed our year 7 students for 2025 to the College for their orientation day. At this stage we have 182 new year sevens starting in 2025. We have had significantly more applications than we have available positions for next year, and the College is currently managing waitlists across most year levels. We have started the interview process for our 2026 year 7 students, and I would encourage anyone considering a place for 2026 to contact the admissions office asap.
I would like to wish all students the best for any upcoming assessments and exams. It is a timely reminder that at this time of year, our boys should be prioritising their studies over other activities as we really are in the home strait now with just under 1 week of classes to go.
I will be sending a letter out next week to all families with information for the 2025 year. The information will include school fees, changes to daily structures and information regarding next year. Please keep an eye out for it.
As this is the final newsletter for the year, I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for a wonderful year and look forward to continuing to work with the young men and families of Ignatius Park in 2025.
Have a Merry Christmas and a safe and happy new year.
Luke Thomson | Principal
Curriculum Corner
- 18 – 28 November Year 7-11 Exam Phase
- 5 December Year 7-10 Report Cards Issued
As we embark on this well-deserved holiday break, I would like to thank your sons for their hard work and dedication throughout the year. Now, it's time to relax, recharge, and cherish quality moments with loved ones. May the holidays for you and your sons be filled with joy and laughter - we look forward to welcoming you back for another exciting year ahead. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a safe and happy New Year.
Students and parents are reminded that our last day of teaching and learning in 2024 is Friday 29 November.
All year levels have assessment scheduled for this last week of school and it is expected that all students are in attendance. The assessment schedules can be found on the College website here: https://www.ipc.qld.edu.au/studies/exams-assessment-study-documents/
As per the College Assessment Policy, students who are unable to sit exams, submit assignments or require a variation to assessment conditions, are required to submit an AARA Application along with any supporting documentation. AARA applications are available from the College website using this link. Alternatively, hard copies are available from the Edmund Rice Office.
End of Semester report cards for all Year 7 to 10 students will be available for collection from the Edmund Rice Hall on Thursday 5 December between 10.30am – 11.30am. Please ensure all college resources (i.e. textbooks, borrowed laptops etc) have been returned to the Learning Resource Centre prior to collecting your report. Any damaged or lost resources must also be paid for prior to collecting.
Year 11 students will not receive a report card until the end of their Unit 3 in 2025.
Year 12 results are due to be released on Wednesday 11 December. Students will be able to access their final subject results and their Senior Education Profile (SEP) from their learning accounts on the myQCE website at: myqce.qcaa.qld.edu.au.
Depending on your son's subject selection and results, his SEP will comprise one or more of the following documents:
- Senior Statement: list of all QCAA subjects and results
- Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE): if eligible
- Queensland Certificate of Individual Attainment (QCIA): if eligible.
Additionally, Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC) has advertised that ATAR results will also be released on Friday December 13. Students who have not already done so, will need to set up an account with QTAC at: https://atar.qtac.edu.au/sessions/signin.
Students who have any questions about accessing their learning accounts on the myQCE website or their QTAC accounts should email curriculum@ipc.qld.edu.au or the College Careers Advisor, Ms. Fiona Williamson.
Students who will be in Year 9 – 11 next year will soon be emailed with their subject choices for next year. If students wish to make any changes to their subjects for 2025, a subject change form will need to be completed. Subject change forms can be collected from the Edmund Rice Office or please email curriculum@ipc.qld.edu.au for assistance.
Lesley Gardner | Director of Curriculum
Identity and Mission
Last week we farewelled the Graduating Class of 2024 with a fantastic Liturgy in the Hall. It was a great occasion mixed with prayer, reflection, memories and anticipation for the future. Thanks to everyone involved; parents, students and staff who made this a day to remember for the group - See Gallery below for pictures from the Liturgy.
Next Friday 29th is the last day for the rest of our amazing students. Year 10 students with their invited parents are involved in a Transition Liturgy from 11:15am in the Hall. An important rite of passage in the schooling Journey moving from Junior to Senior schooling. The Year 11's at the same time are involved in a Mass with Fr Joshy in the Chapel to commemorate their last day before officially taking on the "White Shirt" responsibility and living the "Rising Always" theme they have developed. Please remind your son/s to wear academic uniform next Friday 29th and that Year 10's and 11's will be dismissed from school at approximately 12:00pm at the conclusion of their respective rituals.
Year 7/8/9 cohorts are lucky enough to spend the full day at school next Friday 29th, participating in what is always a great Christmas Mass in the Hall from 2:00pm. They will have cleaned out their lockers and tidied their homerooms prior to this and will be dismissed from the Hall at the regular time of 3:00pm (2:50pm for early bus students).
Christmas Reflections
We know for sure that Santa Claus is coming to town; and so is Snoopy, Peanuts, Frosty, the Grinch, Rudolph, and more seasonal visitors than we may care to name. We also know that Jesus is coming, but he doesn’t advertise his arrival as relentlessly as these others so we aren’t sure quiet when. Will he arrive in time for the holidays? Too late to stop the next war? Too soon for me to acquire all the things I’d like to have in this world?
This is the Advent from which the season takes its name. Jesus is coming, and his advent is the one all these modern myths seek to recreate. Will Charlie Brown find the real meaning of Christmas? Only with a Scripture-quoting friend like Linus. With the Grinch get a life? Only if he opens his eyes to the world he’s always had. Jesus is coming all the time, but we won’t know it if we refuse to change. That is the purpose of Advent, to give us fair notice that it’s time to take time seriously.
For whom or what are you waiting?
Be a friend like Linus to someone who has not heard the message of the story of Bethlehem. Share your faith with someone who is still waiting for love to come.
The night is about over, dawn is about to break. Be up and awake to what God is doing.
Thank you for your support over the course of the year in all our major events – liturgies, retreats, fundraising, volunteering, your additional push from home is always welcome to entice the boys to give of themselves to something bigger in life.
I know we're still a little way away yet, but I wish you all a Merry Christmas and may the season of the Birth of Christ be a safe one for you and your families.
Mark Holmes | Director of Identity & Mission
Year 12 Graduation Liturgy
Director of Students
The Responsible Thinking Process at Ignatius Park College
In 2025 at Ignatius Park College, we are implementing the Responsible Thinking Process (RTP) to guide students in reflecting on their behaviour and making better choices. This is in response to surveys carried out, in which our own students have raised concerns about a small number of students impacting the learning environment for others. If a student is required to attend the RTP classroom in 2025, he will have the opportunity to think through his actions and discuss solutions with a staff member. As part of our commitment to open communication, parents will be notified if their son enters the RTP room via an email. This ensures families are informed and can support their son in making positive changes moving forward. Together, we strive to foster personal responsibility and growth. We look forward to the RTP having a positive impact not only on choices students make in the learning environment, but also on improved academic results.
If a student finds himself being sent to the RTC with regularity, there will be an intervention process which will involve parents and stakeholders who wish to see improvement in that young man. We are a community dedicated to managing and improving student behaviours and outcomes.
Riding E-Scooters to and from Ignatius Park College
From 2025, the policy below will be enforced at IPC. With the rise in popularity of e-scooters, IPC has developed a policy around their use. These vehicles do form a very real risk of safety to both students and others on the roads. This policy is in line with Queensland State Government Road rules, and requires our students to follow them. Beginning in term 4, the below expectations will be in place for students wishing to ride scooters to school. Non-compliance with these rules will result in student scooters not being able to be ridden home, parents contacted and the students being picked up.
Use of Electric Scooters
- All normal road rules need to be adhered to, including speed.
- Riders must maintain a safe distance from others.
- Helmets (bike or motorbike) must be worn.
- E-scooters need to be locked and stored in the caged area designated for bicycles at the college
- Students under 16 must be supervised by an adult whilst riding an e-scooter.
- Children under the age of 12 cannot ride e-scooters.
- There can only be a single rider at a time on scooters (no doubling).
Thank You to the Ignatius Park College Community
As another school year draws to a close, I would like to take a moment to express my sincere gratitude to the Ignatius Park College community for the unwavering support you have shown to your sons throughout 2024. It has been a year of growth, development, challenges and achievements, and none of this would have been possible without your dedication and involvement.
To the parents and guardians, your commitment to the academic, social, and emotional development of your sons has been invaluable. Your choice to send your son to Iggy Park says a lot about what you want in your young man. A kind heart, a nurturing soul, an inquisitive mind and a drive to better our world. There is an understanding that IPC can be challenging, we have standards in place and rules to follow which many educational institutions do not. At times our relationship may be tested, in a challenge around a haircut or a detention, however please know it is the development of your young man that is at the heart of everything we do. Your valued partnership with our staff has created an environment where our young men can thrive, and your encouragement at home has played a key role in their success.
To our teachers, mentors, and staff, thank you for your tireless work in guiding, inspiring, and nurturing our students. Pastorally, I am very proud of what we do as a school, and even more excited by the things we have in store for the future. Your genuine care for our students cannot be understated. We are a school based on relationships, and it is there that our students find a home – a place where they belong and a place where they thrive. The positive impact you have on their lives extends far beyond the classroom and will stay with them for years to come.
As we reflect on the many accomplishments of our students this year, we recognize that the support of our entire community—students, families, and staff—has made Ignatius Park College a place where young men are challenged, supported, and inspired to reach their full potential.
We look forward to another year of engagement. Engagement in growth, connection, and success in 2025.
Thank you once again for being such a vital part of our community.
John Deer | Director of Students
Pathways Hub
School-based Traineeship
We are happy to announce a school-based Traineeship. The successful student is Kye Connell (11 Rice) who has been signed up as a school-based traineeship with CrossFit Townsville. We would like to wish him all the best on securing this opportunity to gain skills and a qualification of Certificate III in Fitness whilst still at school.
Bionic Hand Workshop
As Ignatius Park College is a Gateway to industry school for Advanced Manufacturing, our year 10 Engineering and Design students got to take part in a Bionic Hand Workshop which gave students an insight into automation and robotics. Thank you to Erin and Levi for this engaging opportunity.
Holiday Placements
We have several students doing work experience during these holidays. It is now closed to register. Please also start thinking about registering for Easter Holidays. Work experience is a great opportunity for students to gain an insight into possible career matches and determine potential future pathways post school. If you would like more information about how to organise work experience, please contact the Pathways team.
Industry Placement Uniforms
To avoid any delays in receiving your embroidered Ignatius Park College Industry Placement Shirt and Pants for 2025. Please go into School Locker before December 15th, 2024, to purchase your uniform to be embroidered.
Industry Placement Packs from year 10s
Following their SET plan interviews in Term 3, the subjects your son has chosen will mean he will be part of the Industry Placement in 2025. For this to occur, the paperwork your son was given following his SET plan needs to be completed and is now overdue. If we do not receive this paperwork, we cannot place your son for work placement and subject enrolments may be delayed. If he did not receive any paperwork at the end of the SET plan interview, please let me know. I can follow up with your son and provide him with a pack to complete.
Holiday Season
As the holiday season approaches, I would like to thank you for your commitment to our college throughout 2024 and hope you all have a safe and merry Christmas spent with family and friends.
Zeb Kyle | Program Leader - Skills & Training
TCTC are now accepting 2025 enrolments for all year 10, 11 and 12 students wishing to complete a Certificate II and/or Certificate III TCTC course.
Enrolment application documents are available from our Heatley Secondary College Administration office on the corner of Fulham Rd and Hanlon St, Heatley or can be downloaded from website at –
Please call 4726 8333 to book an enrolment interview and bring completed application documents and proof of ID – Birth Certificate or Drivers Licence.
If you'd like further information please see Mrs Williamson.
Please note: these courses are run either in the afternoon or at night. 2025 timetable yet to be released - possibly find out during enrolment.
2024/25 Office Closures
The College Administration will be closed from 12:00pm on Thursday 05 December, 2024 and will reopen at 8am on Friday 06 December.
The extended Holiday closure will commence on Friday 06 December at 3:30pm until 8:00am on Monday 20 January 2025.
IPC Cross at EREA National Office
Year 12 graduate Ethan Conrad has left a lasting legacy with a cross that will be displayed at the new EREA national office in Melbourne. Ethan was tasked with creating a distinctive design that reflects the spirit of our school community. His cross will be hung in the national office, joining others from Edmund Rice schools across the country. The cross features both our school symbol and crest, each carrying deep significance to our community. An explanation of the design is below:
The symbol of the phoenix alludes to a powerful legend about a mythological eagle that rises from its own ashes and is reborn. This imagery was chosen for its connection to the name Ignatius, which comes from the Latin words ignis (meaning fire) and natus (meaning born of). The phoenix reflects the enduring spirit of Ignatius Park and the strong Christian foundation upon which the College is built. Like the phoenix, the ideals and faith that define us are eternal.
Just as the Cross is central to our lives, it also forms the heart of the College crest. In the top left of the emblem is a book, symbolising our pursuit of knowledge and understanding. In the bottom right, the Southern Cross evokes national pride, serving as a reminder of our country, our freedom, and our people. The blank spaces in the crest represent the areas of our lives that remain yet to fulfilled.
Red Ribbon
The red ribbon connects both the symbol and crest, representing the unity and mateship that defines Ignatius Park College. Long after students leave the College gates, our brotherhood binds us together, reflecting the lasting impact of our shared experiences.
2025 NZ Ski Tour
Message from Department of Transport & Main Roads
2024 National Parent Survey
Bus Service Information
Applications for Non State Schools Transport Assistance Scheme
Online parent applications can be made for Student Travel Assistance for Semester 2, 2024 via the School Transport website here: Non State Schools Transport Assistance Scheme (NSSTAS)
The following Programs are available to IPC parents/carers:
- Bus Fare Assistance Program (BFAP)
- Students With Disability (SWD)
Applications for Non State Schools Transport Assistance Scheme
Online parent applications can be made for Student Travel Assistance for Semester 2, 2024 via the School Transport website.
Programs available:
- Bus Fare Assistance Program (BFAP)
- Students With Disability (SWD)
Students on School Grounds Outside School Hours
Ignatius Park College has an enviable co-curricular program that operates outside school hours for a number of activities. All these activities are supervised by College staff and operate with parent and/or College permission.
For students arriving at school before the school day begins and remaining behind after the school day concludes, supervision is provided by school staff from 8.10am until the start of homeroom at 8.30am and after the school day concludes at 3.00pm until 3.20pm. School bells ring at 8.10am and 3.20pm to indicate the beginning and end of this supervision.
Parents are reminded that unless students are taking part in supervised outside school activities, they will not be supervised by school staff except during the period from 8.10 am and until 3.20pm. Parents should ensure that suitable arrangements are in place to ensure the supervision of their students outside these times. While school gates will be open before and after these times, this is to provide access to staff and for students attending these supervised activities.
School Fees
The College Fee Schedule for 2025 can be viewed at https://www.ipc.qld.edu.au/enrol/fees/
Please be informed that timely payment of the school fees is mandatory. If you have defaulted a timely payment or have outstanding fees, please pay in full as soon as possible. Please contact the College Finance Team at finance@ipc.qld.edu.au or call 4796 0222 if you need further information.
School Fee Platform - Edstart
As previously announced, the College has partnered with Edstart to improve our school fee payment options. From Term 1 2025, all school fees including annual and periodic payments will be managed by Edstart. To access your unique Edstart Plus sign-up link, please refer to the email sent on 20th November 2024 with the subject line ‘Set up payments to Ignatius Park College’. If you have not received this email please check your junk mail folder. You can set up your Edstart account at edstart.com.au/ipc
Please set up your Edstart account by 29th November 2024.
Vilton Crasto | Director of Business Operations