Term 3 Week 4 College Newsletter
Acknowledgement of Country
From the Principal
Dear Parents/Caregivers,
Living the Edmund Rice Spirit
Last week our community celebrated Catholic Education Week. For a Catholic School solidarity and justice are core dimensions of what we do, especially in a school that embraces the Edmund Rice Tradition. We are called to offer a different kind of education, an education that is purpose-filled with the intent of growing men into active citizens with a social conscience, an education that will lead to advocacy for the marginalised.
What underpins all we do are our values which are sourced firmly in the gospel. Educating young men to respect the dignity and value of each person is a crucial starting point. Together, we promote the respect of self and the respect of others, so that our young people can grow to adulthood. Such values are the ultimate non-negotiables of Ignatius Park College.
Also, last week Keegan Elrick (Year 12) won the Ignatius Park College - Deus Caritas Est Award for 2022 through his commitment to living his faith every day in the college. As part of this award Keegan received a bursary that he could donate to his favourite charitable organization. Keegan sent me the following email:
First, I would like to thank the school in my nomination for the Townsville Catholic Education Deus Caritas Est Award, it is an honour. I would also like to thank Townsville Catholic Education on not only the award but the opportunity to give back to the people that have shaped my life. Along with the award I was also given a bursary, which I will be donating to the Ronald McDonald House located in South Brisbane. The Ronald McDonald House charity has been a major part of my entire life as it has given myself and my family a place of residence for weeks and sometimes months at a time, while I received treatment for my disability. As my mother often says, “without their help and kind nature we would not be where we are today.” Without these kind souls I would not be able to walk, nor would I be able to achieve what I have. On behalf of the Elrick family, thank you for everything you have done.
Again, congratulations Keegan on this wonderful achievement that reflects the true Edmund Rice spirit.
Keeping Students Safe
Ignatius Park College as a school in the Edmund Rice tradition is committed to the safety of all students entrusted into our care. All students and young people who come to Ignatius Park College have a right to feel and be safe. We are committed to providing a child-safe and child-friendly environment, where students and young people are safe and feel safe and are able to actively participate in decisions that affect their lives.
This week Mrs. Johanna Smith and I attended the first national EREA conference on Child Safeguarding with a focus on Standard 8: Safe Physical and Online Environments. One of the keynote speakers was Mr. Robert Fitzgerald, who was the Commissioner of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. He reflected on how school’s have established have committed necessary resources to ensure compliance with all protection laws and regulations in maintaining a child-safe culture. His concern, however, was with the impact of social media and the safety of young people who are interacting with various digital platforms outside of school hours. The difficulty for the College is that we have little control with the activity’s students engage with in the evening, that can have impact on their social and emotional well being and ultimately their learning.
Mr. Fitzgerald advised from the Royal Commission that all members of our community need to be aware of how online technologies can be used to facilitate grooming and other behaviours such as image-based abuse and sextortion. For parents, it can be difficult to monitor your son’s online activities but suggested the following strategies to avoid or help minimize risks, such as:
- Use of current security tools and privacy settings
- Only having online contact with people known and trusted, and assessing the reliability of online sources, and
- Skills for dealing with difficult online situations such as unwanted communications or requests
A recent survey of teenagers found that 30% had engaged online with people that were unknown, 16% had been excluded from social groups, 32% had been bullied online and between 73% - 93% of boys have had exposure to pornography from 13 years old. Since Covid the eSafety Commission has seen a 340% increase in complaints and an 86% increase in image-based abuse. As a College community is important that we work collectively together to ensure that your son’s online relationships are healthy, positive and respectful. Students need to understand the legalities of online activities and if they receive inappropriate images or messages to contact police, the Office of the eSafety Commissioner and internet and social media providers.
Agencies that can assist young people with issues related to online environments include:
- Youth Law Australia – yia.org.au
- eSafety – safety.gov.au
- Australian Centre to Counter Child Exploitation – https://www.accce.gov.au/
- Bullying No Way! – bullyingnoway.gov.au
- Reach out – https://au.reachout.com/
Next week we farewell Mr. Grant Rossiter who has faithfully served Iggy Park for some 23 years. We will sincerely miss his presence, wisdom and professionalism and wish him well on his new journey at JCU.
Cowboys Challenge and Aaron Payne Cup
Today both the Cowboy Challenge and Aaron Payne Cup was played at Iggy Park. This is the first time for many years that we have had a home game on the College campus. It was wonderful to see the Iggy Spirit in force around the field with students wearing their “Blue Brigade” T Shirts in solidarity with our teams. Congratulations to all involved.
Saint Mary of the Cross
Next Monday (8th August) is the feast day of Saint Mary of the Cross (Mary MacKillop - Australia’s first saint) which marks the anniversary of her death in 1909. In the book “Patrick Ambrose Treacy: Christian Brother, Enterprising Immigrant” by Regis Hickey, we are reminded of the influence that Mary MacKillop and the Josephites had on the newly arrived Brothers in Australia when moving out to the country to establish schools in regional centres (page 31).
“Br Ambrose Treacy in many collecting tours throughout the country districts knew how valuable was the education he was offering. He also knew of the great contribution Mother Mary MacKillop had made to the education of the children in the bush, sending her sisters to the remotest parts where, living in difficult conditions, they brought education and faith to the children”.
Let us give thanks to the vision, spirit and legacy of Saint Mary of the Cross.
Prayer to Mary MacKillop
God of the pilgrim Mary MacKillop trusted your guidance in her journey of life and deepened her confidence in your will. May we renew our trust in your Providence to lead us in hope. May we relish the scared in the ordinariness of our lives. May we grow in the fullness of your love and the depth of your mystery. We ask this through Jesus Christ the way, the truth and the life. Amen
Live Jesus in our Hearts. Forever.
Shaun Clarke | College Principal
Identity and Mission
Dear Parents & Carers,
BBQ Trailer
This year we have taken possession of our new IPC BBQ trailer. It has had a few trial runs and now in full swing use! With the grant obtained from The Pacific Christian Bros Association and some school fundraising, we aim to use this trailer as a part of our community engagement and social justice program. Getting out there to ‘feed the hungry’ and make connections with those in our community less fortunate than ourselves. The trailer will also feature at school events and functions, so be sure to check it out next time you see it!
SVdP Homeless Sleepout 2022
Every year, Year 10’s from IPC get involved in the St Vincent de Paul Homeless sleepout. Homelessness is not just a metropolitan issue. It touches all parts of our great state and that’s what our involvement in the Vinnies Sleepout is all about. It’s about shining a spotlight on homelessness in Townsville and North QLD. It’s about advocacy and supporting locals who are doing it tough, often people not much older than our students. On Thursday 11th August, a group of dedicated Year 10’s will once again come together in solidarity to join in a state-wide effort to do something about it.
Participants will take part in an experiential event where they are given nothing more than a piece of cardboard, a cup of soup and bread for dinner and will brave the cold for one night whilst learning about some of the harsh realities faced by those experiencing homelessness and disadvantage. We wish all those well participating this year.
Mark Holmes | Director – Identity & Mission
Set Plan Information
Following the subject selections for Year 11 2023, Students and Parents are required to attend a SET Plan Interview which will take place on Friday 19 August.
Interview bookings will open on Monday 8 August and bookings can be made through Parent Lounge (as per normal process). Interview bookings will close on Sunday 14 August 5pm.
Shane Dove | Director of Curriculum
Pathways Hub
As this is my last newsletter article, I would like to wish the senior students ‘all the best’ and hope that they continue to work hard to secure apprenticeships / jobs or are rewarded with the desired ATAR to be offered their preferred university course. It has been a pleasure to work at Ignatius Park for the past 23 years and in that time, I have held numerous positions. My life has been enriched by the many wonderful opportunities that the College has provided and also by some excellent colleagues and students who have made my work a vocation rather than a job. I hope that I see many of the boys around the community or at JCU in my new position as a Careers Counsellor.
School-based Apprenticeship secured
We are happy to announce that Tekelu Mene (12 Nolan) has been signed up as a school-based apprentice with Newlands Group. Teke has attended two industry placement weeks with Newlands and his hard work and good attitude have secured him this wonderful opportunity. Congratulations Teke!
Upcoming Industry Placement
All the Year 11 and 12 Industry Placement students will be out gaining valuable work experience and skills in 7 Week, starting 22nd August until 26th August. This is a fantastic opportunity for the Year 11s to try different trades/occupations and for the Year 12s to hone their skills and impress potential future employers. Reminder:-year 12s are to find their own placements during term 4 and trial for apprenticeships.
The students will be issued with their logbooks by Friday 12th August 2022. Students are expected to call their employers no later than Wednesday 17th August. This call will be to confirm the placement, address, attire etc. In their logbooks, there is a guide on what to say and ask. If students are nervous or unsure about making their call, they are welcome to come to the Pathways Office and we are happy to assist.
As the school is a member of the gateway to advanced manufacturing, these industry placement weeks, in a trade related field, form part of a structured workplace learning program. As such, students receive feedback from employers on their employability skills and with 4 weeks of placement completed along with a number of written / reflective tasks they are able to gain two QCE points.
QTAC (Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre)
On Thursday night the 28th of July both JCU and CQU had and open Online Chat Session. This was important information to assist our current year 12 students with their QTAC applications. They explained the process of how to apply on the portal, make changes and various other bits and pieces. Some important dates are listed below.
The 2nd of August saw QTAC applications open for 2023 courses.
This also means that ATAR account registrations is now open (QLD year 12s).
JCU Bachelor of Business Information Session ( Wed 3rd August )
Dr Alf Kuilboer, a JCU Lecturer in Business, spoke to a number of interested senior students about business courses and the advantages that completing the Diploma of Business brings to potential JCU students. He explained the process of how students apply, possible majors and job related careers that may be attained.
Work Experience
All paperwork for trying work experience during the September Holidays is due by Friday the 2 of September. So far, we have 2 students who will be doing work experience during these holidays.
WORK WINDOW ( VR Work Experience )
We now have 4 VR Headsets in the Pathway Hub that are available for students to come and try a virtual career path during 1st break each day. To book in please come to the pathway hub and write your name down on the booking sheet. They are a valuable tool to use getting a glimpse of possible future careers. We would particularly encourage Year 10s to register if they are interested in one of the listed careers.
Grant Rossiter | Dean of Pathways
Iggy Under The Stars
A night of creative celebration
Edmund Rice Hall at Ignatius Park College will come alive on Friday 19th August to celebrate our talented, creative art students in a one night only performance and exhibition. This year Iggy Under the Stars will showcase our amazing bands, upcoming film makers, talented musicians and drama enthusiasts. Not forgetting the creative Visual Art and Film Television and New Media students who will be exhibiting their work in the Star Gallery Exhibition.
Do not miss this wonderful event where you will be entertained by the stars of the future. Event commences at 6pm with nibbles by Year 11 Hospitality students. Drinks available for purchase from the bar.
All tickets $10 each at https://www.trybooking.com/CBMMK On sale now!
See you at Iggy Under the Stars.
Thank you for your continued support of our students in their creative endeavours.
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Counselling Corner
This past Thursday, July 28th, the Healthy Minds Project (HMP) Crew went on their 2nd Workshop Day to learn what actions needed to be taken to get our ideas off the ground! The boys participated in activities that focused on team building, leadership, and elements of communication. One of my personal favourites, was when another school asked for the ‘Just Dance’ videos to be played at break. It was awesome to see so many young people, who are literally strangers to each other, engage in a dynamic, energising, and epic activity together!
I can’t wait for this year’s HMP Crew to unveil their ideas to the Iggy community as part of Mental Health Week in Term 4, Week 2.
“Ideas are useless unless used” – Theodore Levitt
Mrs Derwent |Student Counsellor
School Fees
Please be informed that timely payment of the School Fees is mandatory. If you have defaulted a timely payment, or have outstanding fees, please pay in full as soon as possible. Please contact the College Finance Team at finance@ipc.qld.edu.au or call (07) 4796 0222 if you need any further information.
Ignatius Park has partnered with Edstart to assist parents to manage their School Fee payments. You can pay weekly, fortnightly or monthly by choosing a plan that suits your budget. This is an application-based process. There are no credit applications and no transaction fees or interest charges when using Edstart Pay+ for your IPC fees.
Visit edstart.com.au/ipc for more information on Edstart payment options.
Vilton Crasto | Business Manager