Term 4 Week 2 College Newsletter
Acknowledgement of Country
From the Principal
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
The Sprint to the end
Welcome back to Term 4 and the race to the finish line for the 2022 academic year. The Term promises to be a busy one as we consolidate and extend our students’ learning. Many of our Year 12’s are preparing for their final examinations and have worked diligently throughout the year to ensure they are ready for this final assessment. Irrespective of which year level your son is in, it is important that your son continues to lift his application to work and set himself high standards.
This year’s theme “Every Stride done with Pride” challenges all our students to set high expectations. High expectations are the foundations of a successful learning culture. While every student is at a different point on their learning journey and possesses a unique set of gifts, every student can strive to be the best that they can be. Success is not always measured by the number of ‘A’s’ on a report card, but more by whether students are progressing and moving ahead in their learning. This takes self-discipline, organisation and resilience. These are the qualities upon which I hope Iggy Park will continue to develop. This term needs to be a “sprint to the end”.
Strategic Plan Launch
Last week at our College assembly we launched our 2022 – 2025 Strategic Plan. Our strategic plan is entitled “Future for All” and looks towards the future, empowering our students to take risks, be innovative and seize any opportunity thrown their way.
The Alice Springs Education Declaration that was agreed by all states and territories in 2019 calls us to be places of excellence and equity where our students are confident individuals, successful lifelong learners, global citizens and active and informed members of the community.
Our strategic plan is about preparing our students for the world as they experience it. It is a world of increasing and rapid change, where adaptability, flexibility and the ability to read the signs of the times are imperative to liberating their human potential – to becoming who they can be and equipping them to contribute to their world through our Touchstones and the spirit of Blessed Edmund Rice.
Our strategic plan is committed to helping every learner develop as a whole person, fulfil his potential and help shape a shared future built on the well-being of individuals, communities and the planet. We want to abandon the notion that resources are limitless and are there to be exploited; that we all need to build a community based on the value of common prosperity, sustainability and well-being. It is about developing strong partnerships where we bring the outside world into our classrooms that encourages every student to be the very best they can be, no matter what kind of learning challenges they may face.
We have refined our mission and vision as a College:
Our Mission: In partnership with families and the wider community, we strive to promote learning that encourages excellence within an inclusive curriculum framework based on Gospel values and inspired by the charism of Edmund Rice.
Our Vision: We aim to contribute to create respectful young men who are inspired, life-long learners and active participants in their community.
Our strategic plan “Future for All” calls us to prepare our students for the changing world – developing within them strength, optimism and a moral compass to build a positive and sustainable world.
The strategic plan for the College can be accessed by the following link:
Mental Health Week
This week is Queensland Mental Health Week. This year’s theme is ‘Awareness, Belonging, Connection’ and is about raising the awareness of mental health and strategies we can use to support ourselves or someone else to reduce the stigma associated with mental health. This week our students have been asked to “wear their heart on their sleeve”. This concept has come from a person named Mitch Wallis who shared a video of his story, describing his immense battles with anxiety, depression and a lifetime of mental illness. He spoke about the conflict he felt between having the “perfect” outside life on social media, whilst suffering deeply beneath the surface.
All our students this week were given a white heart to pin on the sleeve of their shirt to remind them that as “Brothers” they can start a conversation and have a sense of belonging and connection. Likewise, it is our hope that our Year 12’s who complete their schooling in the coming weeks that they will also take that connection with them.
Mental Health Week
College Car Park
Please be aware due to the delays in getting trades people on site, the College entrance via the swimming pool will not be available until Wednesday, 19th October. Please be aware access to the College campus from this date onwards, will be by the pool entrance. Parents attending the Awards Night will be able to access entry to the campus through this entrance.
School Travel
Parents and carers are reminded that the Non-State Schools Transport Assistance Scheme that assists eligible families with the cost of traveling to school is now open, applications for Semester 2 2022 now open online and close on 31 October.
Further information is available on the following link:
Success in Sport
During the holidays our students competed in both basketball and rowing. Our open basketball team are the Queensland Basketball Championships with 7 wins and 0 losses in the second division. Our rowers also participated in the State Regatta in Bundaberg. I know we were successful in many races, but a highlight was Riley Masters and Noah Lau winning the 2022 Queensland Open Boys Pairs Championship.
Last week our students competed in the 2022 Queensland All Schools Touch Football competition with our seniors winning the Grand Final. Congratulations to all teams who have represented the College over the past three weeks.
Deadly’s Award
Thank you to all members of our College community who attended the Deadly’s Awards last night. It was a wonderful celebration of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and their achievements throughout the year. Congratulations to the follow student who received awards:
- Ergon Energy Careers Aspirations Award - Jack Prior (11 Putney)
- QATSIF Leadership Award – George Abednego (12 Rice)
- Marilyn Parsons Reconciliation Staff and Student Award – Georgia Stayte and Riley Innes
- Lochlan Kennedy Deadly Bala Award for 2022 – Jamal Shibasaki (12 Rice)
2023 Student Leadership
Congratulations to the following students who have been nominated by both students and staff to be our student leaders for 2023:
- Jude Foyle
- Daniel Mosch
- Nate Rasink
- Nicholas Rowan
- Liam Sutton
- Mitchel Waldon
All candidates who applied for the positions were exceptional and should be proud of their achievement and the wonderful leadership skills they possess.
The 2023 College Captain, Vice-Captain and prefects will be announced at the Awards Evening next Wednesday evening.
Interhouse Swimming Carnival
We wish all the Houses the best of luck in the swimming carnival tomorrow.
Prayer for Mental Health Week
Heavenly Father,
giver of life and health:
Comfort and relieve those challenged by serious and chronic mental
and emotional illnesses.
Give your power of healing to those who minister to their needs,
that they may be strengthened in their weakness and
have confidence in your loving care; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Live Jesus in our hearts. Forever
Shaun Clarke | Principal
Identity and Mission
Welcome back to Term 2 Everyone.
We don’t slow down here at Ignatius Park, with many things happening in the world of our Term 4 Touchstone – “Inclusive Community.” Before I outline that, during the September holiday break 5 of our Year 11 Peer mentors nominated to attend a 3 day leadership conference, hosted by EREA and held at Nudgee College. I thank Ms Mackenzie Taylor for accompanying the boys on what was a great few days networking and developing their school leadership capacity. Here is what some had to say about the inaugural event:
“The interactive sessions were very engaging and gave great insight into what is involved in servant leadership, what it means to be a good leader and how to lead well within the school community, and also how to effectively plan and deliver initiatives.” – Daniel Mosch
“The keynote speakers that they presented to us taught us about each of the four touchstones and how we can apply it to our everyday lives, as well as how we should live out our last year as high school students to the fullest of our ability. Overall the event was incredibly insightful and really opened my eyes to how much of an opportunity leadership can be.” – Nathaniel Barton
I am sure next year’s Year 11’s will benefit greatly from the development of this program.
Term four in the world of social justice sees us now working towards raining some money for Catholic Missions. This will involve a gold coin free dress day for “Battle of the Bands” day with a sausage sizzle and soft drinks being sold for $2 each. We have also obtained a ‘donation machine’ that will be in the tuckshop that the students can swipe (amount is set to $2) that in an ever increasing cashless society will hopefully generate some worthwhile funds for this great cause.
Later in the term will see the shift focus to St Vincent de Paul and the annual Christmas appeal. More info to come on that in the next few weeks.
Thanks everyone and God Bless.
Mark Holmes | Director – Identity and Mission
Pathways Hub
Holiday Placements
During the September holidays, 12 students attended work experience. It is now time to start thinking about Christmas/New Year Holidays. Work experience is a great opportunity for students to gain an insight into possible career matches and determine potential future pathways post school. If you would like more information about how to organise work experience, please contact Miss Campbell or Mrs Vignale in the Pathway Hub. Below are some pictures from September work experience.
My New Gallery
Industry Placement
Industry Placement for year 11s will be happening in week 5 of this term (31 October to 4th November). Year 12s have the option to trial for apprenticeships during external exam period. This program is invaluable for enhancing our students’ employability skills and provides the opportunity for them to have a ‘real life’ work experience. We truly hope the students gained valuable life skills and now better appreciate the world of work.
The students will be issued with their logbooks by Friday 21 October 2022. Students are expected to call their employers no later than Wednesday 26 October (week 4). This call will be to confirm the placement, address, attire etc. In their logbooks, there is a guide on what to say and ask. If students are nervous or unsure about making their call, they are welcome to come to the Pathways Office and we are happy to assist.
School-based Apprenticeship
We are happy to announce that Hayden Lunn (12 Rice) has been signed up as a school-based apprentice with the HJ Constructions NQ. Hayden has worked with this company before being signed up during the September school holidays.
Change of Placement forms
If year 11 students wish to change placements for Term 4, they must have the purple Change of Placement form completed and lodged with the Pathways office by Friday 21 October 2022 (Week 3).
Vet and Industry Placement (Blue Forms)
Year 11s who are currently doing Industry Placement have received a blue form from their homeroom teachers. This is to organise their Industry Placement for 2023, even if they are returning to the same employer a new contract will need to be signed. This needs to be completed and returned as quickly as possible to the pathway hub, by the Monday 24th of October (Week 4). This helps us to make way for the new year 11s in 2023.
SET Plans Interviews
Thank you to our parents and students who have completed their SET Plan Interviews. There are still a few outstanding but we are getting to them as quickly as possible. Also, a reminder to complete all your paperwork for Industry Placement and return this to the Pathway Hub to secure your place for next year. Thank you to the families who have already completed and returned their VET/Blended pathway packs.
Kelsie Campbell | Acting Program Leader - Pathways
Year 11 Leadership Breakfast
The Leadership Breakfast is the first event your son will attend as part of the 2023 Senior Class. Presentations from their elected School Leaders regarding themes and projects for the 2023 year, as well as taking part in the school tie ceremony, where students will be presented with their senior ties, will form part of the breakfast.
Year 11 students and up to 3 guests are invited to attend the breakfast. This is a special occasion for our students.
Date: Friday 28 October 2022
Time: 6.30am – 9:00am – please arrive promptly for breakfast.
Where: Edmund Rice Hall
Cost: $45 per student [ Includes Senior Tie and Breakfast] and $35 per adult attending
Please note that this is a hot buffet style Breakfast
Tickets can be purchased through TRYBOOKING – https://www.trybooking.com/CBVLD
If you have any queries or concerns do not hesitate to contact our events team.
Tickets are available for purchase until Wednesday, 19 October at MIDNIGHT.
Please take note - Next year your son will require a change of uniform.
All Year 12 students wear a short sleeved white shirt with the College Crest on the pocket, grey tab shorts with a black belt and an IPC tie.
The Senior shirt is available from The School Locker domain central.
Your son will be presented with his senior tie during the Year 11 Breakfast.
John Deer | Dean of Student Wellbeing
College Awards Evening
All Parents and Carers of Students who are receiving an award at the College Awards Ceremony next Wednesday evening have now been emailed.
If you Son/s is receiving an award and is unable to attend, could you please notify the college via this email address:
It is compulsory for Year 11 and Year 12 Students to attend, if your Son/s cannot attend could you please email his pastoral leader.
All students attending the College Awards are asked to please wear Full Academic Uniform.
Indigenous and multicultural Coordinator
The 2022 Iggy Park Deadlys took place last night in the Hall and again the night was a success. This was an opportunity for the College community to celebrate the year IPC has had moving forward with Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Education and with the progression of Reconciliation in our community.
Highlights of the event included the performance of the Wulgurukaba Walkabouts Aboriginal Dance Troupe and the NRL Cowboys House Torres Strait Islander Dance Troupe, as well as several students who were recognised for their contribution to the College Indigenous Programs. Congratulations to Jack Prior (11 Putney) who was awarded the Ergon Energy Career Aspirations Award, George Abednego (12 Rice) who was awarded the QATSIF Leadership Award, Georgia Stayte and Riley Innes awarded Staff and Student Marilyn Parsons Reconciliation award and Jamal Shibasaki (12 Rice) who was presented with the Lochlan Kennedy Deadly Bala Award for 2022.
Jaelen Feeney | Indigenous and Multicultural Coordinator
Enrolment News
The College is encouraging all Parents and Carers to please check and update family details incase of changes in Parent Lounge.
If you are having troubles remembering your Parent Lounge log in detail, please phone the College reception 07 4796 0222
The College are accepting Enrolments for Year 7 2023 and 2024. We strongly encourage all our existing families if you have a younger Son/s due to attend in 2023 or 2024 and you have not yet enrolled to please enrol as soon as possible.
From the Classroom
YEAR 11 Engineering
Year 11 Engineering students are studying the forces in Truss structures by building Geodesic domes. First, they performed calculations to come up with an optimal design, now they are in the process of building prototypes. The team with a prototype that most closely matches their design will win the challenge that concludes next week. This challenge will prepare them for their upcoming excursion to JCU to collect data for their first Year 12 assessment piece.
Tom Lucas | Teacher
Truss Structures
Year 11 Art Excursion
Last Thursday 6 October, the Year 11 Visual Art students visited the Perc Tucker Gallery as part of their assessment. The students viewed two exhibitions in which downstairs is an exhibition by local artist from the Burdekin, Cutler Footway, and upstairs features artworks by local artists in the 67th Townsville Art Society Awards. The students gained insight to the high level of local talent and to gain inspiration for their own art folios in their future studies.
Andrew Hodgson | Art Teacher
Art Excursion
School Fees
Please be informed that timely payment of the School Fees is mandatory. If you have defaulted a timely payment, or have outstanding fees, please pay in full as soon as possible. Please contact the College Finance Team at finance@ipc.qld.edu.au or call (07) 4796 0222 if you need any further information.
Ignatius Park has partnered with Edstart to assist parents to manage their School Fee payments. You can pay weekly, fortnightly or monthly by choosing a plan that suits your budget. This is an application-based process. There are no credit applications and no transaction fees or interest charges when using Edstart Pay+ for your IPC fees.
Visit edstart.com.au/ipc for more information on Edstart payment options.
Vilton Crasto | Business Manager
Community News
The North Qld Police Service Academy is holding an Open Day on Saturday 5th November 2022 from 9am to 1pm.
- The Queensland Police Service (QPS) Open Day is your opportunity to learn everything you need to know about a challenging and rewarding career with the QPS.
- Find out more about life as a police recruit, see demonstrations from our specialist units, try your hand at the obstacle course or kick start your recruitment application process at an information seminar.
- Our officers will be available to answer questions about the recruitment process, career pathways, daily life as an officer and more.
- Whether you’re interested in General Duties, Scenes of Crime, Water Police or joining the Dog Squad this is your opportunity to find out more about a career with the QPS.
QPS Open Day Townsville
- Saturday 5 November 2022
- 9am – 1pm
- North Queensland Police Service Academy, 26 Heatlys Parade, Rowes Bay
- Register today: QPSOpenDayTownsville.eventbrite.com.au