Term 4 Week 4 College Newsletter
Acknowledgement of Country
From the Principal
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Acknowledging our Diversity
A gift of our College is the diversity of cultures that makes up our Iggy Park community. Our Touchstone “Inclusive Community” calls to welcome all people from different nationalities, races, and religious beliefs. Acknowledging and embracing diversity and including people from different backgrounds brings us new information, ideas, and viewpoints that help us understand ourselves and others. Last week the College celebrated “Heritage Week”, where students had the opportunity to dress in their traditional culture and experience food from around the world that included various cultures and flavours. It was a wonderful week allowing our College community to celebrate the diversity of cultures within our school. Thank you to Mr. John Deer and the senior leaders who organised this week.
EREA Celebrating 15
On 1st October 2007, a new governing authority Edmund Rice Education Australia (EREA), was established to oversee the 55 schools across Australia. This new authority replaced the four Christian Brother Provinces that governed their schools within their region. The changes saw the establishment of this national educational authority (EREA) and the Oceania Province for the Christian Brothers that included all of Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, and the Philippines. Below is a message from the EREA Council on celebrating 15 years of governance.
Our Students are our Future
Thank you to all our college community members who attended our Awards Evening last week. My address was on our need to prepare our students for the future. Below is an excerpt from the Principal’s address:
We all know that education has the power to transform lives. It supports young people to realise their potential by providing them with the skills and knowledge they need to participate in, contribute to and shape the future, ensuring a place of justice and peace for all.
To achieve excellence in education, we must be inclusive of all learners, ensuring they develop strong foundations in literacy and numeracy that will empower them to engage in the depth and breadth of our curriculum. In doing so, they will develop the skills and knowledge they require to thrive in times of social and technological change and complex environmental, social and economic challenges. Within this context, it is vital that our young men develop the capabilities that allow them to be flexible, collaborative, global-minded citizens with the resilience and creativity to be lifelong learners.
Our faith tradition – which sees the infinite potential of each person - challenges us to stand up in solidarity with others to make a genuine difference in the world. The challenge for us as a Catholic educational community is to create a place of learning that engages young people with the Catholic faith and is filled with life, hope, and meaning within this diverse and challenging context.
At Ignatius Park College, we have always embraced as a gift the personal narrative of each of our young men, understanding that it is in the story that we find the connections that continue to build the brotherhood, moving us from strangers to friends. It is through this narrative that we acknowledge the life journey, culture, and personal interests that contribute to the questions our young men pose, the answers they may seek, the possibilities they see, and the ways they come to know the truth. As we journey and care for our boys, we more deeply come to know the rich tapestry and diversity of each young man and their family as well as the local and global communities to which they belong. We also gain insights into their interests, passions, aspirations, and questions they have in their life and for the future. It is this feeling of being known, valued, understood, and loved that provides the foundation for belonging and connectedness that leads to learning success and is fundamental to the culture and tradition at Iggy Park.
Pope John Paul II stated: The future starts today, not tomorrow.
2023 Student Leaders
Congratulations to the following students who were announced as student leaders for 2023 at the Awards Evening.
College Captain - Nicholas Rowan
Vice-Captain- Daniel Mosch
Perfect Gospel Spirituality - Jude Foyle
Prefect Justice and Solidarity - Nate Rasink
Prefect Liberating Education - Liam Sutton
Prefect Inclusive Community - Mitchel Waldon
Success on the Sports Field
Congratulations to both Keegan Elrick and William Baker, who made the Queensland Athletics team. William Baker, the Queensland high jump, and Keegan won the 200m and long jump and third in the 100m in his category. The Australian titles will be held in Adelaide.
World Teachers Day
Tomorrow is World Teachers Day in Queensland. This year’s theme is ‘teaching through every moment and recognises the many ways teachers provide support and inspiration to our students daily. Our most outstanding leaders are those who are servant leaders. For our teachers at Iggy Park, their role is not a position but a vocation; they get their hands dirty and lead by example without hope or desire for reward. I thank them on behalf of a grateful College for the outstanding servant leadership of our College staff.
Author John W Schlatter wrote these beautiful words, which I dedicate to the teachers in our College:
I am a Teacher. I was born the first moment that a question leaped from the mouth of a child. I have wept for the joy at the weddings of former students and laughed with glee at the birth of their children. Despite the maps, charts, formulas, verbs, stories, and books. I have really had nothing to teach, for my students have only themselves to learn, and I know it takes the whole world to tell you who you are. I am most fortunate of all who labour. I have a presence that is challenging, adventurous, and fun because I am allowed to spend my days with the future. I am a teacher …and I thank God for it every day.
Redevelopment of the College Car Park
Please be aware that the College Car Park near the pool has now been redeveloped. Within the new design, drop-off and pick-up zones are directly next to the swimming pool and learning resource area. The redeveloped car park now has 16 drop-off and pick-up zones, and parents/carers must know that vehicles must move in one direction around the car park. This is indicated in the car park, and we would ask parents not to block the thoroughfare of the car park by double parking.
School Travel
Parents and carers are reminded that the Non-State Schools Transport Assistance Scheme that assists eligible families with the cost of travelling to school is now open, applications for Semester 2 2022 are now open online and close on 31 October. Further information is available on the following link:
Year 12 Prayer
This week our Year 12 students commenced their external assessment. We keep them in our prayers and thoughts in the final weeks of their schooling.
God, we ask that they especially feel your closeness during this time.
Give them calm hearts and quiet confidence in the knowledge
that you hold them in the palm of your hand.
Holy Spirit send them your gifts of wisdom and knowledge.
Live Jesus in our Hearts. Forever
Shaun Clarke | Principal
Identity and Mission
Dear Parents and Carers,
I want to say thanks for supporting the “Catholic Missions” fundraiser day – Free Dress and BBQ. We raised over $1,600 (the exact figure still to come) for Catholic Missions month, an endeavour all Catholic Schools in Australia get behind each year.
I know we do not “see” it before us, but I know our donations and charity does go to helping those in need. Our country has people who ensure all funds raised are appropriately utilised. It is something that everyone is weary of (a new scam every minute!) but rest assured, the values and principles of our advocacy organisations are 100%. We are helping and making a difference!
We held our Year 10 Retreat on Wednesday. There was a last-minute change of location due to the hot and humid weather and the threat of rain. However, the boys had a great day and engaged well. They reflected on themselves and their personality, how they would work together in their senior years to come, utilise the values of Edmund Rice to forge a core foundation of ‘good spirit’ within themselves and work together as a team to accomplish challenges. I thank all the Identity & Mission staff, as well as Homeroom teachers, for their involvement in the day as well.
The Commissioning
Are you ready for new directions? We are ready. Are you sensitive to what is just and fair? We know the way to go. Is welcoming part of your way, part of the way of our Christian community? We are welcoming individuals; we are a welcoming faith community. Are you ready to make amends? Are you ready to be forgiven? We are prepared for a fresh start. You know the embrace of God. The living God be praised. Amen.
I hope you have a great fortnight.
Mark Holmes | Director – Identity and Mission
Pathways Hub
Industry Placement
Industry Placement for Year 11’s is happening next week (31 October to 4th November). If your son cannot attend placement, please remember to contact the employer and Kelsie Campbell at 0438 185 403. If the employer is not working on Melbourne Cup Day, the student is expected to attend school instead. If you have any queries about this, please contact Kelsie Campbell. Year 12’s can trial for apprenticeships during the external exam period. This program is invaluable for enhancing our students’ employability skills and provides the opportunity for them to have a ‘real life’ work experience. We truly hope the students gained valuable life skills and now better appreciate the world of work.
Student have now received their logbooks. Please check that your son has contacted their employer by phone to confirm their placement, address, attire etc. In their logbooks is a guide on what to say and ask. If students are nervous or unsure about making their call, they are welcome to come to the Pathways Hub, and we are happy to assist. Completed logbooks are to be returned to the Pathway Hub no later than Friday, 11th November.
Holiday Placements
It is now time to start thinking about Christmas/New Year Holidays. Work experience is an excellent opportunity for students to gain insight into possible career matches and determine potential future pathways post-school. If you want more information about organising work experience, don't hesitate to contact Miss Campbell or Mrs Vignale in the Pathway Hub.
Vet and Industry Placement (Blue Forms)
Year 11’s currently doing Industry Placement have received a blue form from their homeroom teachers. This is to organise their Industry Placement for 2023; even if they return to the same employer, a new contract will need to be signed. This must be completed and returned as quickly as possible to the pathway hub by Friday 28th of October (Week 4). This helps us to make way for the new year 11’s in 2023. Thank you to all the families who have already handed their forms in. Those who have not, please ensure this is completed and returned by Friday.
A group of Year 10 students attended TAFE Bohle Campus last Thursday for the CSQ Try’a trade day. This is an excellent initiative from CSQ to give students a taste of different trades. Students were involved in plumbing, civil construction, bricklaying and carpentry. Students were able to complete hands-on activities with the teachers from TAFE, which gave them a real insight into whether or not that trade may be something they could see themselves doing in the future. An industry representative from RMS Engineering and Construction gave an informative talk to students about the demands of the industry and the multiple pathways available to them. The students had an excellent time, and I encourage Year 10 students in 2023 to put their name down for this wonderful day.
Kelsie Campbell | Acting Program Leader - Pathways
Year 11 Leadership Breakfast
A reminder this takes place tomorrow morning.
Date: Friday, 28 October 2022
Time: 6.30 am – 9:00 am – please arrive promptly for breakfast.
Where: Edmund Rice Hall
Just so you know - Next year, your son will need a uniform change.
All Year 12 students wear a short-sleeved white shirt with the College Crest on the pocket, grey tab shorts with a black belt and an IPC tie.
The Senior shirt is available from The School Locker domain central.
Your son will be presented with his senior tie during the Year 11 Breakfast.
John Deer | Dean of Student Wellbeing
The Army Museum North Queensland is putting on a Remembrance Day display from 8th November to 22nd November 2022.
Please feel free to contribute towards the display with an interior or exterior displays, illustrations, paintings or collages.
This year our theme is “ANIMALS AT WAR”.
This is a wonderful opportunity for our school to highlight the imporcritical animals played during World War 1 and 2, and more recent conflicts such as Afghanistan, Iraq etc.
All entries can be given to Mrs Drummond, our, Defence School Mentor.
Carolyne Drummond | Defence School Mentor
Enrolment News
The College is encouraging all Parents and Carers to please check and update family details in case of changes in Parent Lounge.
If you are having trouble remembering your Parent Lounge log-in detail, please phone the College reception at 07 4796 0222
The College is accepting Enrolments for Years 7, 2023 and 2024. We strongly encourage all our existing families to please enrol as soon as possible.
School Fees
Please be informed that timely payment of the School Fees is mandatory. If you have defaulted a timely payment, or have outstanding fees, please pay in full as soon as possible. Please contact the College Finance Team at finance@ipc.qld.edu.au or call (07) 4796 0222 if you need any further information.
Ignatius Park has partnered with Edstart to assist parents to manage their School Fee payments. You can pay weekly, fortnightly or monthly by choosing a plan that suits your budget. This is an application-based process. There are no credit applications and no transaction fees or interest charges when using Edstart Pay+ for your IPC fees.
Visit edstart.com.au/ipc for more information on Edstart payment options.
Vilton Crasto | Business Manager