Term 4 Week 8 College Newsletter
Acknowledgement of Country
From the Principal
Dear Parents and Carers,
Marc Bolan once stated, “Time passes so slowly if you are unaware of it and so quickly if you are aware of it”. This quote reminded me that it only seemed like yesterday that we started the year and now some four terms later we are completing the academic school year. As I reflect on our many achievements throughout the year, I would like to thank all members of the College community who have supported us in so many ways. Ignatius Park College is a special community and I have been touched by the countless opportunities for our students to engage in a variety of activities within the culture of the college that is so evident in our newsletters and on Facebook. This is possible due to the dedication of our amazing staff members who are incredibly talented, passionate, and spirit-filled, who go beyond their duty as teachers and non-teaching staff to ensure your son is supported both academically and pastorally. I offer my humble and deepest thanks for the hard work and presence of our teaching and non-teaching staff who continue to provide the best education and personal development for all at the College.
Farewelling our 2022 Graduates
Last Friday I was privileged to attend the Year 12’s final liturgy. This liturgy was a wonderful celebration of our senior students and the deep sense of “Brotherhood” that they had for each other. The liturgy through word, poetry, and music allowed them to reflect on their cherished memories and experiences that they have encountered over the past six years at the college and how that has made them truly “Iggy Men”. Both Riley Innes and Oliver Oh gave a heartfelt speech on what that College has given them, and they will always remember “The Park”. The liturgy was an important Rite of Passage not only through the “Tunnel of Love” where the whole College community farewell the students, symbolizing that this chapter in their life closes and a new one opens but also that their character and values have been formed through their presence at Ignatius Park College and living the vision of Blessed Edmund Rice. This vision is lived in our college through our Touchstones and within the liturgy our Year 12’s were reminded that these need to be their moral compass beyond the boundaries of Iggy Park.
In my address to all Year 12’s I reminded them that:
Your time at Iggy Park began as young boys, you leave here as fine young men. I hope you leave this College with a strong moral compass; you respect women and never forget where you are coming from. I am so proud of each of you and I hope that you continue to be gentlemen who make a positive difference in the world.
Please remember that:
Being Male
Is a matter of birth,
Being a Man
Is a matter of age
Being a Gentleman
Is a matter of choice
Year 12 go forth in your journey being Gentleman, with Jesus by your side.
Gentlemen, you have now completed your education here at Iggy Park, an education grounded on the values of Jesus Christ, informed by the charism of Blessed Edmund Rice. I encourage you to use the lessons learnt and values witnessed to serve as a very sound platform to launch yourselves into your futures. While we know Iggy Park has been an important part of your life journey, it is now your time to create your own destiny.
But, as your travel along the path less travelled, remind yourself frequently of the following:
- Always keep the values you have acquired from Iggy Park in your heart
- Always allow Jesus to be a companion along your journey
- Always remain faithful to your beliefs
- Always maintain the relationships you have formed at the College
- Do not be afraid to travel the path less travelled, be confident, be resilient, be brave.
It has been an honour and a pleasure to watch you grow into the young gentlemen that are here before me, today. As a College:
We will miss you.
We will miss the bantar,
We will miss the interactions,
We will miss the stories and successes of your life journey. Remember to keep in contact.
We will miss your friendship
But now it is time to go forth Class of 2022, with pride and the acknowledgment that you are sons of Ignatius Park College.
Year 12 Final Liturgy
Movement of Staff
Unfortunately, a number of staff will be leaving us at the conclusion of this year, and I would like to thank them for their dedication and commitment to Iggy Park over the years. They include:
- Johanna Smith who has gained a leadership position at Ryan Catholic Secondary School
- Damien Tehan who is moving to Brisbane to be with his family
- Casey Raeside who has gained a position at Assumption College, Kilmore, Victoria
- Monica Kolb who is retiring
- Larissa Di Bella who working with North Queensland Cowboys
- Matthew Mitchell who has gained a position at St. Paul’s College, Kempsey, NSW
- Sheena King who has gained an executive position with Townsville University Hospital
- Matthew Fanning who is traveling overseas
- Steven Lansley who has gained a position at Southern Cross Catholic Secondary School
- Christian Power who has gained an apprenticeship with Ergon
- Andrew Keane and Mrs. Marg Hodgson will be finishing at the College
- Rebecca Irvine who has gained a position at St. Anthony’s Catholic Secondary School
There is a departing member of staff in particular who deserves special mention: Mr. Brian Geaney who retires at the end of this year. Brian is an old boy of the College and has been on the staff for over 34 years. Brian or BG as he is known, has been an icon and legend within the school and has touched the hearts of many students. He will leave a great legacy at Iggy Park and we will always be indebted for the gift of his presence and years of service. We wish Brian all the best on his retirement journey.
Cowboy House Awards
Last week I was fortunate to attend the Cowboys House Awards Night. Ignatius Park College has currently sixteen students who reside at Cowboys House. I was proud to see many of our students receive awards from Cowboys House for their commitment to their studies, community, and the boarding house. More students from Cowboys House attend Iggy Park than any other school in Townsville. I would like to congratulate Year 12 students who have graduated from the house: George Abednego, Brody Ah Kit, Josiah Daniel, Elijah Joe and Tekelu Mene.
Cowboys House Awards
Collection of Reports and 2022 Yearbook
Parents and carers are reminded that final reports for students will be available from the Edmund Rice Hall next Thursday, 1st December from 11.00 am – 12 noon. Copies of the 2022 Yearbook will be available for students to collect. Year 12 students can collect their 2022 Yearbook from the front office from next Tuesday.
Our call to the Advent Spirit
As a College, we need to continually challenge societal norms and values that are not Christ-like and decisions that exclude those on the margins. As Christians we need to continually challenge ourselves and realise that our greatest joys in life are rarely found in the relentless pursuit of selfish ambition – that selfish desires always leave us lacking and searching for more. God calls us to live for something greater than ourselves. Our contribution to this world has to be measured by something more meaningful than the size of our house or the neighbourhood where it is located and how much we earn. Our life should be measured by how we can empower others and be of service to others who don’t have a voice in our society. Our college motto “Seek Truth” challenges us to be truly Gospel people and live the vision of Blessed Edmund Rice, who inspired by Christ’s story opened his heart to God and made a difference in his world by challenging the status quo of his time.
As we enter the Advent season and prepare for the birth of Jesus Christ may we give generously to those in need in our society? I wish all members of our College community a Holy and safe Christmas and thank you for the support of the college throughout the 2022 academic year. Reminder school commences for Year 7 on Monday, 23rd January and Year 8 – 12 on Tuesday, 24th January 2023.
“Christmas is the privileged occasion to highlight one of the most influential Christian values: with the birth of Jesus, in the simplicity and poverty of Bethlehem, God gave back dignity to every human being’s existence. He offered to all people the possibility to participate in his same divine life. May this immeasurable gift always find hearts ready to receive it!”
Pope John Paul II
Live Jesus in our Hearts. Forever.
Shaun Clarke | College Princpal
Identity and Mission
Dear Parents and Carers,
We know for sure that Santa Claus is coming to town; and so is Snoopy, Peanuts, Frosty, the Grinch, Rudolph, and more seasonal visitors than we may care to name. We also know that Jesus is coming, but he doesn’t advertise his arrival as relentlessly as these others so we aren’t sure quite when. Will he arrive in time for the holidays? Too late to stop the next war? Too soon for me to acquire all the things I’d like to have in this world?
This is the Advent from which the season takes its name. Jesus is coming, and his advent is the one all these modern myths seek to recreate. Will Charlie Brown find the real meaning of Christmas? Only with a Scripture-quoting friend like Linus. With the Grinch get a life? Only if he opens his eyes to the world he’s always had. Jesus is coming all the time, but we won’t know it if we refuse to change. That is the purpose of Advent, to give us fair notice that it’s time to take time seriously.
For whom or what are you waiting?
Be a friend like Linus to someone who has not heard the message of the story of Bethlehem. Share your faith with someone who is still waiting for love to come.
The night is about over, dawn is about to break. Be up and awake to what God is doing.
Thank you for your support over the course of the year in all our major events – liturgies, retreats, fundraising, volunteering, your additional push from home is always welcome to entice the boys to give of themselves to something bigger in life.
I wish you all a Merry Christmas and may the season of the Birth of Christ be a safe one for you and your families.
Mark Holmes | Director – Identity & Mission
Pathways Hub
An opportunity for Year 12 students looking for extra revision and tuition. JCU offers holiday workshops over three days for Year 12 students. Current subjects include English, Chemistry and Maths Methods.
- Workshop 1 - 11-13 January 2023 (CNS & TSV)
Maths Methods:
- Workshop 1 - 9-11 January 2023 (CNS, TSV & MKY)
- Workshop 1 - 9-11 January 2023 (CNS & TSV)
- JCU Cairns, Nguma-bada campus, Smithfield
- JCU Townsville, Bebegu Yumba campus, Douglas
- JCU School of Medicine and Dentistry, Mackay Base Hospital
- Early Bird rate: $325
- Full price: $375
- Book before 26 December 2022 to get $50 off the full price
Please use the link below to register if you’re interested.
School-Based Apprenticeship
Congratulations to Josh Chiplen who signed up this week for a school-based apprenticeship as a Boilermaker with Wulguru Group. An excellent achievement for Josh!
Vet and Industry Placement (Blue Forms) – Urgent
Year 11’s who are currently doing Industry Placement have received a blue form from their homeroom teachers. This is to organise their Industry Placement for 2023, even if they are returning to the same employer a new contract will need to be signed. This needs to be completed and returned as quickly as possible to the pathway hub. If your son has misplaced his form, please can he come and collect a new one. Thank you to the families who have already handed their forms in. Those who have not, please ensure this is completed and returned by Friday.
Industry Placement Packs from year 10s
Following their SET plan interviews in Term 3, the subjects your son has chosen will mean he will be part of the Industry Placement in 2023. For this to occur, the paperwork your son was given following his SET plan needs to be completed and returned by Friday, the 25th of November. If he did not receive any paperwork at the end of the SET plan interview, please let me know. I can follow up with your son and provide him with a pack to complete.
Holiday Placements
Thank you to the students who have got back to us regarding work experience during the holidays. This is a great opportunity for your son to gain a little insight into what they potentially see as a job. The next round will be Easter 2023.
Kelsie Campbell | Acting Program Leader - Pathways
Defence Corner
On Remembrance Day our flags flew at half-mast and the school fell silent as we united in solemn respect to remember those who served and died at war. Year 12 student Henry Teutau played the Last Post while staff and students gathered in the Edmund Rice Hall to reflect on the commitments made by our defence personnel and their families. Henry’s mother who flew in from New Zealand also joined us for the service. A melancholic rendition of The Last Post echoed the ghosts of our past through every single note, connecting our students with our National Service history.
Our new 2023 student leaders represented the College at the Remembrance service held by the RSL at Anzac Park on the Strand. Nick Rowan our College Captain for 2023 laid a wreath on behalf of the College while wearing his father’s medals with pride. This event was a great opportunity for our new leaders to learn about the importance of our defence history and how to represent our school with honour and integrity.
Remembrance Service - Anzac Park
This year our Defence School Mentor asked all students in Homeroom to write inspiring words or prayers on the back of small colourful poppies. These were strung up outside the Defence Mentors Office as a symbol of respect, service and courage. Our Defence Mentor thanks all students who wrote such touching and thoughtful words for those who have died at war.
Lest We Forget
Carolyne DrummondDefence School Mentor
Report cards for year 7 to 10 students will be available for collection between 11.00 am – 12.00 pm from the Edmund Rice Hall on Thursday 1 December. Students will also receive their 2022 Year Book at this time.
If students are unavailable to collect their report cards on Thursday, they will be available for collection from the Front Office until 12.00 pm on Friday 9 December.
Report cards will not be available on Parent Lounge until the new year.
Shane Dove | Director of Curriculum
Mr Lucas’ Year 11 Engineering students teamed up with The Cathedral School to complete their annual excursion to James Cook University. Over the course of the afternoon, they completed experiments, collected data for their first Year 12 assessment piece and toured the facilities.
The College has a strong ATAR Engineering program that has led many students into tertiary engineering studies over the last few years. The boys were great ambassadors for the College and we look forward to the excursion next year, which will be in brand new facilities at the university.
Thomas Lucas | Teacher
Year 11 Engineering Excursion
Instrumental and Ensemble Music
We have had a tremendous year in music this year and we are looking forward to a big 2023!
Our music department is taking enrolments now for both Music Instrumental lessons and Ensembles.
Ignatius Park offers one-on-one music lessons in Guitar, Bass, Drums, Piano, Ukulele, Vocals, Songwriting and Music Theory.
We are also recruiting and forming new music ensembles. These bands rehearse once a week and have performance opportunities all throughout the year.
They are contemporary focused where students learn to play Rock, Pop, Funk, Jazz, Hip Hop, Country and Reggae to name a few. All students are welcome to join.
Below are enrolment forms and info sheets to be completed and returned if you would like your son to participate in 2023.
If you have any questions please contact Miss Tess Higgins: tess.higgins@ipc.qld.edu.au
Tess Higgins | Coordinator of Instrumental and Ensemble Music
Music at IPC
The school sports and co-curricular group photographs are now available for purchase.
Please refer to the below ordering information.
All photography enquiries should be directed straight to Advanced Life Parent Team via the Advanced Life website.
Sports and Co-Curricular photography list:
Basketball Year 7
IPC Rowing
Rugby Union Year 7 and 8
Basketball Year 8
Journey To Jobs
Rugby Union Year 9 and 10
Basketball Year 9 and 10
Junior AFL
School-Based Apprentices and Trainees
Bill Turner Cup U15 Soccer
Junior Netball
School of Origin Netball
CBSQ Junior Basketball
Junior T20 Cricket
Senior AFL
CBSQ Senior Basketball
Library Monitors
Senior T20 Cricket
Challenge Games
Middle School Leaders
Social Senior Basketball
College Captains
Sons of Old Boys
College Leaders
Music Ensemble
Spelling Bee Champions
Debating Year 11 and 12
North Queensland Sports Representatives
Student Leaders and Prefects
Debating Year 7 and 8
Open Football
Surf League
Debating Year 9 and 10
Open Mixed Touch Football
Townsville to Cairns Charity Bike Ride
EREA National Football Tournament Year 11 and 12
Peer Mentors
U13 Touch Football
EREA National Football Tournament Year 9 and 10
U15 Rugby League
Faith In Action
U15 Touch Football
Healthy Minds Project
Queensland Sports Representatives
Vicki Wilson Cup Netball
Readers Cup Challenge
Water Polo
House Captains
Rugby League First XIII Aaron Payne Cup
House Captains
Interschool Athletics
Rugby League Year 7
Year 12
Interschool Chess
Rugby League Year 8
Year 12 Muck Up
Interschool Cross Country
Rugby League Year 9
Interschool Swimming
Rugby Union First XV
You can now view and purchase the group images listed above and if you place your order before 26/11/2022 you will get a 20% early order discount.
Just click on the link below to order.
Please note the discount will be automatically applied at checkout.
Images can also be viewed by visiting www.advancedlife.com.au entering the code: XGN L8P RBG and clicking on “Group Photos”
- Sports and co-curricular group photos can only be purchased online, PLEASE DO NOT return the payment to your school.
- If your child's group or team is scheduled to be photographed at a later date, you will receive an additional email notification when the images are ready to be ordered
- Photos will be returned to your school for distribution approximately six weeks after the discounted early order period has closed
- Past years' photographs including sports, co-curricular and representative groups are also available at your school's advanced order and your child's advanced you photo sites.
Advanced Life would like to express our appreciation to Ignatius Park College for placing your trust in us.
Please remember we offer a 100% money-back guarantee on our products to ensure your peace of mind.
We would also love to receive your feedback or resolve any issues you may experience, to ensure your satisfaction. If you have any questions, comments or feedback relating to your Advanced Life experience, please contact us at www.advancedlife.com.au/contact
Alix Harrington | Marketing and Communication Coordinator
Library Resources
With the end of the year fast approaching, it is a good opportunity to remind all students and families of their responsibilities regarding the safe return of all Library resources borrowed. As per College policy, once students are no longer in need of their loaned resources, they need to be returned to the Library by the student himself so that individual borrowings can be cleared. It is important to note that each textbook has a unique barcode attached, and this barcode is how we can identify which textbook is issued to each student. For this reason, we ask that students ensure they are always in possession of their textbooks for safe keeping and not mix them up with other students.
Any resources not returned by the end of week 8, or damaged in any way, will need to be paid for via the College office BEFORE any report card will be issued.
Thanks as always for the wonderful support and care shown of our Library resources. If families have any concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Pudy Timbs | Learning Resource Coordinator
Friendly reminder for parents to please contact enrolments@ipc.qld.edu.au if your son/s is exiting the College this year or if a Year 7 student is commencing in 2024 as interviews have commenced.
School Fees
Please be informed that timely payment of the School Fees is mandatory. If you have defaulted a timely payment, or have outstanding fees, please pay in full as soon as possible. Please contact the College Finance Team at finance@ipc.qld.edu.au or call (07) 4796 0222 if you need any further information.
Ignatius Park has partnered with Edstart to assist parents to manage their School Fee payments. You can pay weekly, fortnightly or monthly by choosing a plan that suits your budget. This is an application-based process. There are no credit applications and no transaction fees or interest charges when using Edstart Pay+ for your IPC fees.
Visit edstart.com.au/ipc for more information on Edstart payment options.
Vilton Crasto | Business Manager