Term 1 Week 4 College Newsletter
Acknowledgement of Country
From the Principal
Dear Parents and Carers,
This week has been a challenging week for our whole College community. I have appreciated the positive feedback received from parents on our prompt communication regarding the incident. As a College, the safety and protection of your son is our highest priority and as soon as we were notified of the charges by the police, the College took definitive action. We continue to be advised by police that the alleged offences identified do not involve students from the College, nor are they a risk. I will continue to communicate with all parents, as per letters already sent, and as I receive any updated information from the police. An incident like this has an enormous impact upon us all within the College community and our student counsellors are available to support your son. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any areas of concern.
Gathering together - Blue and White: We unite
Last Thursday, our entire College gathered for the Year 12 Induction liturgy for this academic year. The students deserve much praise for the way they presented on the morning and for their reverent participation throughout our liturgy. It was also lovely to welcome the many parents who joined the students and staff for our celebration. Our liturgy welcomed our new Year 7 students to the College community and commissioned our Year 12 students as they prepare for their final year of school. Although we were celebrating both students beginning at the school and those who will finish this year, the focus of the celebration was on our journey together, united as one community.
It says much about our place as a Catholic school in the Edmund Rice tradition that we begin our academic year in communion together for God’s blessing on our endeavours. It demonstrates great strength and potential in our unity as a College Community whereby we can share in our commitment to live our Gospel values and seek the best for the students in our care.
Nick Rowan, our College Captain read the letter of St Paul to the Romans who stated that if we are to prosper and grow, we need to be a united body. St Paul challenges us that if we are to grow and change, we must renew our mindset that calls us to be people who work collectively together as one, not being egocentric, selfish, inconsiderate to others, and materialistic. He made the communal aspect very explicit to that community when he stated. “I say to everyone among you not to think of yourself more highly than you ought to think.” In other words, think less about yourself and more about others, more about the community.
Our 2023 theme “Blue and White: We unite” calls us like St Paul to be one community. The success of this College over the past 54 years has been about a strong collective vision that is deeply enriched through both the Jesus and Edmund Rice story. Although our own individual diversity that we bring is a wonderful gift to this College, our true strength lies in the unity amongst us all, it is this unity that builds the culture of this College that allows us to pass on our rich sense of history and tradition and what it means to experience “The Park”. It is sometimes not until students are in Year 12 that they truly understand the need to be connected as one group and through this sense of connection, deeply experience what “Brotherhood” means in this College.
The highlight of the liturgy was the commissioning of our senior leaders with their blazers. This is an important symbol and it represents their commitment to leadership, to their pride in the school and the values and traditions of the College that has been passed on by generations of leaders before them.
Wearing the blazer today is a visual sign of their commitment to their individual leadership role within our College community, but collectively they are one, connected through our Touchstones to be leaders who authentically live the charism of Blessed Edmund Rice and leave a legacy for others to follow.
Parents are asked to be aware that from this year that students in Year 7 will receive only one dose of the HPV vaccine. This vaccine is given as part of the Queensland School Immunisation Program (SIP) and provides protection against an HPV-related disease, including cervical cancer, head and neck cancer, genital cancers, and genital warts. Please refer to the fact sheet on the following link
Advisory Council
Our College Advisory Council plays an important role in working collaboratively with the Principal and the EREA, ensuring that we are faithful to the Charter for Catholic Schools in the Edmund Rice Tradition and quality stewardship in offering the best possible learning community at Ignatius Park College. The College Advisory Council has responsibilities in strategic planning, school improvement plans, master planning and capital works, approving policies, compliance with EREA Risk Policy and procedures and ensuring our authenticity to the Touchstones. Mr Jeff Doyle and Mr Kieran Keyes finished their college tenure at the end of last year. I sincerely thank both Jeff and Kieran for their passion and dedication to the Council over the years. Therefore, two positions have now become available on our College Advisory Council, and all members of our College community are welcome to apply. The Council would appreciate any applicant that can bring a wealth of experience and expertise to enhance the Council's operations. If you are interested in applying, please contact Mrs Debbie O’Brien at Debbie.Obrien@ipc.qld.edu.au and request an expression of interest form. All forms to be submitted by COB next Friday,24 February.
Commencement of Lent
Next Wednesday, the college celebrates the commencement of Lent with the distribution of ashes. The ashes, which all the College community receive in their House groups, are a sign of our humanity; that from ashes we come and ashes we will pass. The ashes are made from the burning of palms from a previous Palm Sunday. At Ignatius Park, the Phoenix is an important symbol within our college. The Phoenix, a bird from Greek mythology, is a stunning representation of what Lent really means. Such as the symbolic meaning of Lent where there is a cycle of death and rebirth the Phoenix, once they turn old, catches on fire, burn, and from the ashes becomes a new being. Ash Wednesday reminds us that we are merely ash. The Phoenix it is a symbol of rebirth and Lent calls us to be people who strengthen our relationship with God and to give ourselves to others.
This year the theme of Project Compassion is “For All Future Generations,” and reminds us that the good we do today extends to impact the lives of generations to come. It invites us to make the world a better place by working together now and finding long-term solutions to global issues.
Next week on Shrove Tuesday, our Breakfast Club will recommence for our students. Any donations of spreads for toast would be appreciated as the team feeds over two hundred hungry boys every morning. Donations can be left at the front office.
Interhouse Swimming Carnival
Finally, I would like to thank all students who attended and supported our Interhouse Swimming Carnival last Friday. In the six years, I have been Principal of the College, it was one of our best carnivals with a strong Iggy Park spirit and collegiality. The students were outstanding. There may have been some rivalry between the houses but there was a wonderful sense of “Brotherhood”, demonstrated by the comradeship of each other and captains getting into the pool helping the slower swimmers. It is a wonderful example of what it means to be an “Iggy Boy”. Congratulations to the Rice House, who won the carnival.
Project Compassion Prayer
God of all generations,
We thank you for those who have gone before us,
especially those who have cared for your earth
and who inspire us to help respect your creation and contribute to its healing.
We thank you for those with whom we share our lives today,
especially those who work for justice and peace.
May we welcome the opportunity that Lent brings to walk more closely with you,
especially through fasting, almsgiving and prayer.
We thank you for the challenge of the future.
May the cross of Jesus remind us that only love finds a way forward.
As we work with big hearts, may we join with Mary in her hope
that from now on all generations will experience the great things you will do through us.
We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Live Jesus in our Hearts. Forever.
Shaun Clarke | Principal
Identity and Mission
I hope you are settling into the routine of Term 1 by now. We had a great official start to the year last week with our Induction Liturgy and Year 7 Welcome to IPC Country, which was great, a real positive start to the year, unlike, unfortunately, previous ones.
As we enter into the liturgical season of Lent starting next week, it is important we look inside ourselves, who we truly are and maybe who we wish to become. We eat fruit to keep us healthy.
We ‘take in’ many elements around us that also keep our minds healthy as well. In what has been a disrupted first Term, I hope we can eat some ‘heart fruit’ to nourish ourselves before the sacrificial time of Lent beginning next week with Ash Wednesday.
What kind of heart-work do you need to do to rid yourself of the damage of the past?
Don’t let anything keep you from the goodness God desires for you. Take your heart to a specialist: a priest, counsellor, spiritual director, someone who loves you. Let go of what binds you and seek only goodness.
It’s who you are, not what you say and do, that counts. Your true being brims over into true words and deeds.
Upcoming Identity Events
We have a few things coming up in the next couple of weeks. Please make sure you email me if you would like to be part of these special events in any way, more help and involvement, the merrier!
Week 4
- Wednesday – BAILLIE House Mass in Chapel 8am
- Wednesday P5&6: Catholic Studies Volunteering starts
Week 5
- Wednesday Ash Wednesday Liturgy – 8:30am in the Hall
- Thursday Assembly: I&M overview and first Touchstone award for the year
- Thursday: Project Compassion Fundraising starts + Project Compassion Advocacy Lessons in Jnr RE Classes
Mark Holmes | Director Identity and Mission
Curriculum Corner
Tutorials, Study Sessions and Assessment Support at IPC
Tired of arguments with your son about homework? Struggling to help him with assignments? Not sure how to assist with exam preparation?
If this is you, encourage your son to take advantage of the many tutorial and study sessions available at Ignatius Park College. Regardless of his year level or subject selections, support is available for every student in the school. Check out everything we have on offer below.
Homework Program
When: 3:00 pm-4:00 pm, Monday – Thursday
Who can go: all students
Where: Waterford Place Resource Centre
What happens here: Teachers on duty supervise and provide assistance for students from all year levels with their homework, studies and assessment.
Help a Brother Out (HABO)
When: 3:00 pm-4:00 pm, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
Who can go: any year 7, 8 and 9 students
Where: Room 106
What happens here: Senior students assist year 7, 8, and 9 students with assessment and understanding classwork.
Senior Science Tutorial Tuesdays (SSCIT)
When: 3:00 pm-4:0pm, every Tuesday
Who can go: Year 11 and 12 students undertaking science subjects
Where: Waterford Place Resource Centre
What happens here: Specialist senior science teachers provide assistance with coursework and assessment. Biology and Chemistry teachers are rostered on in even weeks whilst Chemistry, Psychology and Physics teachers attend during odd weeks.
Senior Study
When: 3.00 pm – 6.00 pm, every Wednesday
Who can go: Year 11 and 12 students only
Where: Waterford Place Resource Centre
What happens here: an opportunity for senior students to work on assessment, homework and revision in a collaborative environment. Teachers are rostered on each evening to supervise and provide assistance.
Lunchtime Study Room
When: First lunch break, Monday to Friday
Who can go: all students
Where: Waterford Place Resource Centre (Level 2)
What happens here: Quiet study, classwork revision, assessment. Experienced Faculty Leaders are rostered on each day to supervise and provide expert assistance.
The testing schedule for Ignatius Park College is below:
Monday, 20 February | Naplan Practice Test | Year 7 | Periods 3 and 4 Year 9 | Periods 1 and 2 |
Wednesday, 15 March | Writing Test | Year 7 | Periods 3 and 4 Year 9 | Periods 1 and 2 |
Thursday, 16 March | Reading Test | Year 7 | Periods 3 and 4 Year 9 | Periods 1 and 2 |
Monday, 20 March | Language Conventions Test | Year 7 | Periods 3 and 4 Year 9 | Periods 1 and 2 |
Tuesday, 21 March | Numeracy Test | Year 7 | Periods 3 and 4 Year 9 | Periods 1 and 2 |
Students will need to ensure they have the following items for each day of testing;
- Fully charged laptop + charger
- Pencil case
- Earphones (not Bluetooth)
Should you have any concerns regarding NAPLAN or your son’s participation, please email tim.lindeberg@ipc.qld.edu.au. Further information can be provided on the application.
Shane Dove | Director of Curriculum
Pastoral / Well-being
Could all members of the community please be aware that there is a new sensor installed at this crossing.
There are Red rectangles painted on the ground next to the pole where the button to cross is located. When pressing the button to cross, you have to be standing in the red rectangle, otherwise the sensor will not trigger and the lights won't change green.
This is the case for the two buttons in the middle of the road and also on the other side of the road. The change has been made in an attempt to limit misuse of the crossing (people riding their bike along the road and just hitting the button on their way past) and inconvenience road users. Please be aware of this new procedure.
Pathways Hub
School-based Apprenticeship
We are happy to announce that Lachlan Hutchings (12 Reid) has been signed up as a school-based apprentice with Tracpower. Congratulations, Lachlan, on securing this opportunity to gain skills and qualifications whilst still at school.
White Card Courses
Today and tomorrow our Year 11 VET students are completing their White Card courses. This is a mandatory requirement of the construction industry is that all workers, including industry placement students, undertake a General Construction Safety Induction (White Card) before entering a construction worksite. This is a valuable certificate for students to obtain and essential for their safety.
The students are being issued with their actual White Card, which they need to take with them on industry placement (if in a construction occupation). They will be emailed a Statement of Attainment (SOA) to their school email. Once received, this SOA should be saved and kept with their resume and course details.
Upcoming Industry Placement
All the VET and Industry Placement students will be out on industry placement in Week 7 (March 6 to 10). This is a fantastic opportunity for the Year 11s to try different trades and for the Year 12s to begin to secure their future careers.
All students going on industry placement will have an induction next Thursday, 23 March. They will be going through industry placement expectations. The students will be issued with their logbooks by Monday, 28 February 2022. Students are expected to call their employers no later than Wednesday (1 of March). This call will be to confirm the placement, address, attire etc. In their logbooks, there is a guide on what to say and ask. If students are nervous or unsure about making their call, they are welcome to come to the Pathways Office and we are happy to assist.
Work Experience
Any year 10 or senior student wishing to organise a week of work experience during the Easter Holidays needs to have finalised all the necessary paperwork by Friday, 17 March. If you are unsure what you need, please come to the Pathway Hub and Mrs Vignale can assist you. At this stage, we have no students wanting to do work experience during these holidays to ascertain if a certain occupation is a good fit for them.
Zeb Kyle | Program Leader Skills and Training
Careers Hub
The Masterclass opportunity will help interested students prepare for the UCAT - an entrance exam for Medicine/Health Science Courses. It is for any Year 11 or 12 students who are interested in participating in the free UCAT Mock Exam Day (M.E.D.) coming up on 26 February 2023.
It's the largest worldwide online UCAT mock exam, hosted by UCAT Masterclass.
It gives students the chance to:
- experience the unique exam in our UCAT exam simulator,
- receive their mock UCAT score,
- learn their percentile rank against other candidates, and
- View a detailed breakdown of how they performed in each section.
Students can access the exam by creating a free account, here:
The UCAT Handbook is available for any students who are interested but aren't quite sure what's involved in the UCAT.
Mater Education: Healthcare experience launches in Townsville
Have you heard the exciting news?
Mater Education is launching High School Health Adventure in Townsville on April 4 and 5!
High School Health Adventure is a fantastic opportunity for students in Years 10-12 to experience a day in the life of a health professional, giving them a real taste of a rewarding career in healthcare.
This is a hands-on, immersive experience based at our Mater Private Hospital Townsville education campus across two days.
Students will don scrubs and learn how to perform CPR, dress wounds, take vital signs, suture, support patients and their families through medical procedures and much more.
They'll meet experienced health professionals including nurses, paramedics, physiotherapists and doctors.
Townsville Hospital Work Experience
The Townsville Hospital and Health Service (THHS) would like to offer Years 10, 11 and 12 students within the Townsville area the opportunity to attend our High School Health Careers Program.
The High School Health Careers Program (HSHCP) will again be based upon simulation education models that offer high challenge and low-risk, hands-on activities designed to engage adolescents and impact career choices. The range of health careers the students will have the opportunity to explore will include nursing, midwifery, and medicine as well as, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, psychology, radiology, speech pathology, nutrition and dietetics, social work, pharmacy, medical sciences and exercise physiology.
Student groups will rotate through a variety of experiences including simulated clinical practices and a focused guided tour. Each group is facilitated by an experienced health professional who will provide them with the opportunity to discuss their own career goals. These hands-on experiences are designed to actively engage the students in a variety of activities reflecting the daily tasks associated with their chosen profession.
The 1-day program will be offered six times in 2023 on the following dates:
- Term 1 Wednesday 15th March 2023 – applications close Wednesday 1st March 2023
- Term 2 Wednesday 19th April 2023 - applications close Wednesday 5th April 2023
- Term 2 Wednesday 17th May 2023 - applications close Wednesday 3rd May 2023
- Term 3 Wednesday 19th July 2023 - applications close Wednesday 5th July 2023
- Term 3 Wednesday 23rd August 202- applications close Wednesday 9th August 2023
- Term 3 Wednesday 13th September 2023 - applications close Wednesday 30th August 2023
If you are interested in attending one of these dates please email Mrs Williamson (Fiona.williamson@ipc.qld.edu.au) or drop into Pathways Hub. You will need to let me know:
- Which date program preferred
- Which area of interest (nursing, midwifery, and medicine as well as, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, psychology, radiology, speech pathology, nutrition and dietetics, social work, pharmacy, medical sciences and exercise physiology)
Looking at a career in aviation?
Aviation Australia is a world class registered training organisation and is the only Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (CASR) and European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) approved training organisation in Australia. All Aviation Australia programs are designed with a balanced focus between knowledge, skills, values and experience, ensuring that graduates enter employment with strong skills and a thorough understanding of aviation quality, safety and environmental standards. They deliver flexible and cost-effective accredited training to individuals and companies. To register for any upcoming information sessions, head to their website for further information.
Fiona Williamson | Careers Counsellor
Indigenous and Multicultural
In week 4, the IPC year 7 Indigenous students gathered in the Cultural room to meet the Indigenous and Multicultural staff and learn about the support program here at the college. The students enjoyed pizzas together and were given permission notes for our annual hearing test conducted each year by Townsville Catholic Education. We look forward to working with our new year 7 students and supporting them during their time at IPC.
Journey 2 Jobs Programs
Next Wednesday, 22 February, the Journey 2 Jobs program will be hosting its annual Registration Night. This evening will give a wonderful insight for all new and returning Indigenous families at the college and provide information about the support available to them from the Journey 2 Jobs Program. Families will have the opportunity to register as Indigenous students, this is important as it ensures students can access the support on offer through the program. The evening will commence at 6pm in room 701/702 in the John Fisher Building. Pizza dinner will be provided for all families at the conclusion of the night and is an opportunity for students, families and staff to form connections within the IPC community.
Dylan O'Connor | Indigenous and Multicultural Leader
Waterford Place Learning Resource Centre
The popularity of the newly built Learning Resource Centre has certainly superseded all expectations which is wonderful to see.
Each morning before and after school, during morning tea and recess breaks, and during class time, hundreds of our boys avail themselves of this beautiful space. And for all sorts of reasons!
From catching up on their maths HW, working through their Science assignments, playing a game of chess to meeting up with their mates in the coolness of the A/C, there are a multitude of reasons why students come along each day to the LRC.
Of course reading quietly in the “Hush Zone” is another highly popular pastime for our boys, with English teachers booking in their classes to help foster a love a reading. As we all know, falling in love with books and improving literacy skills is a key to great academic results.
Be sure to ask your son what book he is currently sinking his teeth into!
Pudy Timbs | Learning Resource Coordinator
2023 Swimming Carnival Age Champions
1st - Isaac Wherry
2nd- Jack Canning
3rd – Jack Kelly
1st - Emmett Hatchard
2nd- Riley Connors
3rd - Sebastian Sieben
1st - Darby Whiteley
2nd- Callan Watson
3rd - Jake Piccolo
1st - Jackson Hatchard
2nd- Euan Roberts
3rd - Riley Flanders
1st - Ronan Richter
2nd- Lucas Lazzaroni
3rd - Billy Curley
1st - Ben Hatchard
2nd- Matthew Lynch
3rd - Joshua Eggins
1st - Drew Roberts
2nd- Brett Brunello
3rd - Jack Bragg
View the swimming carnival gallery here:
The start of the IPC Interschool Rugby Union season is finally upon us, and it promises to be an exciting term filled with thrilling matches and unforgettable moments. As well as the 1st XV squad, this season, over 130 students from Years 7 to 10 have put their names down to participate, which is a remarkable 20% of the eligible cohort.
IPC has entered six Year 7/8 teams, two Year 9/10 teams, and one 1st XV team, showing the school's commitment to fostering a love for the sport of rugby union and providing opportunities for students to develop their skills and compete. The players will be tested as they face off against teams from other schools, but the experience will be invaluable in helping them grow as athletes and individuals.
The sport of rugby has a long and proud history, and it is an exciting to see these students be able to carry on that legacy by participating in the IPC Interschool Rugby Union season. The physical and mental demands of the game require dedication, teamwork, and perseverance, and these values will serve the students well both on and off the field.
Rugby is also a sport that emphasizes sportsmanship and respect for opponents, and the IPC Interschool Rugby Union season will provide an opportunity for students to build relationships with players from other schools and to learn the importance of fair play.
As the season kicks off, we look forward to watching our talented young athletes as they take to the field and compete. The excitement and energy they bring to each match is sure to make this season one to remember. We wish all the players the best of luck and encourage them to have fun, work hard, and most importantly, enjoy what the game of rugby union has to offer.
In conclusion, a big thank-you needs to go out to the 20 staff who have unselfishly volunteered their time to provide the participating students with this opportunity.
Year 7/8 Rugby Union
The air was electric with the invigorating aroma of freshly cut grass as more than 70 enthusiastic year 7 and 8 students gathered at the IPC field, their faces brimming with excitement for the highly anticipated Townsville Year 7/8 Rugby Union Competition that kicked off on Tuesday, 14th February. This year, IPC outdid themselves, breaking their record by fielding six teams! Rugby Union is back and in full swing, with the local competition featuring some of the fiercest teams from Cathedral, Townsville Grammar, William Ross and players from St Anthonys. It's sure to be an exhilarating year for the game played in Heaven, and all thanks go to the hardworking students and volunteers who have helped Rugby Union at IPC thrive and continue to grow stronger with each passing year.
The rugby union season promises to be an exciting one, with games proceeding until Week 9 of this term. For the students who took part in Tuesday's competition, well done all the best for the remainder of the local season – both school and club.
In all, the successful launch of the rugby union season was a great start to what promises to be an exciting and rewarding season for everyone involved.
ROUND 1 Results – Feb 14
Game 1: IPC 5 v IPC 6
Result: IPC 6: 35 – IPC 5: 15
Wow! What an absolutely incredible game between two of the top IPC teams! The sheer sportsmanship and enthusiasm on display was simply electric, as the boys revelled in the ultimate mate on mate challenge. The coaches were blown away by the absolutely stellar effort and winning attitude shown by each and every player. It was truly a sight to behold, and a reminder of the incredible skill and talent possessed by the IPC team. What a fantastic game, and a true testament to the power of teamwork and camaraderie!
IPC6 MVPs: 3 – Tamiana Fatiaki ; 2 – Konrad Fatiaki; 1 – Jonah Allan
IPC5 MVPs: 3 – Ben Olsen; 2 – Thyler Chilby; 1 – Marley Milbourne
Game 2: IPC 1 v Cathedral 1
Result: WON 40 - 15
Tries: Luke Bannister; Jacob Peachey x 3; Hayden Nieminen; Darius Mallie x 2
It is always a tough battle when we play Cathedral and IPC1’s first game proved this. From their stunning attacking flair to their impenetrable defence, every player on the team gave it their all and ensured a well-deserved win. This was another game played in good spirit with a healthy level of competition between the two sides.
MVPs: 3 – Jacob Peachey; 2 -Luke Bannister; 1 – Hayden Nieminen
Game 3: IPC 2 v Cathedral 2
Result: LOSS: 25 - 20
The IPC2 boys were up against a formidable Cathedral team, and what a match it was! These fierce competitors fought tooth and nail, giving it their all every step of the way. But despite their Herculean efforts, the IPC boys were ultimately unable to hold off the sheer might and power of Cathedral's forward pack. It was an absolutely heart-stopping battle from start to finish, and a true testament to the incredible skill and determination of both teams. And let's not forget the unbeatable sportsmanship and healthy competition on display - it was a sight to behold! This was yet another unforgettable match between two of the toughest teams in the competition.
MVPs: 3 – Callum Lindeberg; 2 – Matavola Iokimi; 1 – Aston Simms
Game 4: IPC 3 v William Ross
Result: WON 40 - 10
Tries: Nehemiah Tagaloa x 5; Rory Deans; Riley Webb; Patrick Fanning
With their heads held high and their spirits soaring, IPC3 took on the newbies of William Ross and emerged victorious in a spectacular display of skill and determination. Every member of the team gave it their all, leaving no stone unturned in their quest for glory. And the best part? They secured an absolutely convincing and expertly executed win! It was a truly unforgettable game played in the best possible spirit.
MVPs: 3 – Nehemiah Tagaloa; 2 – Patrick Fanning; 1 – Riley Webb
Game 5: IPC 4 v Grammar
Result: WON 40 -10
Tries: Tyreee Brackenridge x 2; Liam Gibb x 2; Kuiola Iosefa x 2; Leander Jackson x 2
What an epic game of rugby played with absolute sportsmanship! The IPC team displayed utter domination on the scoreboard, but not without being truly challenged by the mighty Grammar side. Despite the size disadvantage, IPC's unbreakable defence led by the unstoppable force of Leanda Jackson proved to be an absolute game-changer. And while they may have been a bit clunky at times, the IPC team elected to take their game to the next level by spinning the ball wide, resulting in an astonishing 40 to 10 win.
MVPs: 3 – Leander Jackson; 2 – Kuiola Iosefa; 1 – Tyrese Brackenridge
1st XV
Game 1: IPC v Grammar
Result: WON 27 – 10
Tries: Joshua Morton x 3; Alvine Njau, Aiden Knowles
Conversions: Mitchel Waldon
Our first game of the local competition was always going to be a tough one against arch rivals Townsville Grammar. With strong support from the school community on the sideline, the boys were keen to put in a disciplined performance. After a shaky start IPC started firing and scored a couple of early tries. Quick line speed in defence continually put Grammar’s attack under pressure and forced them into mistakes with the ball. By the end of the first half, IPC had capitalised on some disciplined and structured rugby as well as some rampaging runs to lead 10 -5 . In the second half IPC played more composed rugby and with good field position management and continual pressure through the forwards were able to close out the game with a 27 - 10 victory. All in all, a good performance but one we knew we could improve on!
MVPs: 3 – Joshua Morton; 2 – Mitchel Waldon; 1 – Marley Scarff
Rugby Union
The Ignatius Park College Friends of Rowing is a group of committed parents who assist in raising money for rowing equipment and assist our rowing program at events and regattas.
Each year the Friends of Rowing, through our constitution, are required to hold an Annual General Meeting. The purpose of the AGM is to:
- Receive the annual financial statement
- Receive any other reports or deal with other business the Friends of Rowing may determine, and
- To elect officer for the current year
The Friends of Rowing AGM will occur on Wednesday, 15 March at 6.00pm in the new Waterford Learning Resource Centre. The College encourages all rowing parents to be on the Friends of Rowing either in an officer position or a committee member of the rowing program in a non-official role. The following officer positions will be available on the Friends of Rowing committee that includes:
- President
- Vice President
- Secretary, and
- Treasurer
The success of the rowing program at Ignatius Park College depends on the support of parents and the work of Friends of Rowing. Below is a nomination form for the officer positions or a supporter of this committee. I would encourage all rowing parents to be involved in the Friends of Rowing committee. Please reach out to Debbie O'Brien for a nomination form.
Nomination forms must be submitted by Monday, 13 March.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
We are delighted to announce that 2023 the Mulkadee program will bring back the narrative driven format as it explores the thrilling tale of Robin Hood.
The Mulkadee Program will run on an alternating schedule from this point forward, with every second year being either the narrative driven or variety structure. This alternating format gives students the opportunity to extend and develop their skills while gaining an understanding of the interdisciplinary dynamic prevalent within most forms of arts based collaborations.
Mulkadee will be in its 18th year and is a major event on Townsville's Arts calendar as well as an integral player in the Arts arena in our Catholic diocese. We are very excited to bring the Narrative format back this year to showcase the incredible talent in our diocese.
The 2023 Mulkadee Program will also see the formal introduction of the audio-visual (AV) specialty as we see some new specialists join our incredible team of industry professionals.
The Mulkadee Program provides a unique experience for students to learn from industry experts through workshops, roadshow - school visits and a weeklong festival held from Monday 17th to Friday 21st July, 2023. These opportunities culminate in the Mulkadee Showcase event - a performance to a sell-out crowd of family and friends at the Townsville Entertainment and Convention Centre on Friday 21st July.
The IPC Basketball program is on the hunt for 2023 Sponsors. If you own, work in or know someone with a business who would be interested in coming on board as a sponsor, please get in touch with Ms Loechel for further sponsorship information.
Matthew Arnold | Dean of Cocurricular
If you have a Son/s who is due to commence Year 7 in 2024 or 2025, it's important that you apply as soon as possible. Year 7, 2024 enrolment interviews began last year and will continue this term.
Please follow the link below if you have not yet enrolled for these years.
Thank you
Kerry Shephard | Enrolments and Admissions Officer
School Fees
Please be informed that timely payment of the School Fees is mandatory. If you have defaulted a timely payment, or have outstanding fees, please pay in full as soon as possible. Please contact the College Finance Team at finance@ipc.qld.edu.au or call (07) 4796 0222 if you need any further information.
Ignatius Park has partnered with Edstart to assist parents to manage their School Fee payments. You can pay weekly, fortnightly or monthly by choosing a plan that suits your budget. This is an application-based process. There are no credit applications and no transaction fees or interest charges when using Edstart Pay+ for your IPC fees.
Visit edstart.com.au/ipc for more information on Edstart payment options.
Vilton Crasto | Business Manager