Term 1 Week 10 College Newsletter
Acknowledgement of Country
From the Principal
Dear Parents and Carers,
Waterford Place Learning Resource Centre
Last week the College officially blessed and opened the new Waterford Place Learning Resource Centre by Bishop Tim Harris and Mr Ray Paxton, EREA Interim National Executive Director. This project commenced four years ago with a vision to undertake an innovative project to meet the current and future educational needs of the students of Ignatius Park College. This project had three elements: firstly, the demolition of the Brothers House, which was located on this very site with some fifty-two Christian Brothers residing in the Brothers House for over fifty years from 1969 - 2019. The second element was the expansion of our car park, not only increasing our staff car parks, including a disability and visitors car park but ensuring a safe drop off and pick up area for our students.
The final element and the highlight of this project was our Waterford Place Learning Resource Centre. Our Learning Resource Centre is named after the city of Waterford, Ireland, as it was in this place over 200 years ago that Blessed Edmund Rice responded to the call to develop the first Christian Brothers school. Schools that provided the young men of Waterford a life-changing, liberating and hope-filled education relevant for their time in history. In Denis McLaughlin’s book “The Price of Freedom: Edmund Rice Educational Leader”, he stated: ‘It was the sight of poor boys along the quays of Waterford, which inspired Edmund Rice to commence his system of education’. This was a Ricean education that was reflected in his original schools in Waterford, both in New Street and Mt. Sion. An education that was radical for its time, as developed the whole child, ensuring his schools were a place of a respectful sense of the scared, an education for liberation and a place where students felt safe. It is these virtues that we wanted to emulate in this new Learning Resource Centre.
‘Waterford Place’, through its innovative and inclusive design, invites us as an educational community to respond, like Edmund Rice, to a new call in education, a call that meets the diverse learning needs of our young men, within a contemporary context. Promoting through its design an education that is hope-filled and liberates the hearts, minds and souls of our young people to meet the challenges of the world in which they live. A world characterised by globalisation, rapid technological advancement and significant environmental and humanitarian challenges. Thank you to members of our College community who attended the blessing and opening last week, and all are welcome to visit this wonderful educational facility.
Waterford Place Opening / Blessing Ceremony
This week we welcome to the Iggy Park community Ms Claudia McCluand who has been appointed as our Risk and Compliance Officer. We also welcome Ms Jade Fahy, who is our School Officer-Co-Curricular and Physical Education. Ms Fahy has a Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Exercise Science and is currently studying for her Master’s in Teaching and Learning at JCU.
This week we farewell Mr Grant Sims who is retiring from the College. Mr Sims has been working in our manual arts area for over 7 years, and we will miss the knowledge and wisdom he brought to this area. We wish him all the best on his road to retirement.
Mr John Doolan will be taking leave and spending time with his daughter overseas. In his absence, Mr Jason Sepetauc from Nudgee College will be Acting Deputy Principal. Finally, Mr Michael Turner will be taking some leave next term, and Ms Mackenzie Taylor will be the Acting Baillie Pastoral Leader.
Good Luck
We wish the best of luck to Thomas Bartels (Year 11), who is representing Ignatius Park College at the National Rowing Championships in Perth. Thomas has made his way to the U17 Single Scull Semi-Finals. Also, all the best to our students competing in the EREA National Football Tournament in the holidays at Nudgee College.
Congratulations to the Reid House on winning the House Choir Competition last week!
Spirit of Iggy Park
This week I received the following email from a member of the public that I believe encapsulates the Iggy Park spirit:
“Just a quick note to let you know about a young IPC man whom I saw doing an amazing job this morning. At about 7:30 am, there were two trolleys tipped over in the gutter at the intersection of Ross River Road and Nathan Street that were posing a hazard to turning cars. Whilst the lights were red, the young man got off his bike and lifted the trolleys off the road and back onto the footpath out of the way of cars. I gave the young man a thumbs up but wanted to let you know as well.”
Easter Blessing
I hope the holiday break will be a happy and holy time for all. Next week is the commencement of Easter which is one of the most profound periods of the Church’s year as we celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus. Easter is a time to rejoice that, in Jesus, God fully embraced humanity in order that humanity could fully embrace God. The mystery of Easter has the power to transform lives and to see the world in a new way.
While the focus next week will be Jesus’ death and his subsequent resurrection, this only makes sense when we consider the message of his whole life. In Jesus’ words and actions, we are presented with a radical love that announces that God’s reign is breaking into history. It is the kind of radical love that transforms lives and breaks through barriers. The outcast, be they a leper, a tax collector or a Samaritan, is invited into a relationship with Jesus as a full and complete human being. In many ways, Jesus announces that the artificial distinctions that are used to separate people and place their value on some kind of tiered scale do not represent God’s way of looking at human beings.
Instantly, those who accept this invitation for a relationship are transformed from within as they now enter into that relationship as full human beings. Their mindsets are radically altered, and their innate beauty as a creation of God begins to shine. Likewise, Jesus challenges those whose power relies on enforcing such artificial distinctions in order to maintain their status. He embodies a God of radical love for humanity. In Jesus, we encounter the God who liberates through love. In announcing the reign of God, Jesus reveals a God that loves humanity so deeply that God desires to touch creation directly and completely. In Jesus, that God-initiated process of individual and social liberation begins. In Jesus, God touches creation.
Easter begins with God’s action and invitation. But, the acceptance of Easter into our lives is not an individual action that will be fulfilled in personal isolation in heaven. By accepting the invitation of Easter, we become connected to God’s activity in this world and God’s desire to transform this world. We join a communal acceptance of becoming agents of God’s radical love that seeks to transform the world. In this way, we allow ourselves to become Christ to our world and through our communal actions, Christ continues to transform our world to bring it to full communion with God.
May the blessings and transformational power of Easter be with each of you.
This a reminder that term two recommences on Tuesday, 18th April. Monday, 17th April, is a student-free day.
It has been brought to the College’s attention that a report has been made to the Queensland Police regarding cars parking illegally on Ross River Road outside the school. This involves cars stopping in spaces other than those marked for parking, and in particular on the bend in the road outside the school that is marked specifically as no parking. From the College’s perspective, we recognise this represents an extreme safety risk for students. Given that this report has been made, we would also expect a greater police focus on this issue. We remind drivers of the need to park only in the designated parking areas and to be mindful of a large number of students moving through these spaces before and after school hours.
Live Jesus in our Hearts. Forever.
Shaun Clarke | Principal
Identity and Mission
Dear Parents and Carers,
Holiday time is nearly upon us. Easter in the middle of the holidays is a blessing in disguise as it is not at the end of a busy Term and gets lost in the end of term activities or not at the end when we’re preparing to return to school. Being in the middle means hopefully, you find time for some restful reflection and quality family connection.
This Is My Body
(Matthew 26: 14 - 27: 66)
Jesus offers his disciples bread and wine, which is what they expected him to do as a table host. But he also offers them his body and blood, which they did not expect and receive in confusion and distress.
And then Jesus goes into the night to face his betrayer and accusers. His body is handed over, spat upon in the presence of the high priest, and sold for a bag of silver. The crowds cry out to see his body crucified. His flesh is whipped and his brow is crushed by a crown of thorns. His thirst is mocked by vinegar on a sponge, and his limbs are torn by nails. And finally, the body of Jesus is murdered on the cross, and taken down and carried away for burial. One would have thought that would have been the end of it, and mercifully so.
Jesus, your death provides the portal to a world we never thought imaginable. Death is no longer a definitive end. It is the birth canal to new life, to an eternal life. May this knowledge be a source of our hope. Amen.
The Commissioning
Go! Celebrate the coming of Jesus to Jerusalem.
As Jesus came with humility,
so we leave our pride and self-serving in the dust.
As the crowd spread branches in front of God’s chosen one,
so we welcome God’s promised one and acknowledge his worth.
As the crowd surrounded Jesus shouting,
“Praise be to David’s son!
God bless him who comes in the name of the Lord!”
so we praise God from the bottom of our hearts
for all God has done through Jesus.
Praise be to God. Amen.
How will I journey with Jesus this Holy Week?
Kids’ Corner
Watching the same show over and over can get boring. Some people feel that way about the Mass. They follow the same routine: standing, kneeling, readings, singing, receiving Communion and then going home. Maybe they’ve forgotten that Mass isn’t something we just watch. Jesus is really with us at Mass. When we hear God’s Word, Jesus is there. When the priest says the blessing and raises the host, Jesus is there. Today at Mass, you’ll hear about Jesus’ suffering and death. What might Jesus be saying to you about your life? How will you respond?
Jesus, help me get ready to be with you today. Amen
Have a safe and happy holiday, and I look forward to informing you in Term 2 about our CARITAS – Project Compassion fundraising efforts… it’s looking like a record breaker in 2023!!
Mark Holmes | Director Identity and Mission
EREBB International Meetings
Our Year 9 boys have had some really good conversations with our partner EREA and International schools over TEAMS meetings in the magnificent new Learning Resource Centre facility this week. Besides introducing ‘who we are' and ‘where we come from’ and showcasing video footage of our respective schools, topics of conversation included:
- How can we live in peace ✌️ with different cultures/beliefs? Indian School demonstrated and explained how Christians, Hindus and Muslims live in unity.
- How does Sport unite the world 🌎 ? No Russian Flag at Australian Open Tennis / Soccer FIFA World Cup in Qatar.
- What does Easter 🐣 mean for you, your family and your school? Any traditions you share? The Colombian students explained how 'Santa Semana’ unites their families and communities.
I can proudly and confidently say we had really good outcomes and successful interactions between our Year 9 Boys and our partner EREA and International schools.
The dialogue and conversations between the students and staff from 3 different countries were outstanding. Special mention and thanks to:
- Gimasio el Hontonar College – Bogota, Colombia , https://www.gimnasiohontanar.edu.co/index.php/es/
- ZPHS School, LLavaram, Andhra Pradesh, India and Teacher Hari.
- St Patricks – Shorncliffe, St Joseph’s - Gregory Terrace and Nudgee College – Brisbane
Greg Christ | Identity and Mission Coordinator - Liberating Education
Pathways Hub
Holiday Placements
We have 7 students doing work experience during these holidays. It is now too late to register for any more. However, you can still register for June/July Holidays. This is a great opportunity for students to gain a look into possible career life after school. If you would like more information regarding this, please get in touch with Mr Kyle or Mrs Vignale in the Pathway Hub.
Diploma of Business
The Diploma of Business for Term 2 starts on Tuesday, 18 April to Thursday, 20 April. We will have the bus running like the last term. Students who wish to use the bus are required to be at school by 7.25 am so the bus can leave by 7.30 am. The course starts at 8 am in the city.
Change of Placement Forms
If the students wish to change placements for Term 2, they must have the purple Change of Placement form completed and lodged with the Pathways office by Friday, 19 May 2023 (Week 5).
Certificate III in Fitness
If you son is currently in year 11 and enrolled in Certificate III in Fitness, could you please log in to your parent lounge to make sure you have made your payment. We still have a few families who have not done this. Any questions, please get in touch with Mr Johnson on 4796 0222.
Industry Placements Dates for Term 2
Please find below the industry placement dates for Term 2.
Monday, 5 February to Friday, 9 June (Week 8 of Term) |
Zeb Kyle | Program Leader Skills & Training
Curriculum Corner
Parent Teacher Conferences
Parent Teacher Conferences will be held in the Edmund Rice Hall on Wednesday, 26 April 2023, commencing at 1.40 pm. Interviews will be conducted by your son’s Subject Teacher to discuss his progress for Term One. Students will finish lessons at 12.55 pm on this day.
Students are most welcome to attend the interviews with their parents.
If students are not travelling directly home, they must change out of their school uniform prior to leaving the College. For students who are unable to arrange transport home, the supervised study will be provided in the Learning Resource Centre until 3 pm. There will be no Homework Program operating.
Interviews are booked through our Parent Lounge portal. Access to bookings will open Wednesday, 12 April, at 7 am and close Monday, 24 April, at 5 pm. After this time, we will be unable to accept any further bookings.
Unavailable Teachers – Some teachers may be unavailable for interviews. In this case, please contact Parent Reception info@ipc.qld.edu.au to request them to contact you at a later date.
Assistance with Parent Lounge – If you have used the ‘Forgot Password’ link and are still unable to log in, please contact Mrs Kerry Shephard on 4796 0222 or enrolments@ipc.qld.edu.au
Year 10 Film, Television and New Media
Students in Year 10 Film, Television, and New Media have worked hard this term to compile their photography folios. The boys who selected this elective subject are studying digital photography this semester and were given the task of capturing representations of Australia in their work. They have been studying compositional elements such as the Rule of Thirds, Leading Lines, Symmetry and Pattern and making use of these techniques in their photographs to create balance and aesthetic appeal. Thanks to Cooper Fletcher, Elliot Gilmore, Luke Swain, Tyson Downey, Joshua Symons and Riley Kerr for sharing a sneak peek of their work.
Park Life | Cooper Fletcher
Australian Wacky Wildlife | Elliot Gilmore
From Streets to stories | Luke Swain
Urban Footprint | Tyson Downey
Golden Hour | Joshua Symons
The life to live | Riley Kerr
Parent Teacher Conferences
Parent Teacher Conferences will be held in the Edmund Rice Hall on Wednesday 26 April 2023, commencing at 1.40pm. Interviews will be conducted by your son’s Subject Teacher to discuss his progress for Term One. Students will finish lessons at 12.55pm on this day.
Students are most welcome to attend the interviews with their parents.
If students are not travelling directly home, they must change out of their school uniform prior to leaving the College. For students who are unable to arrange transport home, supervised study will be provided in the Learning Resource Centre until 3pm. There will be no Homework Program operating.
Interviews are booked through our Parent Lounge portal. Access to bookings will open Wednesday 12 April at 7am and close Monday 24 April at 5pm. After this time, we will be unable to accept any further bookings.
Unavailable Teachers – Some teachers may be unavailable for interviews. In this case, please contact Parent Reception info@ipc.qld.edu.au to request them to contact you at a later date.
Assistance with Parent Lounge – If you have used the ‘Forgot Password’ link and are still unable to log in, please contact Mrs Kerry Shephard on 4796 0222 or enrolments@ipc.qld.edu.au
Careers Hub
Townsville Hospital Work Experience
On Wednesday, 15 March, some of our year 12 students were chosen to participate in the Townsville Hospital Work Experience program for March. The March round received applications from 19 schools with a total of 180 expressions of interest for the 60 places available.
Congratulations to the 4 who were selected:
- Jude Foyle = Medicine
- Jerrin Thomas = Nursing
- Scott Swain = Medical Sciences
- Sam Cozzitorto = Physiotherapy
QMEA STEM Unearthed Day
Wednesday, 15 March, saw 27 eager Year 10 students participate in the QMEA STEM Unearthed experience. Students worked together in small groups to complete STEM-based activities focusing on the life cycle of resource operations. The day started with a guest speaker from the mining industry who impressed us with the opportunities his career had given him. They were then given the challenge to mine for coal in some very fast passed conditions! The second activity was focused on core drilling and using data to find elements in the earth. Engineering the Perfect drink was the third activity where students had to engineer a drink to a set temperature within a set time limit – who knew 7o was considered the perfect temperature for a drink! The day finished with the task of using kinetic sand to simulate a rehabilitation condition for a mine site.
CQU Year 12 Day
CQU held its Year 12 university day on Friday, 24 March. Students listened to a variety of speakers about what university life was about, what a typical week could look like around lectures, tutorials, work and having a social life. They then participated in break-out sessions centred around their choice of interests.
Year 10 Takeover: Careers Week
Week 10 was the almighty ’10 Takeover’, where the year 10’s were inspired to start taking charge over possible future pathways. It was a few days of self-analysis – interests, skills, abilities, & attributes which they will use next term in their SET planning. They listened to guests from CQU, TAFE Qld as well as the Australian Defence Force, where the great push-up challenge ensured. Tuesday saw the 10s takeover the Strand with beach activities and an Amazing Race. Big congratulations to Jy Gasa, Jy Sturgess, Ryan Fletcher, Daniel Spicer, Brodie Pritchard, and Marley Hinsbey, who won the race overall, as well as runners-up Riley Kerr, Nick Ellis, Jordan Daniels, Rookie McMinn, Ashton Deer, and Jesse Bowker. Year 10’s finished the week off by taking over from the 11’s & 12’s with a bit of work experience volunteering in the community.
Fiona Williamson | Careers Counsellor
Indigenous and Multicultural
During week 10, the year 8 students travelled to Camp Gedling at Hervey’s Range for a 3-day camp. In House Groups, our students got to experience various workshops and rotations, one of these being the Cultural component of the camp involving Mr Feeney and Mr Power. As a part of this workshop, the students had the opportunity to share their connection to their culture with the group and explore why the connection to culture is so important.
The Students also learned about the connection between Wulgurukaba and the land, as well as stories that have been passed down for generations. Throughout the workshop, Mr Power and Mr Feeney shared First Nations history and knowledge through stories and artefacts, as well as some hands-on learning through traditional spear-throwing. The Highlight of the workshop was the walk to ‘Turtle Rock’, a sacred and special place that our college is blessed to be able to share with our students. We would like to thank Wulgurukaba for allowing us to take our students to these sacred places and share knowledge that has been passed down for generations.
Dylan O'Connor | Indigenous and Multicultural Leader
Interschool Swimming Carnival
Congratulations to the following boys who set new interschool swimming records
Ben Hatchard set an new Backstroke record in the 17 years age group. His time was 30.02 beating the previous record of 32.31
Joshua Eggins set an new breaststroke record in the 17 years age group. His time was 32.9 beating the previous record of 37.01
Combined Schools' Musical - Bugsy Malone - ON SALE NOW!
If you have a Son/s who is due to commence Year 7 in 2024 or 2025, it's important that you apply as soon as possible. Year 7, 2024 enrolment interviews began last year and will continue this term.
Please follow the link below if you have not yet enrolled for these years.
Thank you
Kerry Shephard | Enrolments and Admissions Officer
School Fees
Please be informed that timely payment of the School Fees is mandatory. If you have defaulted a timely payment, or have outstanding fees, please pay in full as soon as possible. Please contact the College Finance Team at finance@ipc.qld.edu.au or call (07) 4796 0222 if you need any further information.
Ignatius Park has partnered with Edstart to assist parents to manage their School Fee payments. You can pay weekly, fortnightly or monthly by choosing a plan that suits your budget. This is an application-based process. There are no credit applications and no transaction fees or interest charges when using Edstart Pay+ for your IPC fees.
Visit edstart.com.au/ipc for more information on Edstart payment options.
Vilton Crasto | Business Manager
The College is seeking expressions of interest for Volunteers in our Tuckshop, preferably on a Thursday or Friday. If you are interested, please submit via the link below:
Community News
Mundingburra Parish Celebrates 100 years. The Mundingburra Parish invites all present and former parishioners, as well as former students of Saint Joseph's School to join in the centenary Mass which will be celebrated at 7.00pm on Friday, 14 April in the parish church on Ross River Road. Bishop Timothy Harris will celebrate the mass as we give thanks to God for all the blessings received and all the wonderful people who have been part of our parish story. Supper will be served following mass. In August there will be a combined school and parish celebration and in February next year the school will celebrate it centenary.