Term 2 Week 4 College Newsletter
Acknowledgement of Country
From the Acting Principal
Greek philosopher Heraclitus said, ‘we never step into the same river twice’. A resonant quote for me commencing work at IPC this term. Everything has been new, opening my senses and my heart to a wonderful school community. Could I sincerely thank everyone for their assistance. Staff, parents and especially the boys have warmly welcomed me. Over the next three weeks I look forward to deepening my relationship with the IPC community as Acting Principal.
Edmund Rice Feast Day
Blessed Edmund Rice Feast Day has been the high point for me up to this point. Thank you for the organisation, leadership, and efforts of everyone involved. Having taught at four EREA schools I can honestly say it was the best Founder’s Day I have ever been involved in. Mass to celebrate Blessed Edmund Rice was beautiful and reverent. Festivities then began in earnest with cross country events, fun activities, and fundraising initiatives.
I observed the true spirit of Iggy Park last Friday. The College was unified, staff and students collectively generating positive energy to create a memorable experience. I witnessed engagement, participation, relationship, care and a sense of fun. We cannot underestimate the value of building a culture where students and staff stand alongside each other.
It’s important we take that positive energy into our classrooms. We have had a disrupted start to the term. Three short weeks in row have eroded four days of learning time. Our focus should now be learning and teaching. I ask parents and carer to engage with their sons about the importance of planning for each day, completing their work and engaging in lessons. I’ve always maintained that if we get learning routine right the rest seems to fall into place. A practical way parents and carers can do this is by accessing the Parent Lounge to review assessment.
- Mr Vineel Chatada is part of our IT team. He’s finishing up this week. We thank him for his service and wish him well.
- Ms Bernadette McLean has been teaching Science and Religion at the College. She is finishing up with us on 25 May to take on a role outside the school sector. We wish her well and congratulate Mr David Vize who will extend his contract with us until the end of Term.
- Mr William Jack will join our Design and Technology teaching team on Monday 15 May. Welcome Jack.
- We are pleased to welcome Ms Jessa Conde to our cleaning team. She commences today.
It is with sadness that I share the news that former Teacher's Aide and College community member Ms Monica Kolb passed away on Monday, 8 May after a long battle with illness. The College sends its deepest condolences to the Kolb Family at this time.
Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord. And let perpetual light shine upon her. May the soul of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen.
Bus Concession
Please be aware that bus concession is available for semester one. Applications for Semester 1 travel can be made at SchoolTransport.com.au in May.
QCEC Annual Report
The Queensland Catholic Education Commission recently released their annual report. I attached the full report for those interested. It provides a sense of the scope, scale and complexity of the education and care the Catholic school sector, including EREA, provide young people. The infographic and key functions provide you a snapshot about Catholic schooling, and the work QCEC does in support our collective mission.
Full QCEC annual report: https://qcec.catholic.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/2022-QCEC-Annual-Report-Approved.pdf
Mr Jason Sepetauc (Mr Sep) | Acting Principal
Eddie Rice Day 2023
Curriculum Corner
Key dates for Term 2
May 15, 16 & 17 - Global Academic challenge (Year 8 only)
May 22 – Year 11 End of Unit 1 Examinations (schedule has been published)
June 19 – Start of Year 7 – 10 exam week
June 19 – Start of Year 12 Mid unit 4 exam week
June 23 – Year 11 reports issued
The Year 11 End of Unit 1 exams will take place from Week 6. The exam schedule has now been published and students and parents can view this via the College website https://www.ipc.qld.edu.au/studies/exams-assessment-study-documents/. Please note that this schedule only covers exams. Please refer to Student Café / Parent Lounge for assignment draft and due dates.
VARIATION TO ASSESSMENT – AARA‘s (Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments)
As per the College’s Assessment Policy, requests to vary the conditions or due date of any assessment item can only be considered following the submission of an Access Arrangement and Reasonable Adjustment (AARA) form and appropriate supporting documentation.
The completed AARA form, along with required documentation (i.e. detailed medical certificate and details of absence) must be submitted to their Subject Faculty Leader or the Edmund Rice Office.
A copy of the AARA form is available on the school website at: https://www.ipc.qld.edu.au/studies/exams-assessment-study-documents/. Alternatively, hard copies of this form are available from the Edmund Rice Office.
Our school is excited to take part in the 2023 Global Academic Challenge, designed and administrated by the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER). The Challenge is based on internationally-endorsed frameworks and assesses complex, higher-order thinking skills in Mathematics, English and Science.
Ignatius Park has entered a team of 10 Year 8 students to participate against students from across the world. Our participants are:
· Aiden Crawshaw | · Riley Johnston |
· Austin Sperring | · Riley Smith |
· Callum Lindeberg | · Will Thiele |
· Daniel Player | · Zach Pearce |
· Dylan Grace | · Eli Groves |
Taking the time to get organised will set you up well and help you achieve your learning goals.
- Use the college diary to keep track of current assignment deadlines.
- Bring all the material and devices you need to class, so you can participate. You may find it helpful to pack your bag the night before, so you’re ready to go first thing in the morning.
- To keep your brain engaged during class, take notes, which you can refer to later.
- Underline or highlight key points.
- Your teacher is, in a way, a resource who is there to be used!
- Your teacher will no doubt be impressed with your initiative and happy to help.
- If you break up your study load over several days, you’ll retain information far more readily than if you crammed in one long session.
A study plan will:
- motivate you to study, as you’ll have time dedicated to learning.
- keep you organised around work, hobbies, and other commitments, as you can plan ahead.
- break your study load into manageable blocks.
- give you time to complete your assignments, ensuring they’re not rushed or last-minute.
- It is important to have a designated study area that is free from distraction and will allow you to study effectively.
- DON’T study at a dining table when you’re going to be constantly distracted by family members moving in and out of the kitchen!
- Getting someone to quiz you – or quizzing yourself – is great retrieval practice.
- You might find it helpful to create flash cards each time you learn a new topic. The act of creating them alone will help you better retain information and is an effective study technique.
Mr Shane Dove | Director of Curriculum
If you are new to IPC, the annual showcase is a fantastic way for our Music students to be engaged in the preparation and performance of music, providing them the valuable opportunity to demonstrate what they have been learning in this area at IPC in 2023. It is also a chance for the College community to gather, celebrate and support our young men’s involvement in the Arts in a relaxed environment.
Please note the following key details about the upcoming showcase:
Date: Thursday 8th June, 2023 (Week 8 of Term 2)
Time: 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Venue: IPC Drama Performance Space
Cost: Tickets are free, but you are required to RSVP by booking a ticket via Trybooking:
Cafe Phoenix - Resurrected!
Year 12 Hospitality is holding a Cafe on Saturday, 17 June, from 6.30 am to 1.00 pm in the Eddie Rice Garden - Bookings are essential via the link: https://www.trybooking.com/CIETC
Students / Pastoral
As part of a renewed focus on the basic expectations of our students, 2023 has seen a remarkable improvement in a number of areas. The students at Ignatius Park College can be proud of the vast contribution they have made to improve both the tone of the College and the physical appearance. Our students have made enormous inroads into keeping our environment clean and tidy showing that our young men have Integrity. Concentration on appearance (uniform, hats and hair policies) demonstrate that our young men are dedicated to showing Pride both in themselves and in their school. Our latest challenge has been to task our students with improvements on a personal level either in academic pursuits or personal goals which indicates a level of Commitment. With our College values constantly being reinforced, students can see and experience the benefits of treating one another with dignity and respect, as we enjoy each and every day at “The Park”.
This term we have already had a one of the most amazing days on the calendar – Edmund Rice Feast Day. This is one of several “Blue Days” on our calendar, which require 100% attendance on the day. We do this because we see these days as integral in the development of an Ignatius Park gentleman and without being there, how will they ever understand the culture. At times, the pastoral team find themselves in a position of having to challenge the decision of families to keep a student home from school, particularly on days such as this. We would encourage you to always push your son to get out of his comfort one and experience new and exciting events held by the school.
Edmund Rice Day was another roaring success last week with tug of war, sock wrestling, teachers Vs student games of sport and many other events giving the student plenty to do. The student behaviour was as good as the weather, which was spectacular. It is truly a day which separates IPC from the rest and fills our students with a spirit found in very few places. The spirit of Edmund Rice lives on in the halls and grounds of IPC.
On another note, we have recently intensified the Positive Rewards System at our school, as part of our journey to Positive Behaviour for Learning. Thanks to the work of Mr Gian Guerra, our students are now being regularly recognized on am individual, homeroom, house and college level for doing the right thing on a regular basis. We are so pleased that the men of IPC see value in this exciting idea and love seeing their faces when they find out they are being appreciated for doing the little things right around our great school. Ask your young man about it next time you are sitting at the diner table.
Recently, the Pastoral team have run a blitz on hats. We have a small number of students who are coming to school without a hat, which makes it difficult to reinforce college-wide expectations. Could I once again ask parents to check that their son has a hat, and that his name written on the white band inside. If he does not, can I ask you to attain one so he can adhere to the College uniform policy.
Finally, can I thank the many families of IPC who constantly support the school on the many aspects of educating our young men. If you can remember when your son first started at school, we asked you to be patient and always seek clarification from the school if there was a negative experience with your son. Please know that every member of the IPC staff works tirelessly to give your son the best education and experience each day that we can. I am proud to work with such a dedicated group of young men and it excites me each and every day to go to work as I thrive off their seemingly endless energy. Thanks for supporting us to achieve the best outcomes for all students at IPC.
To all the mums out there, have the best day on Sunday – sleep in, get pampered and enjoy the one day that is all about you.
Mr John Deer | Director of Students
Identity and Mission
It has been a lively few weeks in the Identity & Mission space of the College. Year 9 Retreat was once again a massive hit at YWAM, and our Edmund Rice Feast Day was an enormous success, beginning with a reverent and well engaged Mass led by Fr. Rod Ward. Reflecting on the life of Edmund and his devotion to God and the marginalised in Waterford, the 5th of May marks the feast day for all Edmund Rice schools, and we were blessed to receive many well wishes from sibling schools in India, Argentina, and South Africa. Accompanying this event, our Edmund Rice Trail, located in our new landscape garden was opened. Depicting the influential women of Edmund’s life, and their contribution to his mission.
The College was also able to recognise staff members who lead in their respective areas and contribute to the Ignatius Park community and support our students.
Mr Bill Mitchell was awarded the Margaret Rice Service Award for Presence. Mr Mitchell is present to students in the Inclusive Education program and in the Football (soccer) program. He is patient, kind and accepting of everyone, finding ways for all students to be included. Bill volunteers his time to coach football teams every term, enabling students to live their passion for their sport through their school team.
Mrs Alyssa Deer was awarded the Ambrose Treacy Service Award for Liberation. Mrs Deer provides many opportunities for students to experience Science through different activities, competitions, Science Week, excursions, incursions, and differentiation. She is open to new experiment ideas to refresh and enliven student and staff experiences; and continues to move beyond comfort zones.
And finally, Mr Christian Quabba was awarded the Nano Nagle Service Award for Compassion. Mr Quabba is always encompassing all the touchstones in his dealings with the students and staff, ensuring a fair, equitable and prompt outcome for issues that arise. He advocates for liberating education and for all members of the Treacy House to feel welcomed and valued, making changes to transform the House for the better.
O gracious God, we thank you for the life of Blessed Edmund Rice. He opened his heart to Christ present in those oppressed by poverty and injustice. May we follow his example of faith and generosity. Grant us the courage and compassion of Blessed Edmund as we seek to live lives of love and service.
We ask this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Week 5 – Wednesday 8:00 am – Treacy House Mass in the Chapel with Fr Rod. All Welcome but a special invitation to members of the Treacy House; Parents & Relatives, and friends.
Mrs Bianca Barbagallo | Director Identity and Mission (Acting)
Pathways Hub
Diploma of Business
The dates for Term 3 have changed. The new dates for Term 3 are Tuesday 18 – 20 of July (Week 2). The bus will be running like this term. Students who wish to use the bus are required to be at school by 7.25am so the bus can leave by 7.30am. Course starts at 8am in the city.
Work Experience
We would encourage all year 10,11 or 12 students to do work experience as it either consolidates their ideas about a chosen career or rules out a career from their possible / probable list of post school options. It is now time to register for June/July Holidays. This is a great opportunity for students to gain a look into possible career life after school. If you would like more information regarding this, please contact the Mr Kyle or Mrs Vignale in the Pathway Hub.
Upcoming Industry Placement
All the VET and Industry Placement students will be out on industry placement in Week 8 (June 5 to 9). This is a fantastic opportunity for the Year 11s to try different trades and for the Year 12s to begin to secure their future careers.
If the students wish to change placements for Term 2, they must have the purple Change of Placement form completed and lodged with the Pathways office by Friday 19 May 2023 (Week 5). If they are received after this date the student will be changed in Term 3.
VR Try A Trade day Construction skills Queensland (CSQ)
On Monday of week four, 14 year 10 students had the opportunity to try a variety of trades in the construction industry via Virtual Reality (VR). The platform gave the students an insight into four trades in the construction industry and what it is like to be an apprentice. The activity was a valuable lesson for students who are looking at entering the construction industry and thoroughly enjoyed by the students.
Try-A-Trade-Day Construction skills Queensland (CSQ)
On Tuesday the 9th of May, 5 year 10 students and 2 year 11 students attended a Try-A-Trade-Day run by CSQ. The day involved students participating in a variety of trade activities such as Carpentry, Tiling, painting and a site tour of the construction site at St Patricks College. These events are an important way for students to make decisions about what career path they may like to take. I will keep you updated if there are any events coming up in the near future.
Mr Zeb Kyle | Program Leader Skills and Training
Careers Hub
JCU Early Offer Program
Application forms have now been emailed to all Year 12 ATAR students/parents. If you would like to apply for an early offer:
- Complete the form and print
- Bring form to Mrs Williamson in the Pathways Hub
- Book an interview time to go through application and submission
Year 10 SET Plan (Senior Education & Training Plan)
By now most year 10 students would have completed a career assessment called the Harrison Tool and both the student and parent/s have received an email with two attached reports. The reports identify your son’s strengths and preferred ways of working. Please take the time to look at these reports and also the suggested career matches that the tool recommends. Any career with a match of 75% or higher is worth investigating. The Year 10 students will also receive their SET Plan folders later this term and the aim is to equip them to not only make decisions about their future but also prepare them to run their own SET plan interview next term.
Ergon Trade Apprenticeship WebEx Session
Ergon Energy Network and Energex would like to invite you attend to the 2023 Apprentice Information WebEx Session. These sessions are for anyone who is considering an apprenticeship with us in 2024 and open to school leavers, mature age applicants and people of diverse cultures and backgrounds.
You can choose to attend one of the three Sessions on offer but if the dates or times are unsuitable, we can provide you with a copy of the recorded Session.
To Register:
1. Email through the following: please provide name and email address to apprenticerecruitment@energyq.com.au and include the Session that you will be attending.
- Tuesday 20thJune – 6pm to 7pm
- Thursday 22ndJune – 3.30pm to 4.30pm
- Monday 26thJune – 12pm to 1pm
2. You will receive an email with the WebEx dial-in details the week before the Session.
The Information session will include:
- Information on the trades/apprenticeships that ErgonEnergy Network/Energex offer
- Locations of the 2024 apprenticeships
- Opportunity to hear from our Apprentices and Tradespeople
- Overview of our recruitment process including testing requirements
If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the Apprentice Team on 1800 262 353 Option 3.
Finding Your First Job
How do I find my first job?
Teenage employment is at record levels with 54.4% of 15–19-year-olds already in the workforce.
The Australian Jobs Report offers insight into the industries and occupations employing young people and the ways they find work.
Which industries and occupations employ young people?
Many young people are employed in industries offering entry level jobs that don't require post-school qualifications and that have flexible hours to fit around their studies. The top 3 industries hiring the largest percentage of 15–24-year-olds are:
48% Accommodation & Food Services Waiters | 30% Retail Sales Assistants | 26% Recreation Services Coaches & Instructors |
But I don't have any experience yet!
Core and 21st Century Skills are the general skills you develop early in life and at school and 74% of employers rate them as equally or more important than technical skills. That’s good news if you don’t have experience yet! Employers value these skills because they want to hire people who will be a good fit for their business.
If you don’t have any work experience, think about other ways you can demonstrate these skills. You can provide examples from your school activities or work on group projects, working with your local sports club, even participating in debating, theatre or dance performances or chess competitions. Employers are very encouraged by young people who participate in the community or volunteering activities.
Mrs Fiona Williamson | Careers Advisor
Indigenous and Multicultural
The J2J accelerated learning program will begin for all Indigenous students on Tuesday 9/5/23. The program offers tutoring to students from 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. and will run every Tuesday for the remainder of the term. Please see Mr Feeney in the Multicultural room to express your interest. This is a valuable opportunity for both junior and senior students to prepare for upcoming assessments or complete overdue certificate subject work.
Mr Dylan O’Connor | Indigenous and Multicultural Program Leader
Defence Mentor
The College community honoured Anzac Day this year with a moving and modern Anzac Day Liturgy in the Edmund Rice Hall. Our College Principal spoke about the Spirit of the Anzac and his family history of service in the Australian Army and the Royal Australian Air Force. The stories he shared both moved and inspired our students. We welcomed special guests, including Mayor Jenny Hill, RSL Board Member Gary Lane and members of Defence Work Experience to partake in our service. A mixture of modern song, spiritual readings and the moving sounds of the Bag Pipes played by Michelle Hodder represented the school’s commitment to honouring our past and current serving members of the Australian Defence Force. Special observance was made to Vietnam Veterans as they commemorate the 50th anniversary of the end of Australia’s involvement in the Vietnam War.
On Anzac Day 50 of our students joined the Townsville City Council Anzac Day Parade on The Strand. Students stood as brothers as one to honour the memory of our Anzacs and marched with pride. They cheered and clapped as Defence Units passed by and joined in with a roar of celebration with the flyover of 5 Aviation Chinooks and the MRH 90 Helicopters.
Earlier that morning, Mr Clark, Mr Sepetauc and our College Captains took part in the moving Dawn Service at Anzac Park. As the sun slowly rose over the marina, the Last Post echoed over the hills of North Ward and beyond. This service is profoundly moving and showcases our Garrison city in all its glory.
Lest We Forget
Carolyne Drummond | Defence School Mentor
Anzac Day 2023 Gallery
Interschool Cross Country
Congratulations to all students who participated in the Cross Country last Friday. Here are the overall results for top 3 in each age group!
1st - Cameron Mclean
2nd - Ariyahn Noone
3rd - Jack Kelly
1st - Cody Parsloe
2nd - Isaac Seawright
3rd - Jobie Haller
1st - William Thiele
2nd - Zachary Pearce
3rd - Jay Kyle-Little
1st - Joby Kyle-Little
2nd - Hugo Drovandi
3rd - Jackson Hatchard
1st - Hayden Griffin
2nd - Tom Dodds
3rd - Dallas Wilmen
1st - Jai Duxbury
2nd - Tyson Bethune
3rd - Kynan McMahon
1st - Daniel Mosch
2nd - Marley Scarff
3rd - Zac Paul
Combined Schools' Musical - Bugys Malone
Townsville Civic Theatre June 1-3 at 7.00pm
The Combined Schools’ Musical 2023 looks set to offer a season of great entertainment and enjoyable performances for all involved….and here is your chance to be part of the frivolity.
Hosting this year’s production, Ignatius Park College joins together with St Margaret Mary’s and St Patrick’s Colleges, to present Bugsy Malone at the Townsville Civic Theatre, June 1-3 at 7.00pm.
Rehearsals are well underway, and the talented ensemble of students from Years 7 to 12 have been tirelessly strutting their stuff three times per week and will, no doubt, provide a night of pure theatrical escapism.
It’s hard to believe that the beloved Bugsy Malone is marking its 40th birthday this year. Based on the highly acclaimed hit film by Alan Parker, and timeless music and lyrics by composer Paul Williams, the show guarantees an experience we have all come to love and enjoy over time…… And if it’s your first time…... it’s your chance to join in the outrageous fun.
Nestled in the gloomy back streets of prohibition-era New York, Bugsy Malone sets two warring gangs of would-be mobsters fighting it out against each other in the speakeasies and shady establishments of the time. Beneath the harshness, a love story blossoms and soul searchers reach for ‘Tomorrow’.
So, come and join the ‘Bad Guys’, ‘Boxers’ and ‘Down and Outs’…... for a night to remember, relive or explore as you enjoy the toe-tapping songs, dazzling choreography, and memorial jazzy musicianship in this irrepressible and humorous musical institution.
At The Townsville Civic Theatre 1-3 June 2023 7.00pm tickets are available from TicketShop www.ticketshop.com.au or phone 4727 9797
Don’t miss out…… Tickets are selling fast!
Mr Jon Roberts
Triple debating wins!
IPC’s involvement in the Townsville Interschool Debating Competition has kicked off with a flying start with all three of our debating teams taking home the win! Our senior team, consisting of Nathan Doolan, Jude Foyle, Tate Hastie, Benjamin Hatchard and Daniel Mosch, argued the negative on the topic that, ‘non-violent offenders should not be sent to prison’ and were victorious against Ryan Catholic College. IPC 1 consisting of Louie Ferres, Jackson Hatchard, Jake Piccolo and Blake De Satge, argued the negative on the topic that, ‘Australia should do more to look after its neighbours’ against St Patrick’s College. Finally, IPC 2 consisting of Elliot Gilmore, Jack Montgomery, Gordon Richards and Euan Roberts, argued the affirmative on the same topic against Pimlico. The adjudicators were impressed with our strong rebuttals and team cohesion. Congratulations to all teams!
Marita Martinez | Debating Coordinator
Rugby Union
Congratulations to the following students who were successful in be selected in the Townsville U15 Schoolboys Rugby Union squad last week.
These boys participated yesterday in the NQ U15 trials to gain selection in the NQ team.
Rafael | Josifoski |
Tamiana | Fatiaki |
Leslie | Trimmer |
Cai | Banfield |
Hans | Ila |
Linton | Williams |
Orlando | Lochowicz |
Craig | Blackhurst |
Azhagan | Slingsby |
Blaize | Goodwin |
Klay | Graham |
Keagan | Van Aswegen |
Chase | Jang |
Cameron | Mears |
Harrison | Rowe |
Oliver | Nguyen |
Hugo | Drovandi |
Cruz | McGhie |
Rookie | McMimm |
Zac | Green |
Congratulations to the following students who were selected in the U15 NQ Schoolboys Rugby Union team and will compete in the Qld Championships next term.
A Qld team will be selected from these championships.
Selections included 12 of the 23 man squad from IPC:
Tamiana | Fatiaki |
Cai | Banfield |
Hans | Ila |
Linton | Williams |
Craig | Blackhurst |
Blaize | Goodwin |
Klay | Graham |
Keagan | Van Aswegen |
Cameron | Mears |
Harrison | Rowe |
Oliver | Nguyen |
Hugo | Drovandi |
Mr Matthew Arnold | Dean of Co-Curricular
If you have a Son/s who is due to commence Year 7 in 2024 it's now urgent that you apply. Year 7, 2024 enrolment interviews have begun and places are extremely limited.
Please follow the link below if you have not yet enrolled.
Thank you
Kerry Shephard | Enrolments and Admissions Officer
School Fees
Please be informed that timely payment of the School Fees is mandatory. If you have defaulted a timely payment, or have outstanding fees, please pay in full as soon as possible. Please contact the College Finance Team at finance@ipc.qld.edu.au or call (07) 4796 0222 if you need any further information.
Ignatius Park has partnered with Edstart to assist parents to manage their School Fee payments. You can pay weekly, fortnightly or monthly by choosing a plan that suits your budget. This is an application-based process. There are no credit applications and no transaction fees or interest charges when using Edstart Pay+ for your IPC fees.
Visit edstart.com.au/ipc for more information on Edstart payment options.
Community News
Swaggies Film Camp
Every year, film, animation and screenwriting students from around the world head to the iconic Australian Outback for an intensive program of writing, production, masterclasses and screenings.
This opportunity is open to passionate secondary school students in year 11 and 12 looking to explore screen and media as an exciting option for a career pathway after school.
You'll experience an extraordinary hands-on, immersive journey, under the supervision and direction of experienced industry professionals and Griffith Film School lecturers through the various aspects of creating a short film during the camp.
Register here: https://www.griffith.edu.au/arts-education-law/griffith-film-school/winton-experience