Term 2 Week 6 College Newsletter
Acknowledgement of Country
From the Acting Principal
The Feast of Pentecost
On Sunday we celebrate Feast of Pentecost. It falls 50 days after Jesus’s death and resurrection and 10 days after his ascension into Heaven. It also marks a transition from Lent to ordinary time in the Church. Importantly, it highlights the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles and disciples so they could begin the Church’s mission of sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ. A transition of responsibility to us to live and act in accordance with God’s message of love, peace and compassion.
As a Catholic community, Ignatius Park College is called to respond to this message. Sometimes, we struggle to comprehend events that took place millennia ago. Equally, we don’t always listen to the word or find its meaning, although Mass each Sunday is a great place to start. Instead, we find ourselves standing in front of a modern, plural and increasingly secular world. How do we respond as a college community?
Blessed Edmund Rice has given us a method to live and act upon Church’s mission in our vibrant school community. To articulate this, we use the Edmund Rice Education Australia (EREA) Touchstones. It is always helpful to reflect on them to understand what underpins our practice, why we do it and how we organise the school.
I encourage you to review the EREA Charter for further information on the Touchstones. Over the coming weeks, I’ll unpack the Touchstones and link them to some of our current programs at Ignatius Park.
Bus Concession
Please be aware that bus concession is available for semester one. Applications for Semester 1 travel can be made at SchoolTransport.com.au in May.
Rowing Regatta - Jude Foyle | Year 12 Prefect and Co-Captain of Boats
Last Sunday Ignatius Park once again took to the river for our second local regatta of the 2023 rowing season. With great conditions and cool weather, it was sure to be a great day of racing. Many crews experienced success throughout the day, notably, our year 10s performed very well, with the crew of Rory Foyle, Caius Arnold, Ethan Cavanagh, Rylan Coleman and coxed by co-captain Jude Foyle, who placed second in the quad scull. The crew shaved five seconds off their heat time to come second by only 1.13 seconds.
Shout out to Rylan who stepped up to fill in for a sick rower. As the day moved on, our Opens single sculler, Thomas Bartels showed a strong performance, placing a comfortable second and beating third place by a whopping 12 seconds. Also, our Opens double scull in co-captain Vincent Micale alongside Kenta Muirhead placed second, beating their competition by a margin of seven seconds.
The final race of the day, the Opens 8+, saw our crew of Kenta Muirhead, Thomas Bartels, Sebastian Arends, Aiden Phelan, Ethan Cavanagh, Caius Arnold, Rory Foyle, and Vincent Micale, coxed by Jude Foyle, place third after a shaky start, coming back from fifth place. Overall, our second regatta saw much the same success as our first and we are looking promising heading into the Central Queensland Championships at the end of the term.
I would like to thank the Friends of Rowing for all their hard work to make the regatta a success. The donations of food from Strand Gourmet Meats, equipment and time to run the BBQ was appreciated and raised funds that go straight back into the program. Likewise, the efforts of those who volunteered to administer and officiate the regatta helps rowers from all the schools. Thank you. Lastly, a shout out to our dedicated coaches who make days like Sunday enjoyable and competitive through their dedication on and off the water.
Results can be found here: 2023 St Patrick's College / Ignatius Park College Regatta
Jason Sepetauc | Principal (Acting)
Curriculum Corner
Key dates for Term 2
May 24 – Year 11 End of Unit 1 exams commence
June 19 – Start of Year 7 – 10 exam week
June 19 – Start of Year 12 Mid Unit 4 exam week
June 23 – Year 11 reports issued
Year 11 Subject Changes
Year 11 Students have the opportunity to undertake subject changes for the next week (by Friday June 2).
With Unit 1 nearing completion, it is an opportune time for students to be reflecting on their results and subject pathways. Any student wishing to change their subject are to follow the process below:
1. Subject Change form obtained from the Edmund Rice Office
2. Obtain feedback and signatures from:
a. Teacher of Current subject
b. Teacher of New subject
c. Faculty Leader of New Subject
3. Subject Change form signed by student and parent / carer
4. Submit the fully completed Subject Change form to Edmund Rice Office by no later than Friday, June 2.
PLEASE NOTE: Availability in some elective and VET subjects may be limited due to existing class sizes and timetable clashes.
Year 12 – Tracking Your Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) Attainment
With Unit 3 now complete, it is important all Year 12 students are aware of their QCE status. The quickest, most efficient and accurate way to undertake this is through the Student Portal on the QCAA myQCE website at : https://myqce.qcaa.qld.edu.au/
To attain a QCE, students must achieve:
- a set amount of learning: accrue at least 20 QCE points
- at a set standard: achieve a satisfactory or C standard for General and Applied subjects. Complete all requirements of Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualifications
- in a set pattern: at least 12 points from Core learning (ie. Applied/General/Certificate II Vet subjects) and a maximum of 4 points from Preparatory learning (ie. Certificate I VET and short courses)
- while meeting literacy and numeracy requirements: pass any unit of English/Maths or successfully complete a QCAA Short Course.
Parents of Year 12 students who are at-risk of not attaining a QCE will be contacted by the College over the next week. These students will be offered additional studies to undertake in Semester 2 in order to enhance their chances attaining their QCE.
To find out more information about, click on this link.
Mr Shane Dove | Director of Curriculum
Music Showcase
If you are new to IPC, the annual showcase is a fantastic way for our Music students to be engaged in the preparation and performance of music, providing them the valuable opportunity to demonstrate what they have been learning in this area at IPC in 2023. It is also a chance for the College community to gather, celebrate and support our young men’s involvement in the Arts in a relaxed environment.
Please note the following key details about the upcoming showcase:
Date: Thursday 8th June, 2023 (Week 8 of Term 2)
Time: 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Venue: IPC Drama Performance Space
Cost: Tickets are free, but you are required to RSVP by booking a ticket via Trybooking:
Cafe Phoenix - Resurrected!
Year 12 Hospitality is holding a Cafe on Saturday, 17 June, from 6.30 am to 1.00 pm in the Eddie Rice Garden - Bookings are essential via the link: https://www.trybooking.com/CIETC
Year 11 Engineering
The Year 11 Engineering students spent the term studying the mechanics of trusses and beams. They performed calculations and put their designs to the test to try to build the strongest truss bridge (and beat a previous cohort record of 100+ kg). The winners this year were Ben Hatchard and Hunter Roper with approximately 45 kg. Before testing, the Year 12’s voted on the strongest, but unfortunately missed the mark. We look forward to Unit 2 of Engineering where we study dynamic systems such as prosthetics and robotic arms. At the end of the year, we will be going on an excursion to James Cook University to perform experiments and tour their new facilities. It is pleasing to see so many old boys going on to Tertiary programs in Engineering at various universities.
Tom Lucas | Teacher
Identity and Mission
Within the Identity and Mission space, this week has been a wonderful display of community spirit. Our Mr. Greg Christ—Coordinator of Liberating Education and Edmund Rice Education Beyond Borders—is working to raise money for the provision of education in the Amazon Jungle Colombia. Ignatius Park College has as a result of this, been involved with assisting a small community to build their first elementary school; providing 30 students with a dignified space to focus on their studies.
This week we are also raising awareness for Reconciliation Week. National Reconciliation Week is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia. The dates for NRW remain the same each year; 27 May to 3 June. These dates commemorate two significant milestones in the reconciliation journey— the successful 1967 referendum, and the High Court Mabo decision respectively.
IPC will commemorate this week with a dedicated fundraiser Friday 2nd June for the Children’s Ground Foundation. Children’s Ground is a First Nations not-for-profit organization changing the future for First Nations children, families and communities. All donations go towards funding a community-led approach to changing the future for First Nations children. The foundation works with each child in every community to develop personal learning, health and cultural development plans. They support families that wrap around the child through flexible employment and community development initiatives.
This blessing prayer belonged to the original Australian people.
May the fire be in our thoughts
Making them true, good and just,
May it protect us from the evil one.
May the fire be in our eyes;
May it open our eyes to see what is good in life.
We ask that the fire may protect us from what is not rightfully ours.
May the fire be on our lips, so that we may speak the truth in kindness; that we may serve and, encourage others.
May it protect us from speaking evil.
May the fire be in our ears.
We pray that we may hear with a deep, deep listening
So that we may hear the flow of water, and of all creation.
And the dreaming.
May we protect from gossip and from those things
That harm and break down our family.
May the fire protect us from all violence.
May the fire be in our whole being—
In our legs and in our feet,
Enabling us to walk the earth
With reverence and care;
So that we may walk in the ways of goodness and truth
And be protected from walking away from what is true.
Blessed Edmund Rice… Pray for Us.
Live Jesus in our Hearts…Forever.
Week 7 – Wednesday 8:00 am – Putney House Mass in the Chapel with Fr Rod. All Welcome but a special invitation to members of the Treacy House; Parents & Relatives, and friends.
Bianca Barbagallo | Acting Director - Identity and Mission
Pathways Hub
Upcoming Industry Placement
All the Year 11 and 12 Industry Placement students will be out gaining valuable work experience and skills in Week 8, starting June 5. This is a fantastic opportunity for the Year 11s to try different trades/occupations and for the Year 12s to hone their skills and impress potential future employers.
The students will be issued their logbooks by Monday, 29 May 2023. Students are expected to call their employers no later than Wednesday next week (31st of May). This call will be to confirm the placement, address, attire etc. In their logbooks, there is a guide on what to say and ask. If students are nervous or unsure about making their call, they are welcome to come to the Pathways Office and we are happy to assist.
Conditions and Expectations of Students on Industry Placement
Contacting Employers
- The student will phone the employer by no later than the Wednesday prior to placement dot confirm arrangements. If the student is having trouble contacting the employer, he will see the Pathway Hub for assistance as soon as possible.
- If the student has any commitments that will affect his attendance during Industry Placement (including appointments school commitments, sporting commitments etc.) he will advise the Program Leader of Skills & Training and the employer at the earliest possible time prior to the Industry Placement week.
Change of Placement
- Requests to change placement/employers will be completed and submitted to the Pathway Hub, by the date they have been provided with.
- Contacting the Employer. If the student is absent from the workplace, he will call his employer. This must be done prior to his usual starting time.
- Contacting the College: During Industry Placement week, parents/guardians will phone the Program Leader of Skills & Training directly before 8.30am on 0438 185 403. (This is also shown on the student logbooks)
- Students will neatly, comprehensively, and diligently complete their logbooks for each placement day and have it signed by their supervisor at the end of the week.
- On the first school day after industry placement week, the student will have his logbook sighted and signed by the Program Leader of Skills & Training.
Conduct in the Workplace
Students are to ensure they adhere to the following conduct expectations whilst on Industry Placements.
- Confidentiality: While on placement, any information you gain must be treated as confidential, an you must refrain from discussing such information with others.
- Mobile phones: Mobile phones are not to be used for personal use at all during working hours. The use of mobile phones during breaks is at the discretion of the work supervisor.
- Courtesy: Remember a smile goes a long way in personal relations when greeting and dealing with customers, staff, and management.
Initiative and enthusiasm: Be willing and inquiring and show the employer you r are thinking about what you are doing. Make sure you listen to and follow instructions. If you encounter difficulties, ask for help.
- Dressing appropriately: Before arriving t work on the first day, check with the employer about the type of clothing and personal protective equipment which is appropriate for the work you will be undertaking.
- Honesty: During placement, you are representing the College. Regarding money, merchandise, behavior and truthfulness show personal pride in yourself and your College by behaving appropriately.
- Safe work practices: The Workplace Health and Safety Act states that employees and other (including Work Experience Students) have certain obligations in the workplace. All workers:
- Must comply wit the instructions given by the employer.
- Must not injure themselves.
- Must use protective equipment.
- Must not place other employees at risk.
- Must not willfully or recklessly interfere with or misuse equipment or anything provided in the interests of health or safety at the workplace.
- Non-discriminatory work practices: The Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 prohibits either direct or indirect discrimination based on sex, race or impairment. Any person who experiences discrimination or sexual harassment may make a complaint to the Commissioner of the Anti-Discrimination Commission within one year of the alleged contravention of the Act.
Failure to follow these protocols and expectations will result in consequences at the discretion of the Program Leader of Skill & Training.
Work Experience
Any year 10 or senior student wishing to organise a week of work experience during the June/July Holidays needs to have finalised all the necessary paperwork by Friday, 16 June. At this stage, 2 students will be doing work experience these holidays to ascertain if a certain occupation is a good fit for them. My aim is to facilitate all senior students to participate in work experience whilst at school.
Mr Zeb Kyle | Program Leader Skills and Training
Careers Hub
Regional Digital Futures
Ignatius Park College is fortunate to be part of the Regional and Rural QLD Digital Skills Program.
This program is open to people of all ages (12-55+)
This is your opportunity to undertake training in a variety of short course topics such as coding, data analysis, cyber security, digital marketing, design and more via a free subscription to the Go1 online training platform. You will have access to unlimited courses on the Go1 training platform for one month, however to be eligible, you must commit to completing at least one course.
Courses can take as little as 15 minutes to complete with longer course options – you choose the length that suits you. The topics have been curated for you so that you can find easily courses that might suit your time frames and interests.
This program is part of the Queensland Government’s commitment to improving digital capabilities, by helping people to develop digital skills to be ready for today’s workforce. Places in this program are capped so register now.
Benefits include:
- Huge library of training courses
- Wide range of course times from as short as 15 minutes
- Certificates provided at the completion of each course
- Awards for high completion rates
- Video call option with your program coordinator to ask questions about digital careers and courses to complete. Extension of time available on the platform for power users.
Register via the link below:
National Careers Week
Last week National Careers Week was promoted during homerooms. Each day included a fact sheet about resume tips, interview tips, what makes a teammate among other helpful information. There was also a small clip to view about ’60 seconds in the life of’. We heard from an electrical engineer, author, emergency nurse, architect as well as a trainer and educator with Queensland Police Service.
JCU UniX Senior – Years 10, 11 & 12
Thank you to those who have expressed their interest to attend this event. Don’t forget to register via the link in your original email as well as accept through Parent Café. Those who are still interested in attending have until next Friday, 2 June to put their name down in Pathways Hub.
Mrs Fiona Williamson | Careers Counsellor
Indigenous and Multicultural
Wear It Yellow Day
As part of our National Reconciliation Week this year, on Friday, 02/06/23 we are encouraging all students and teachers to take part in a yellow-themed casual dress day to raise funds for a First Nations organisation, Children’s Ground. The National Reconciliation Week theme for 2023 is ‘Be a voice for generations.’ This theme encourages all Australians to be a voice for reconciliation in tangible ways in our everyday lives – where we live, work and play. That is why our school has chosen to participate in Children’s Ground’s ‘Wear It Yellow’ day.
As part of ‘Wear It Yellow Day’, students will engage with National Reconciliation Week learning materials and have vibrant discussions about First Nations culture and history. Children’s Ground is a First Nations not-for-profit organisation changing the future for First Nations children, families and communities. All donations go towards funding a community-led approach to changing the future for First Nations children. The foundation works with each child in every community to develop personal learning, health and cultural development plans. They support families that wrap around the child through flexible employment and community development initiatives.
We are asking all students and teachers to wear yellow on the day and support the cause by bringing a gold coin donation. Yellow doughnuts will also be sold in the quad for $3.00 on Friday.
The Ignatius Park College community can also support our fundraising at the following link: https://wearityellow.org.au/ignatius-park-college or bring a donation on the day.
For more information on Children’s Ground, head to https://childrensground.org.au/
Please note on this day, Year 7 students must wear full formal uniform (no yellow shirt) as they are travelling to the Civic Theatre for the Bugsy Malone production.
Mr Dylan O’Connor | Indigenous and Multicultural Program Leader
Townsville Civic Theatre June 1-3 at 7.00pm
The Combined Schools’ Musical 2023 looks set to offer a season of great entertainment and enjoyable performances for all involved….and here is your chance to be part of the frivolity.
Hosting this year’s production, Ignatius Park College joins together with St Margaret Mary’s and St Patrick’s Colleges, to present Bugsy Malone at the Townsville Civic Theatre, June 1-3 at 7.00pm.
Rehearsals are well underway, and the talented ensemble of students from Years 7 to 12 have been tirelessly strutting their stuff three times per week and will, no doubt, provide a night of pure theatrical escapism.
It’s hard to believe that the beloved Bugsy Malone is marking its 40th birthday this year. Based on the highly acclaimed hit film by Alan Parker, and timeless music and lyrics by composer Paul Williams, the show guarantees an experience we have all come to love and enjoy over time…… And if it’s your first time…... it’s your chance to join in the outrageous fun.
Nestled in the gloomy back streets of prohibition-era New York, Bugsy Malone sets two warring gangs of would-be mobsters fighting it out against each other in the speakeasies and shady establishments of the time. Beneath the harshness, a love story blossoms and soul searchers reach for ‘Tomorrow’.
So, come and join the ‘Bad Guys’, ‘Boxers’ and ‘Down and Outs’…... for a night to remember, relive or explore as you enjoy the toe-tapping songs, dazzling choreography, and memorial jazzy musicianship in this irrepressible and humorous musical institution.
At The Townsville Civic Theatre 1-3 June 2023 7.00pm tickets are available from TicketShop www.ticketshop.com.au or phone 4727 9797
Don’t miss out…… Tickets are selling fast!
Mr Jon Roberts
IPC Chess
The 2nd round of the North Regional Schools Chess competition will be held in the IPC HALL on Wednesday, 31 May 2023. This is an all-day school event where your son will be out of lessons for the day. Academic or HPE uniforms can be worn on this day. Students wishing to register need to email Mr John Fuller (john.fuller@ipc.qld.edu.au) and simply type “YES to CHESS” in the subject column of the email. Once received, I will send an invite to each student via Parent Lounge.
Registration payment of $22 will then need to be made by a parent/carer via Parent Lounge. Unfortunately, your son will not be able to participate on the day unless payment is received. This information is also on school notices. If your son knows his way around a chessboard and is keen on playing some competitive chess in a relaxed setting, then this is the day for him.
Congratulations - U19 School Boys Hockey
Well done to Joey, Charlie and Levi, who all played a sensational tournament during the U19 School Boys Northern Hockey Comp. The team came away 7th during a very close and competitive competition. Congratulations also to Brayden, who umpired the Semi & Bronze medal match! One of only 4 student officials! Brayden had a great time umpiring the tournament alongside some of the best umpires in the game!
Mr Matthew Arnold | Dean of Co-Curricular
If you have a Son/s who is due to commence Year 7 in 2024 it's now urgent that you apply. Year 7, 2024 enrolment interviews have begun and places are extremely limited.
Please follow the link below if you have not yet enrolled.
Thank you
Kerry Shephard | Enrolments and Admissions Officer
School Fees
Please be informed that timely payment of the School Fees is mandatory. If you have defaulted a timely payment, or have outstanding fees, please pay in full as soon as possible. Please contact the College Finance Team at finance@ipc.qld.edu.au or call (07) 4796 0222 if you need any further information.
Ignatius Park has partnered with Edstart to assist parents to manage their School Fee payments. You can pay weekly, fortnightly or monthly by choosing a plan that suits your budget. This is an application-based process. There are no credit applications and no transaction fees or interest charges when using Edstart Pay+ for your IPC fees.
Visit edstart.com.au/ipc for more information on Edstart payment options.
Community News
Swaggies Film Camp
Every year, film, animation and screenwriting students from around the world head to the iconic Australian Outback for an intensive program of writing, production, masterclasses and screenings.
This opportunity is open to passionate secondary school students in year 11 and 12 looking to explore screen and media as an exciting option for a career pathway after school.
You'll experience an extraordinary hands-on, immersive journey, under the supervision and direction of experienced industry professionals and Griffith Film School lecturers through the various aspects of creating a short film during the camp.
Register here: https://www.griffith.edu.au/arts-education-law/griffith-film-school/winton-experience