Term 3 Week 2 College Newsletter
Acknowledgement of Country
From the Principal
Dear Parents/Caregivers,
Welcome back to Term 3 which looks like being another busy and industrious term with subject selections, SET Planning, camps, sports competitions, and an athletics carnival. Also, welcome to the ten new families that have joined our College community this term. By now all Year 7 – 10 parents/carers should have received your son’s Semester Report which shows areas of growth as well as areas requiring further development. It is a great opportunity to sit and discuss the report with your son and revisit some of the goals they made at the start of the year. Thank you to all the parents/carers who attended the Parent-Teacher Interview last night. If you have concerns with your son’s progress, do not hesitate to contact his subject teacher. The partnership between home and school is paramount for successful outcomes.
Reaching Beyond Their Potential
I often state to students to reach beyond their potential. I believe our Mission as a Catholic School in the Edmund Rice Tradition exists with and for each young man who enters our gates each day. ‘Our mission is to offer innovative learning opportunities in a safe and nurturing environment which empowers our young men to realise their potential’. Your sons are the compass-point of our Mission, our Vision, and our Ambitions for them. This statement is future-focused and calls our students to beacons to the future.
Last week at our assembly I challenged our students to “Dream Big” this semester. To set ambitious goals that go beyond conventional expectations. To envision a future that is grand, inspiring, and outside the boundaries of what may seem immediately achievable. It is important that they don’t create barriers but dreaming can be a powerful catalyst for personal growth, innovation, and making a significant impact in various areas of life. Our whole world throughout history has been a result of people with dreams and visions.
I asked all our students in term three to have a dream and a vision for themselves that taps into their imagination and visualises a compelling future. A future that provides them with clear directions and purpose for their actions. My hope is all students this semester aims high in their studies, overcome challenges, and reach for extraordinary achievements. This is the spirit of an Iggy boy. One who is open to new possibilities that doesn’t give in and always strives to be the best they can be.
Safety of Students
We’ve recently had an incident where a student was confronted by persons whilst he was walking on his way to the College. We have informed the Police of the incident, who will have a presence around the College both before and after school. I remind parents and carers to talk to your son/s regarding strategies they can use to keep themselves safe travelling to and from school each day. This includes walking/riding in groups, keeping on main roads and thoroughfares and if they feel at risk at any time to inform the school immediately.
Holiday Successes
During the holidays our 1st XV Rigby Union students have participated in a tour of New Zealand. This is the first overseas tour the College has engaged in since the pandemic. The tour was a wonderful success, and the students had the opportunity to experience the culture of New Zealand and participated in three games against schools. I was pleased to also receive the following email from a business owner of thermal springs in New Zealand again typifying the “spirit” of Iggy Park.
I would like to express my pleasure in observing the manners of your 1st XV Rugby team that is currently on tour in New Zealand. We had the pleasure of their company at our beautiful park, Wai O Tapu Thermal Wonderland.
It was truly beautiful to see that young men representing not only their sport, school but their town and community with outstanding manners. Each young man that I served used their manners and wished me a lovely or a good day. You should be very proud to know that as they tour New Zealand that you should have no concerns while they are away.
Also, we had the following achievements. I was privileged to attend the Central State Championships in Rockhampton during the holidays and the rower’s behaviour was outstanding, winning four gold, two silver, and five bronze medals. Sean Weir was selected to the Australian Schoolboys Rugby team and some of our students from Years 8 and 9 competed in the first all-boys North Queensland netball state titles and came runners up. Congratulations to all participants.
Catholic Education Week
Next week we will celebrate Catholic Education Week. This is an opportunity for all 313 Catholic schools in Queensland to celebrate and promote their distinctive mission and ethos. The 2023 theme is “Communities of Faith, Hope and Love” and recognises the way Catholic education strives to make a difference in the lives of those in our schools and in the wider community by challenging young people to live out the message of Jesus and to reach their full potential as compassionate, contributing, life-giving members of society.
Every year Catholic schools in the Townsville diocese acknowledges students through the “Deus Caritas Est Award” who live their faith authentically through their beliefs and action. This year it gives me great pleasure to announce Nathaniel Barton is our recipient of this award at Ignatius Park College. Congratulations Nathaniel!
This week fourteen students from Ignatius Park College are participating in the Mulkadee program “Robin Hood”. This is the 18th year that Mulkadee has occurred and provides an opportunity for all students in Catholic schools to develop their creative skills through drama, dance and music as part of an arts-based collaboration. The College is privileged to have two of our staff as lead facilitators in the program. Mrs. Kylie Tillack is the dance facilitator and Mr. Andrew Hodgson is the brass facilitator. The following students are participating in the Mulkadee program: Jack Canning, Marcus Carter, Harper Coggiola, Bohdi Goacher, Cyrill Hold, Riley Johnston, Jack Kelly, Harrison Mastalerz, Byron Morris, Domenick Osborne, Jimmy Robinson, Calam Sinclair, Matthias Staples and Simeon Staples.
Interhouse Athletics Carnival
Best of luck to all Houses tomorrow for the track events in our carnival tomorrow.
Act of Faith
O my God, I firmly believe that you are one God in three divine Persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I believe that your divine Son became man and died for our sins and that he will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe these and all the truths which the Holy Catholic Church teaches because you have revealed them who are eternal truth and wisdom, who can neither deceive nor be deceived. In this faith I intend to live and die. Amen.
Act of Hope
O Lord God, I hope by your grace for the pardon of all my sins and after life here to gain eternal happiness because you have promised it who are infinitely powerful, faithful, kind, and merciful. In this hope I intend to live and die. Amen.
Act of Love
O Lord God, I love you above all things and I love my neighbour for your sake because you are the highest, infinite and perfect good, worthy of all my love. In this love, I intend to live and die. Amen.
Live Jesus in our hearts forever.
Shaun Clarke | Principal
Curriculum Corner
Welcome back to Term 3. It is an extremely busy term for students across all year levels, starting with last night’s Parent-Teacher Conferences.
Now that you have met with your son’s teachers at these conferences, we strongly recommend that you have honest discussions about the teacher feedback you have received. The sooner any necessary changes to study habits or routine are implemented the better the chance for improved outcomes.
There are a number of opportunities the school provides to assist your son(s) to complete homework, revision and assistance with assessment tasks. Year 7-9 students can attend Help-A-Brother-Out tutorial sessions with Senior students in Room 106 every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 3-4pm. Additionally, all students can attend Homework Program in the LRC from 3-4pm on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday.
Mr Shane Dove | Director of Curriculum
IMPORTANT CURRICULUM DATES FOR TERM 3 (dates are subject to change)
Week 3
- Monday 24 July | Subject Showcase Evening
- Monday 24 July - 1 August | Year 11 Mid-Unit 2 Exam Phase
Week 5
- Monday 7 - 11 August | Year 12 End of Unit 4 Exam Phase
Week 6
- Friday 18 August | Year 10 SET Plan Interviews
Week 9
- Monday 4 - 8 September | Year 7-10 Exam Phase
Week 9/10
- Monday 4 - 14 September | Year 12 Mock Exams & Assessment Phase + Year 11 End of Unit 2 Exams
During the first 2 weeks of this term, Year 9 and Year 10 students have been involved in subject talks with Faculty Leaders to inform and advise them of the subjects on offer in 2024.
Our Subject Showcase Evening is an important information sharing event that extends on this advice. We invite, and strongly recommend, all Year 9 and 10 parents and students attend this evening.
The Director of Curriculum, Mr Shane Dove, will present important information to assist students with subject selections and intended career pathways. Students and Parents/Carers will also have the opportunity to speak with Faculty Leaders and Teachers about subject requirements and discuss in further detail the subjects on offer. Parents, Carers, and students are encouraged to read through the Subject Information Handbook, which can be found online: https://www.ipc.qld.edu.au/studies/curriculum-handbooks/
Students currently in Years 9 and 10 this year will be required to nominate subject preferences after the event. Information and unique login details on how to access the Subject Preferences Portal will be sent to each student’s email prior to the event. Staff will be available to assist students with their selections in the portal.
Monday, 24 July 2023
Year 9 students going into Year 10 – 5.30 pm Prompt start
Year 10 Students going into Year 11 – 7.00pm Prompt start
Edmund Rice Hall
Key dates:
24 July 2023 Subject Showcase
24 July 2023 Subject Preferences Portal Opens at 6.00 pm
31 July 2023 Subject Preferences Portal Closes at 5.00 pm
Should you have any queries or are having difficulties accessing the portal, please do not hesitate to contact the Edmund Rice Office via curriculum@ipc.qld.edu.au
The Year 11 Mid Unit 2 exam schedule is now Live on our website. These exams will commence on Monday, 24 July in Week 3. Students and parents can view the schedule here: https://www.ipc.qld.edu.au/studies/exams-assessment-study-documents/.
Please note that this schedule only covers exams. Please refer to Student Café / Parent Lounge for the assignment draft and due dates.
The Year 12 End of Unit 4 exam schedule is now Live on our website. These exams will commence on Tuesday, 8 August in Week 5. Students and parents can view the schedule here: https://www.ipc.qld.edu.au/studies/exams-assessment-study-documents/.
Please note that this schedule only covers exams. Please refer to Student Café / Parent Lounge for the assignment draft and due dates.
VARIATION TO ASSESSMENT – AARA‘s (Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments)
A general reminder about our AARA process:
- As per the College’s Assessment Policy, requests to vary the conditions or due date of any assessment item can only be considered following the submission of an Access Arrangement and Reasonable Adjustment (AARA) form and appropriate supporting documentation.
- The completed AARA form, along with required documentation (i.e. detailed medical certificate and details of absence) must be submitted to their Subject Faculty Leader or the Edmund Rice Office.
A copy of the AARA form is available on the school website at: https://www.ipc.qld.edu.au/studies/exams-assessment-study-documents/. Alternatively, hard copies of this form are available from the Edmund Rice Office.
Term three is upon us and at Ignatius Park College, nothing stands still for long. This term is a uniquely busy one in the Pastoral Care area with upcoming camps for years 7,9,10 and 11 all happening within the next eight weeks. We have an upcoming year 10 interschool disco which has been organised as well as the all-consuming IPC handball competition which revs up next week. The college is constantly on the move, and to quote Ferris Bueller from his 1986 blockbuster film, “if you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you might miss it”. Students at IPC have a gamut of opportunities at their disposal and on offer, that there is almost no excuse for not getting involved in some co-curricular activity.
To start the term, after a two-week break, we had unfortunately a number of students return to school with smiles on their faces, but hair that was not at our standards. I want to thank families that work with us to meet our standards and understand the rationale behind it. We have two pastoral focus point for the next two weeks. These points are Appearance and Having the Right Equipment. Appearance involves everything including shaving, correct uniform worn proudly, hats, correct haircuts, and the right footwear. Most of our young men work hard to do this on a daily basis and make IPC what it is.
At assembly last week, I spoke to the students about the expectations that the thousands of old boys who have passed through these famous gates have of them, the current students. They run businesses, own companies, work in influential areas of Townsville and they see our students outside of school. They expect them to be conducting themselves with dignity and looking like an IPC student should. Often, we receive reports from Old boys about things they have seen or a student they witnessed outside of school hours. The current students cannot afford to ride on the coat tails of those who have built this college up to the standing it enjoys today in the community. They have a role to carry on that hard work, through living the touchstones and upholding our standards.
Lastly, all the best for every house at our annual athletics carnival continuing tomorrow. The talents of our students never cease to amaze me. May the best house win.
John Deer | Director of Students
Identity and Mission
This Term is a big one in the life of the college, Identity & Mission wise. There is a very strong Social Justice theme in Term 3, which sees lots of activity and community work happening. Just a few of the things to look out for when your son comes home discussing them: Catholic Studies Volunteering with Year 11’s & 12's, SVDP Homeless Sleepout, Brooklea Elderly visits, Year 12 Drop-in-Centre visits… just to name a few.
Please encourage your son to get involved in as many of these initiatives and causes as possible, a little from many goes a long way! In planning all these events, it got me thinking about how we are teaching our students not just to “do” these things blindly, but the advocacy behind “why” we “do” these things. How do we prepare them? How does the work we do flow through to the boys lives outside of school? All things we aim to answer with each and every social justice action we undertake.
Jesus sent out his disciples without a degree in theology, without a certificate from a diocesan training program, and without a catechism. Two by two, they walked along with no more than a pair of sandals and a walking stick, both crucial to keep them on the journey. With so little, they still summoned the authority to cast out demons, heal the sick, and preach repentance.
This amazes me, having the degree, pedigree, and reference books by the score to keep me in the arena of orthodoxy. Yet I’m not certain that demons are at all intimidated by these things. Though institutions may grant credibility, only God can provide the authority for ministry. And God grants it to slackers like Peter, not much of a fisherman but possessed of interesting impulses; to James and John, much admired by their mother, at least; and even to Judas, more loyal to himself than to the Lord. It seems God favours those who are willing to stay on the road and travel light. The walking stick is the best credential of all.
What do you carry, in your heart and on your back, that limits your ability to serve?
Time to lighten the load! I encourage every reading this to identify one element in your life - a relationship, attitude, behaviour - that chronically keeps you from progressing on the spiritual journey. Take steps to reconcile, heal, and move forward.
Catholic Education Week is an annual state-wide event that promotes the distinctive mission of Catholic schools throughout Queensland.
The week of 24th - 30th July is celebrated by all schools through a range of liturgies, events and activities.
The Catholic Education Week 2023 theme is " Communities of Faith, Hope and Love".
A Mass to mark the official launch of Queensland Catholic Education Week 2022 will be held at the Sacred Heart Cathedral in Townsville on 25th July 2023 and on teh evening prior, awarding of the High Schools Dues Caritas Est Award and Catholic Education Week Staff Award Winners for 2023, both are live-streamed and links available on social media pages. We will have a number of students attending to represent IPC!
Catholic education strives to make a difference in the lives of those in our schools and in the wider community by challenging young people to live out the message of Jesus and to reach their full potential as compassionate, contributing, life-giving members of society.
Have a great fortnight.
Mark Holmes | Director Identity and Mission
Pathways Hub
School-based Apprenticeship
We are happy to announce that Joshua Roubicek (12 Putney) has been signed up as a school-based apprentice with JRN Tiling North Queensland Pty Ltd. Congratulations Josh on securing this opportunity to gain skills and a qualification whilst still at school. Doing some extra work experience during the June - July school holidays has really paid off for you to secure your apprenticeship.
Work Experience
We had 8 students who did work experience during the June/July Holidays. We would like to thank the businesses below for supporting our students doing Work Experience.
Student Name and Grade | Employer | Type of Work Experience |
Nicholas Rowan Year 12 | AECOM | Engineer |
Jerrin Thomas Year 12 | QLD X-Ray | Radiographer |
Jerrin Thomas Year 12 | Performance Physio Group | Physiotherapist |
Joshua Roubicek Year 12 | JRN Tiling North Queensland Pty Ltd | Tiler |
Oscar Beattie Year 11 | RowanAir Pty Ltd | Electrician |
Kaleb Norton-Bern Year 11 | Tony Ireland Holden | Car Mechanic |
Cooper Humphries Year 10 | McCann’s Airconditioning & Refrigeration Services Pty Ltd | Refrigeration Mechanic |
Adam Konidis Year 10 | Len Dowd & Co Pty Ltd | Electrician |
Bret Maloney Year 10 | Daniel J Blood T/A DNA Construction NQ | Carpentry |
Industry Placement Week Gallery
We would encourage all year 10, 11 or 12 students to do work experience as it either consolidates their ideas about a chosen career or rules out a career from their possible/probable list of post-school options. It is now time to register for September Holidays. This is a great opportunity for students to gain a look into possible career life after school. If you would like more information regarding this, please get in touch with Mr Kyle or Mrs Vignale in the Pathway Hub.
Diploma of Business
The Diploma of Business students have just completed another 3 days of intensive studies. They will have one more block of intensive studies to complete their Diploma in Term 4. Dates are 4-6 of October 2023.
Upcoming Industry Placement
All the VET and Industry Placement students will be out on industry placement in Week 7 (21-25 August). This is a fantastic opportunity for the Year 11s to try different trades and for the Year 12s to begin to secure their future careers. This is also the last time that we will be placing our Year 12 students. In Term 4, the year 12 students will need to arrange their own placements.
If the students wish to change placements for Term 3, they must have the purple Change of Placement form completed and lodged with the Pathways office by Friday, 28 July 2023 (Week 4).
If they are received after this date, the student will be changed in Term 4.
Zeb Kyle | Program Leader Skills and Training
Careers Hub
JCU UniX Senior
UniX Senior, was a unique university experience where our Year 10, 11 & 12 students explored the campus and got a taste of uni life. They heard all about courses, pathways and scholarships and were able to chat with current students and academic staff.
UniX Gallery
Townsville Careers Expo – Years 10, 11 & 12
Townsville Careers Expo is North Queensland’s largest and most comprehensive careers, employment and training expo. This expo delivers the latest, up to date Career opportunities available in Australia!
The Townsville Careers Expo provides an excellent opportunity to source information about the variety of study options, career opportunities and new trends in education, training and employment. List of Exhibitors can be found here.
Interest needs to be registered @ Pathways Hub by Friday, 21 July with Parent Lounge acceptance completed by FRIDAY, 28 JULY. NO LATE acceptances will be taken.
Heroes in Sport – JCU
Do you have what it takes to train like a Cowboy?
JCU, in partnership with the North Queensland Cowboys, is giving high school students with a passion and desire to develop a career in sports the chance to learn from industry experts and train like a Cowboy!
What to expect?
During this full-day program, you’ll gain unique insights into a career in sport. You’ll go behind the scenes at JCU and then explore the Cowboys Community, Training and High Performance Centre in Townsville. Academics and industry experts from Physiotherapy, Biomechanics and Sports and Exercise Science will share their experience and expertise. You will then take to the field for a high performance training session, developing your skills in leadership, teamwork and perseverance.
When: 7 August 2023 -- 8 August 2023
Where: Cowboys Community, Training and High-Performance Centre
Can I apply?
If you’re in Year 11 or 12 and based within the North Queensland region, you can apply to be a part of the Heroes in Sport program.
More information: See Mrs Williamson @ Pathways Hub to register your interest and apply
Subject Selection Talks
It was wonderful to meet so many parents on Wednesday night and answer any questions you had. Thank you for taking the time to meet with me. Individual meetings continue with the Year 10’s over the next fortnight. These meetings provide an opportunity for the boys to gain some guidance, ask questions and get some clear focus without the distraction of others.
If you missed out on an appointment Wednesday night, or your son would like another individual meeting please don’t hesitate to contact me to set up a time that suits.
Year 9’s had lots of questions on their subject talk day which was fantastic! They were so eager to find out as much as they could and use Monday to its full advantage. Some of the things I spoke about were choosing based upon their career interests and aspirations as well as having a selection of subjects that can open up more interests and opportunities in the future. It was definitely an eye-opening experience for many! Thank you to the Year 9’s for your enthusiasm and I’m looking forward to lots more conversations in the future!
Subject selection talks
Fiona Williamson | Careers Counsellor
The term 3 Blocksport competition begins week 2 for touch football. IPC has one Yr 7&8 team and two Year 9 teams. Games will be played Wednesday afternoons, with the Year 7&8 competition taking place at St Anthonys Catholic College and the 9&10 competition at Ignatius Park.
IPC will also be entering into the Open Basketball and Football competitions as well.
The Cowboys Challenge and Aaron Payne Cup squads are continuing to prepare for their week 3 games against Kirwan SHS. The home game will be played at Brothers League Fields.
Matt Arnold | Dean of Co-Curricular
IPC will host the final round of the North Regional Schools Chess competition on Wednesday, 9 August. This is an all-day event. Students who register to play will be out of classes for the day. More information will be posted on the IPC App and Student Notices as the final round draws closer. If your son is keen on a game of chess against some quality opposition in a relaxed and sociable setting, then I encourage him to register.
John Fuller | Chess Co-ordinator
A group of talented Ignatius Park College Arts students joined more 850 students from throughout the Catholic diocese for Day 1 and 2 of Mulkadee. The students are embarking on a series of intensive workshops and are having a ‘forest’ of fun as they join in the ‘merry’ mayhem at the Townsville Entertainment and Convention Centre to collaborate on this year’s performance of Robin Hood. Check out these Behind the Scenes photos. We are looking forward to Friday night’s sold-out performance.
We are excited to have two of our amazing Creative Arts teachers facilitate workshops. The talented Mrs Kylie Tillack and Mr Andrew Hodgson have both been selected to mentor students from across the Catholic diocese in this one-of-a-kind experience.
Allow us to introduce Mr Andrew Hodgson, who will be serving as one of the facilitators in this year's Mulkadee event!
Mulkadee, now celebrating its 18th year, is a significant event in the North Queensland Arts calendar, bringing primary and secondary students together for intensive workshops in various artistic disciplines.
Mr Hodgson will lend his expertise as a facilitator of the Concert Band workshops at Mulkadee, where he will focus on guiding and mentoring students in the Lower Brass section. A dedicated teacher here at IPC since 2018, Mr Hodgson brings a wealth of knowledge and experience.
Throughout his musical journey, Mr Hodgson has significantly impacted the North Queensland Region's music community. Renowned for his skills as a Drummer/ Percussionist, he has also showcased his talents as a Tuba player with the Barrier Reef Orchestra, Thuringowa Brass Brand, and German Band. His dedication to the musical arts is evident in his most recent role as the musical director of Ignatius Park College's combined schools' production of Bugsy Malone and his ongoing performances within the Townsville community.
Mr Hodgson's involvement with Mulkadee is not new, having previously participated in the 2018 production of Alice in Wonderland. He brings valuable experience from previous years' events. His passion for teaching and sharing his musical knowledge makes him a great addition to the lineup of industry experts, including the esteemed Mrs Tillakc, who will also be guiding students through various artistic workshops.
The culmination of this incredible program will be an eagerly anticipated performance of Robin Hood at the Townsville Entertainment and Convention Centre on Friday, 21 July. With Mr Andrew Hodgson's involvement and the collective talent of students from the diocese, this year's Mulkadee promises to celebrate the arts like no other.
Meet Mrs Tillack!
In the enchanting realm of Mulkadee, where creativity and expression find their truest forms, one name stands out as a guiding light in the world of the arts! Our very own Mrs Kylie Tillack.
Dedication and commitment have been the cornerstones of Mrs Tillack's journey. Stepping into the world of dance at Mulkadee this year, she has taken on the role of choreographer, collaborating with renowned figures like Jane Pirani from the prestigious Ann Roberts School of Dancing. This highlights her ability to work with seasoned professionals while fostering an environment where creativity can flourish in our school students.
Mrs Tillack's journey with Mulkadee extends beyond just this year, with having been an instrumental presence, supervising and facilitating workshops in both Drama and Dance. Her love for the arts is not confined to the stage, rather, it is an integral part of her life. Working creatively and collaboratively with young people is what inspires her in everything she does. As a facilitator, she creates an environment where budding artists feel valued, empowered, and free to explore their artistic instincts.
Kylie's influence is not just shown in Mulkadee, she has been a part of remarkable productions, such as her involvement in the most recent Ignatius Park College's combined schools' production of Bugsy Malone, showcasing her versatility and flair for theatrical productions. Mrs Tillack is currently contributing her expertise to NQOMT's Chicago, adding yet another feather to her illustrious cap.
Mulkadee is always such an anticipated event in the Catholic Schools' calendar, and the upcoming performance of Robin Hood is no different! As a College, we are so proud to watch Kylie collaborate with other teachers and industry professionals. The enthusiasm and excitement surrounding the show have already led to a sell-out performance on Friday night, a testament to the magic everyone is weaving behind the scenes!
Way to go, Mrs Tillack!
You can check out more updates at the Mulkadee Facebook Page here:
or view the videos here:
Mulkadee Gallery
If you have a Son/s who is due to commence Year 7 in 2025 we encourage you to apply. Year 7, 2025 enrolment interviews will begin in October.
Please follow the link below if you have not yet enrolled.
Thank you
Kerry Shephard | Enrolments and Admissions Officer
School Fees
Please be advised that All Term 1 & Term 2 fees are now OVERDUE – please make payment as soon as possible if you have outstanding fees. For those families on pre-arranged payment plans, please continue your regular payments as arranged. If you didn’t receive an email from us, please check your Junk or Spam email folder, otherwise all fee statements are accessible via logging into Parent Lounge.
If you are experiencing financial hardship and would like to apply for a fee concession, please contact us for a confidential discussion and application. However, please note that any accounts in arrears where contact has not been made with the College may be referred to an external debt collection agency.
Please be informed that timely payment of the School Fees is mandatory. If you have defaulted a timely payment, or have outstanding fees, please pay in full as soon as possible. Please contact the College Finance Team at finance@ipc.qld.edu.au or call (07) 4796 0222 if you need any further information.
Ignatius Park has partnered with Edstart to assist parents to manage their School Fee payments. You can pay weekly, fortnightly or monthly by choosing a plan that suits your budget. This is an application-based process. There are no credit applications and no transaction fees or interest charges when using Edstart Pay+ for your IPC fees.
Visit edstart.com.au/ipc for more information on Edstart payment options.
Student Achievements
Congratulations to the IPC students who represented NQ Rugby Union in Rockhampton over the holidays.
Special mention to Kuiola, Rafael, Cooper, Myles and Owen, who were successful at trials being selected to play for the Queensland Country Rugby Union Teams in their respective age groups, which will be held at Suncorp Stadium later this year.
Leo’s Open Day will be held on Sunday 6 August!
Some of the many perks St Leo’s has to offer include:
🚗 Being the only UQ College that guarantees parking for residents
❄️ Air-conditioning in EVERY room
📗 A full tutorial timetable and mentoring programs
💪 An on-site gym
🎱 TV, billiards and music rooms
🏀 Tennis and basketball courts
🍗 3 meals per day, every day
🧀 Packed lunches, late meals and snacks
👕 On-site laundry
All our great facilities will be open from 9am - 3pm. Come for a tour, check out our facilities, and chat with residents and staff.
College Road will still be closed due to construction works on Open Day. To secure a car park at St Leo’s, please register https://www.stleos.uq.edu.au/open-day/
We accept students from UQ, QUT, Griffith, CQU, ACU.
If you are unable to make it, take a virtual tour https://www.stleos.uq.edu.au/room-types-tours/
Could you be a better playwright than Phyllis Montague? Sign up to our Playwriting Workshop with Pete Malicki and find out...
Book here:
Townsville Little Theatre is proud to present this fantastic opportunity...
Have you ever wondered what goes into designing and realising a set? Come along to this workshop and find out from local expert Glenn Shield...
Book here