Term 4 Week 2 College Newsletter
Acknowledgement of Country
From the Principal
Dear Parents/Caregivers,
Welcome back to Term Four. I hope that your family had an enjoyable and refreshing holiday break. It is with much excitement and anticipation that our students and staff have returned for the last term of the school year.
As we step into Term Four, there is excitement as we enter our last term. New beginnings are a time when we reflect on how far we've come, celebrate our achievements, and eagerly look forward to the opportunities and challenges that await us in the coming weeks.
For our Year 12 students, this is a bittersweet moment as they experience their final weeks at Iggy Park. The journey they started six years ago has brought them to this point of accomplishment and growth. Let's join them in acknowledging the significance of this milestone and offer our unwavering support as they embark on the final chapter of their school adventure next week.
Healthy Mind Week
This week is Queensland Mental Health Week (QMHW) and is an annual awareness week that aims to shine a spotlight on individual and community mental health and wellbeing. The week also gives us the opportunity to understand the importance of mental health in our everyday lives. It affects how we think, feel and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others and make choices.
The theme for 2023 is 'Awareness, Belonging, Connection', which reflects the important factors that help people maintain positive mental health and wellbeing. It’s a time for us to come together through events that unite us, conversations that build understanding, and activities to raise awareness of the importance of positive mental health and well-being.
This week is being celebrated by our “Healthy Minds” team. This is a group of students who are positive practices that affirm others and us within our College community. These students launched our “Blue Tree” in front of the school. The Blue Tree project is an initiative from our Year 10 students. The image of the blue tree is to help spark difficult conversations and encourage people to speak up when battling mental health concerns. The blue tree in our garden is spreading the paint and spreading the message that "it’s OK to not be OK", we can help break down the stigma that’s still largely attached to mental health.
Pope Francis reminds everyone of the need to pray for those who are desperate and without hope. He states: "Overwork and work-related stress cause many people to experience extreme exhaustion — mental, emotional, affective, and physical exhaustion.”
Transport Assistance Scheme
The Non State Schools Transport Assistance Scheme assists eligible families with the cost of traveling to school, with applications for Semester 2 2023 now open online and close on 31 October. The Bus Fare Assistance Program (BFAP) weekly family threshold for Semester 2 2023 is $25 ($15 for concession card holders).
Please be aware that student travel rebate applications are only open in May for Semester 1 and October for Semester 2. Please visit SchoolTransport.com.au first to check if you are eligible”.
Parents whose child attends a school outside the Brisbane City Council (BCC) boundary are eligible for Students With Disability (SWD) or Bus Fare Assistance Program (BFAP) rebate. Please see the attachment for further information.
College Achievements
During the holidays, our senior basketballers travelled to Brisbane to compete in the CBSQ Carnival, coming twelfth in the competition. Our rowers also competed in the State Rowing Championships in Bundaberg. The Year 8 Quad won a bronze medal in their state final race.
Congratulations to the U18 Touch team, who won last weekend the grand final at the All Schools Touch Competition for the second year in a row.
Also, congratulations to Myles Rosemond (Year 10), who was selected as a U16 Queensland Reds player.
The College community congratulated both Mr Rohan Lloyd and his partner, who got married in the middle of the holidays and Mrs Sal Kruger and her partner, who gave birth to Savannah Kruger on Sunday, 17 September. We wish them both great blessings.
A reminder of some important dates
Next week is the final week for our Year 12s. Please be aware of the following events in the Edmund Rice Hall:
- Awards Evening |Wednesday, 18 October 6.00 pm
- Year 11 Breakfast |Friday, 20 October 6.45 am
- Year 12 Final Liturgy | Friday, 20 October 9 am
Parent Survey
Thank you to all parents who responded to our survey last term. We had 266 parents respond. The feedback provides valuable information for future planning of the College moving strategically forward.
Some of the feedback that was provided by parents were:
- 86% stated we were the school of first choice
- That they chose Ignatius Park College for:
- school with a strong sense of community
- High standards of student conduct
- Quality of the teaching staff
- Strong pastoral wellbeing and focus on student wellbeing
- 49% were familiar with the College Touchstones
- 85% thought school fees were affordable
- from a well-being perspective, parents believe
- My child feels safe and secure
- There is an adult the child trusts and can turn to help
- My child is happy to attend school
We will provide some more feedback from the survey in the next newsletter.
Dedication to Mary in October
The month of October is dedicated to the Holy Rosary. According to an account by fifteenth-century Dominican, Alan de la Roch, Mary appeared to St. Dominic in 1206 after he had been praying and doing severe penances because of his lack of success in combating the Albigensian heresy. Mary praised him for his valiant fight against the heretics and then gave him the Rosary as a mighty weapon, explained its uses and efficacy, and told him to preach it to others. In October our prayers and dedication are to Mary. The Christian Brothers dedicated their intercessions to Mary and the Memorare was often prayed in Edmund Rice schools.
Remember, O most gracious
Virgin Mary, that never
was it known, that anyone
who fled to thy protection,
implored thy help,
or sought thy intercession,
was left unaided.
Inspired by this confidence,
we fly unto thee,
O Virgin of virgins, our Mother!
To thee do we come,
before we pray,
sinful and sorrowful.
O Mother of the Word Incarnate,
despise not our petitions,
but in thy mercy,
hear and answer them.
Live Jesus in our Hearts. Forever.
Shaun Clarke | Principal
Important Dates
College Awards Night
Wednesday, 18 October 2023
Edmund Rice Hall from 7.00 PM
Award recipient information will be distributed to families before the end of this week.
Students who attend the Awards evening are required to wear the full Formal Uniform, inclusive of Belt.
Rugby League Awards Night / Break up
All students who participated in the IPC Rugby League are invited to attend the informal Rugby League Awards and Break Up. The Awards presentation will be followed by a BBQ.
Thursday, 19 October 2023
John Fisher Building Underneath beside the GYM
RSVP - events@ipc.qld.edu.au for catering purposes, please.
Year 11 Leadership Breakfast
Bookings close tomorrow for the Year 11 Leadership Breakfast - if you are yet to register yourself and your son/s attendance, please ensure you do so tonight/tomorrow.
This breakfast is the first event your Son/s will attend as part of the 2023 Senior Class. Presentations from their elected School Leaders regarding the 2024 College Theme and projects will be presented, as well as the 2024 College House Captains.
You can register your attendance here: https://www.trybooking.com/CLTQU
RSVP for the Breakfast close on Friday, 13 October at 10.00 AM.
Finer details
When: Friday, 20 October 2023
Time: 6.45 AM - 8.45 AM
Location: Edmund Rice Hall, Ignatius Park College
If you have any questions or concerns, please email Meagan Waldon.
From the Director of Curriculum
Welcome back to Term 4. It is an extremely busy term for students across all year levels, especially our Year 12 students who are entering their final phase of assessment for schooling. It is a good time for the boys to reflect on their performance in Term 3 and reassess their goals before the end of the year. Some students may be looking toward the light at the end of the tunnel, but it is important for them to understand that it is never too late to put in that little bit more effort.
We do specifically ask for parental support in developing and maintaining good study habits with your sons. This support can take many forms, including:
- Support and Encouragement: active involvement in your child's study routine sends a strong message of support and encouragement. When students know that their parents are interested and invested in their learning, they are more likely to take their studies seriously.
- Accountability: Parents can help establish a sense of responsibility and accountability in students. Regular discussions about study plans, progress, and goals can motivate students to stay on track.
- Stress Management: By creating a positive and organized study environment at home, parents can contribute to reducing the stress students often feel during exam periods.
- Communication: Open communication between parents, teachers, and students is crucial. Your insights into your child's strengths and weaknesses can help teachers tailor their support and guidance.
We hope your sons go into the Christmas break with that sense of satisfaction, knowing they did everything they could to get the best results possible.
IMPORTANT CURRICULUM DATES FOR TERM 4 (dates are subject to change)
Week 2 | |
· Tuesday 10 October: | Year 11 End of Unit 2 Reports issued |
Week 3 – 4 | |
· Monday 16 – 25 October: | Year 12 Applied subject exams commence |
· Wednesday 18 October: | College Awards Night |
Week 4 – 7 | |
· Monday 23 October – Tuesday 14 November: | Year 12 QCAA External Assessment Phase |
· Friday 27 October: | Year 12 Unit 3-4 Provisional Reports issued |
Week 7 - 8 | |
· Thursday 16 – Friday 24 November: | Year 7 – 10 Exam Phase |
· Thursday 16 – Friday 24 November: | Year 11 Mid Unit 3 Exam Phase |
Week 9/10 | |
· Friday 1 December | Year 7 – 11 Reports issued |
· Friday 15 December | Year 12 Final Results released by QCAA |
Year 11 Unit 2 report cards have now been finalised and emailed to all parents. Please check your email and/or Parent Lounge/Student Café to access them. If you have any questions, email curiculum@ipc.qld.edu.au
The Year 12 Applied subject exam schedule is now Live on our website. These exams will commence next Monday, 16 October. Students and parents can view the schedule here:
Next Wednesday, we will celebrate student academic achievements at our annual awards ceremony. The achievements of our students in 2023 are a culmination of three terms of hard work and dedication. As a community, we should be proud of our boys’ efforts and genuinely congratulate them on a job well done.
The Year 12 QCAA external assessment schedule is published on our College website for information.
This schedule is set by QCAA and cannot be amended.
To prepare for the Year 12 External exams, we offer students tutorial sessions. The Tutorial Schedule (as well as the External Exam schedule) is now Live on our website and has been emailed to all students.
Students and parents can view the schedules here:
Shane Dove | Director of Curriculum
Identity and Mission
Dear Parents and Carers,
With the recent, sad, developments you would have seen in Israel, it is pertinent to reflect on just how lucky we are to live in Australia. We all know we're not perfect and have our issues to deal with, but nothing like waking up to a weekend Saturday morning ready to enjoy some family/down time only to be under attack from a militant group. We should all be thankful for our shared, free from war home, where we welcome and accept people from all over the world to live in the ''Great Southern Land" as one.
Prayer for Israel:
Pray for protection for Israel from all the attempts by its enemies to destroy the plan of God by destroying His people. Pray that God’s plan for peace in the Middle East will prevail over all the plans of men.
On the holidays that have just been, 5 of our 2024 Student Leaders were lucky enough to spend a few days down in Brisbane for this years "EdLead" conference, held by EREA. I wish to thank Ms. Mackenzie Taylor who accompanied the students and even ran some workshops this year as part of the program. Here is what they had to say about the opportunity:
On the first Saturday of the holidays, whilst most of you were still tucked away in bed, five of us made our way on an early flight to Brisbane, embarking on the start of our leadership journey. Alongside the future leaders of all the other Edmunds Rice schools in Queensland, we unpacked our bags at St Joseph's Nudgee College and quickly made friendships that I’m sure will last a lifetime. Our three days at Nudgee were filled with listening to inspirational guest speakers, playing wheelchair basketball, spending time in Queen Street Mall, singing songs as a group, and playing intense games of touch footy. I’d like to say a special thanks to Miss Taylor who looked after us boys along our trip, ensuring we got the most out of the trip. Overall, it was truly an unbelievable experience that I am very grateful for. I'm sure it taught us all so much about what it means to not only be a leader, but how to be authentic to ourselves as people.
Quotes on what they got out of it, and how they will use this on their leadership journey in 2024:
Wes: With a variety of guest speakers and current school captains from other EREA schools within Queensland, it was a place that flourished with experience from those who have, or are, in a leadership position we will be facing in the coming year. Gathering from these experiences, I’ve learned that I should lead the school in an authentic way toward myself. I should express myself in a light that shows my true qualities and be myself. Although there have been many previous leaders who contributed great ideas and opportunities in their own way, you don’t have to meet their level. Be yourself.
Josh: My biggest takeaway from the trip was a quote from Brother Damian, a former brother of the Townsville community. “The best thing you can do is plant a tree that will one day be a great shade for people you will never know.”
Adam: It was a great experience listening and learning to a number of leaders throughout the community about what it takes to be a leader. However, one of my biggest takeaways is that leadership is not just about being the best you but also trying to lift others up to be their best by creating positive relationships with them.
Alex: It was an amazing experience and was cool to connect with other Edmund rice schools across Queensland. There were many takeaways from the trip, however, the main takeaway for me was learning from others about what it takes to lead well.
Kynan: It was genuinely a humbling experience to be in such an environment with so many great leaders and individuals in their own right. I took many lessons out of the three days, but the one main lesson which resonated with me the most was the ability to delegate workload with people who are willing to help. This highlighted to me that we have so many talented students across every aspect and it's important to branch for their skills and support as not only a leadership team but as a year twelve cohort. As individuals, we can make a positive change but as a team we will make positive change.
Thanks, everyone.
Mark Holmes| Director - Identity & Mission
Identity and Mission
Pathways Hub
Holiday Placement (Work Experience)
We had 13 students doing work experience during the September school holidays. Work experience is a great opportunity for students to gain an insight into possible career matches and determine potential future pathways post school. If you would like more information about how to organise work experience, please contact Mr Kyle or Mrs Vignale in the Pathway Hub.
Please also start thinking about registering for Christmas/New Year Holidays.
Work Experience Gallery
Diploma of Business
The Diploma of Business face-to-face concluded last week. We like to congratulate all the 12 students who completed this course. This is a huge undertaking to do this along with your normal studies.
Industry Placement
Industry Placement for year 11s will be happening in week 5 of this term (30th October to 3rd November). Year 12s have the option to trial for apprenticeships during the external exam period. This program is invaluable for enhancing our students’ employability skills and provides the opportunity for them to have a ‘real life’ work experience. We truly hope the students gained valuable life skills and now better appreciate the world of work.
The year 11 students will be issued with their logbooks by Monday, 23 October 2023. Students are expected to call their employers no later than Wednesday, 25 October (week 4). This call will be to confirm the placement, address, attire etc. In their logbooks, there is a guide on what to say and ask. If students are nervous or unsure about making their call, they are welcome to come to the Pathways Office, and we are happy to assist.
Change of Placement forms
Change of placement for this Term 4 has closed. This closed on Friday, 6 October 2023.
Vet and Industry Placement
Current year 11s who are doing Industry Placement next year have received an email. This is to organise their Industry Placement for 2024, even if they are returning to the same employer a new contract needs to be signed. This is now overdue and needs to be completed urgently. Please check your emails for this paperwork. If you are having issues, please call Mrs Vignale in the Pathway Hub. This helps us to make way for the new year 11s in 2024.
Industry Placement Packs from Year 10s Set Plan Interviews
The paperwork your son was given following his SET plan needs to be completed and returned to the Pathway Hub by Friday, the 10th of November. If he did not receive any paperwork at the end of the SET plan interview, please let me know. I can follow up with your son and provide him with a pack to complete.
Zeb Kyle |Program Leader Skills and Training
Year 12 Bits & Pieces
Log in and check your QCE.
Points should be up-to-date now.
Overall results in from general subjects (out of 100 total)
If you see a discrepancy, let us know asap
Make sure you have created your My Gov account.
This is especially beneficial to obtain your apprenticeship bonus payment ($625 every 6 months for 2 years).
Don't have an apprenticeship lined up yet - maybe look at enrolling in TAFE for the course you need for your industry. TAFE also has access to additional employers who are looking.
You should have registered through the portal by now to receive your ATAR on 15th December.
Applications close this Friday.
Round 2 offers came out last week.
Next round of offers - November.
For those applying to universities outside QLD, round 1 applications close on 12th October.
See me this week if you need your letter of evidence.
Make sure you have added it to your QTAC application.
Google CQU Tafe or Tafe Qld for the range of Certificate III courses available to you next year for free.
Start the process for applying for Youth Allowance.
You can claim for Youth Allowance up to 13 weeks before you start studying or an apprenticeship.
Looking for work - you may be entitled to youth allowance as a job seeker
Come and see me to start the process.
If you haven't already. let me know what you are looking for so I can send through vacancies as they come out.
Discover a healthcare future at Open Day - MATER
Are your students in Years 9-12 curious about a career in healthcare? Do they want to help others but are not sure where to start?
Mater Education’s upcoming Open Days in Townsville and Brisbane is the perfect opportunity to seek guidance and have all their questions answered.
Counselling Corner
October 7-15 is Queensland’s Mental Health Week. The 2023 theme is ‘Awareness, Belonging, Connection’, reflecting the important factors that help people maintain positive mental health and well-being.
The Blue Tree Project began in 2018 in Mukinbudin, WA to symbolize hope and offer a place to spark difficult conversations by encouraging people to speak up when battling mental health concerns.
We wanted to offer this to our community as well, so...
The Blue Tree Project is a worldwide initiative with over 1000 registered trees across 8 countries. During our school assembly last week, we registered our ‘Blue Tree’ LIVE with all of the IPC students and staff sharing in this important community initiative. At the time of registration, there were 1045 trees – perhaps ours will be 1046? Home | Blue Tree Project.
During this week, the Healthy Minds Project crew are giving each staff member a Tree of Life keyring, all students a ‘Growing Healthy Minds’ wrist band and a few other well-being surprises for the IPC community.
I am incredibly proud of all the young men who contributed to this project.
The HMP crew in 2022 were:
CAREW: Nathan Dolan, Darcy Schaffer
PUTNEY: Meky Turnock, Philip Lander
RICE: Tate Hastie, Ben Hatchard, Wes Kerr,
NOLAN: Brayden Lewis, Tyson Barry
TREACY: Kynan Purdy, Harrison Barrett
REID: Johnathan Hewson, Harrison Rush, Brad Vines
This year’s HMP crew 2023 are:
CAREW: Bentley Duncanson, Ethan Armstrong
PUTNEY: David Shilu, Ethan Cavanagh
RICE: Dane Craperi
NOLAN: Braeden Johnstone, Blake Pearce & Brayden Lewis (volunteered again from last year)
TREACY: Ronan Richter, Jasper Flintoff, Logyn Webster, Gordon Richards, Elliott Gilmore
REID: Will Pearson
BAILLIE: George Paske
Well done gentlemen!
Val Derwent | Student Counsellor
20% Discount on Sports & Co-Curricular Group Photos available until 26/10/2023
Dear Parents,
These school sports and co-curricular groups were photographed on 11/08/2023:
7/9 AFL | MUSIC ENSEMBLES | Townsville to Cairns Charity Bike Ride |
BASKETBALL JUNIOR CBSQ | NQ Sports Reps | U13 Touch - IPC Blue |
BASKETBALL OPENS CBSQ | Open AFL | U13 Touch - IPC White |
Bill Turner Cup Football | Open Blocksport Football | Year 7 League BLUE |
BLOCKSPORT HOCKEY | Open mixed Volleyball | Year 7 League WHITE |
COWBOYS CHALLENGE | PEER MENTORS | Year 7 Rugby League - Blue |
DEBATING | PRODUCTION - BUGSY MALONE | Year 7 Rugby League - White |
EREA National Football Tournament Yr 9/10 Grand Final | QATSIF GRADUATES | Year 9/10 Basketball Blue |
EREA National Football Tournament Yr 11/12 (Opens) | QLD Senior Schools Volleyball | Year 9/10 Basketball White |
FIRST XIII | Rowing | Year 7/8 Basketball Blue |
Grade 8 Rugby League Squad | Rugby Union - 1st XV | Year 9/10 Blocksport Touch |
HEALTHY MINDS | Rugby Union - Year 9/10 Rocky Trip | Year 7 League Blue |
INDIGENOUS YEAR 12'S | Rugby Union - 1st XV, NZ Tour | Year 7 League White |
Intermediate Cricket Secondary School Challenge | Rugby Union - Year 7/8 | Year 7/8 Basketball White |
Interschool Swimming | Senior Cricket Secondary School Challenge | Year 9/10 BLOCKSPORT LEAGUE |
JOURNEY 2 JOBS | Seniors Volleyball Cup | |
MULKADEE | Sons of Old Boys |
You can now view and purchase the group images listed above and if you place your order before 26/10/2023 you will get a 20% early order discount. Just click on the link below. Please note the discount will be automatically applied at checkout.
Images can also be viewed by visiting www.advancedlife.com.au, entering the code: XGN L8P RBG and clicking on “Group Photos”
- Sports and co-curricular group photos can only be purchased online, PLEASE DO NOT return payment to your school
- If your child's group or team is scheduled to be photographed at a later date, you will receive an additional email notification when the images are ready to be ordered
- Photos will be returned to your school for distribution approximately six weeks after the discounted early order period has closed
- Past years' photographs, including sports, co-curricular and representative groups, are also available at your school's advancedorder and your child's advancedyou photo sites
advancedlife would like to express our appreciation to Ignatius Park College for placing your trust in us. Please remember we offer a 100% money-back guarantee on our products to ensure your peace of mind. We would also love to receive your feedback or resolve any issues you may experience to ensure your satisfaction. If you have any questions, comments or feedback relating to your advancedlife experience, please contact us at www.advancedlife.com.au/contact
Congratulations to Sean Weir, who represented Australia in the U18 Rugby Union Schoolboys team over the recent September holidays. Sean played against the Australian Barbarians, winning 24 to 17 and a test match against Tonga, winning 50 to 26. His rock-solid defence and skill in the mid-field were extremely impressive. He continues to represent himself and the college with distinction on and off the field. Well done, Sean.
Myles Shines Bright Despite Tough Competition
In the world of rugby, triumph isn't always defined by the score on the board. Sometimes, it's the heart, determination, and exceptional talent of an individual player that steals the spotlight. That's precisely what happened recently in a remarkable turn of events involving Myles, one of our own Iggy boys.
While the Queensland Country U16 boys didn't clinch a win against the predominantly GPS (Greater Public Schools) boys in the recent Emerging Reds Tournament in Brisbane, Myles emerged as a shining star. To everyone's surprise, Myles was named the Player of the Tournament, a prestigious honour, especially considering that the Country team didn't secure a single victory.
Myles' exceptional performance didn't go unnoticed, and his journey has taken a thrilling new turn. He has been selected to represent the Under 16s Queensland Reds team in a thrilling five-week Super Rugby series. This is a tremendous opportunity for this young talent to showcase his skills on a larger stage.
Myles kicked off his Super Rugby journey by flying down this morning and is gearing up to face off against the Western Force this Sunday, the 8th, at 12:05 PM at the iconic Ballymore stadium. Next on his list is a clash with the Waratahs on Sunday, the 15th, at 12:45 PM at Forshaw Rugby Park in NSW. After this whirlwind of games, Myles will likely return home before the Reds take on the Rebels on Sunday, the 22nd, at 1:30 PM at Box Hill Rugby Club in VIC. Finally, he'll be back in Brisbane for a showdown with the Brumbies on Saturday, the 28th, at 12:50 PM at Ballymore.
Myles' incredible journey in rugby began with his outstanding performance for Queensland Country alongside his teammate, Owen Myers. Together, they faced formidable opponents such as Brisbane White, Brisbane Grey, and South East Queensland, representing regions like Sunshine Coast, Gold Coast, and Darling Downs.
As the tournament reached its climax, it was Myles who stood tall, earning the title of "Player of the Carnival." Adding to his accolades, he received a special gift from none other than the Queensland Reds Seniors coach, Les Kiss—a pair of Canterbury Football Boots. These boots are not only a symbol of his outstanding talent but also a token of the potential he holds for the future of rugby.
Myles' story is a testament to the fact that in the world of rugby, it's not always about the final score. It's about passion, dedication, and the pursuit of excellence. We'll be cheering for Myles as he continues to make waves in the Super Rugby series and beyond.
Stay tuned for updates on Myles' remarkable journey, and let's continue to support our talented rugby star on his path to greatness!
Yours in Rugby
Mr Moxon
A big two days of Hockey took place on Monday and Tuesday.
In true, IPC we can play any sports fashion, 27 boys put their hand up to take the field. This was an opportunity for 10 boys to try a new sport they have never played and enable IPC to be the only school to field 2 teams.
Teams included Kirwan SHS, Ryan Catholic College, St Monica’s Cairns, St Augustine College, Pimlico SHS and Southern Cross.
The D1 boys made the final, but unfortunately went down in defeat to Kirwan SHS, 4 to 1.
Learnings……. Next year we shall train in term 3 every week prior to the 2-day gala and enlist hockey coaches.
Thank you to year 12 boys, Joey Dixon and Harry Law who took on the challenge of leading, captaining and coaching the two teams. And thank you to old boy Caleb Lewis who umpired on behalf of IPC.
Hockey Gala
Congratulations to Kye Connell and Lincoln Baker, who, over the holidays, represented QLD at the national School Boy Rugby League Championships!
Community News
If you have a Son/s who is due to commence Year 7 in 2025, we encourage you to apply as soon as possible. Year 7, 2025, enrolment interviews will begin in October.
Please follow the link below if you have not yet enrolled.
Thank you
Kerry Shephard | Enrolments and Admissions Officer
School Fees
Please be advised that All Term 1 & Term 2 fees are now OVERDUE – please make payment as soon as possible if you have outstanding fees. For those families on pre-arranged payment plans, please continue your regular payments as arranged. If you didn’t receive an email from us, please check your Junk or Spam email folder, otherwise all fee statements are accessible via logging into Parent Lounge.
If you are experiencing financial hardship and would like to apply for a fee concession, please contact us for a confidential discussion and application. However, please note that any accounts in arrears where contact has not been made with the College may be referred to an external debt collection agency.
Please be informed that timely payment of the School Fees is mandatory. If you have defaulted a timely payment, or have outstanding fees, please pay in full as soon as possible. Please contact the College Finance Team at finance@ipc.qld.edu.au or call (07) 4796 0222 if you need any further information.
Ignatius Park has partnered with Edstart to assist parents to manage their School Fee payments. You can pay weekly, fortnightly or monthly by choosing a plan that suits your budget. This is an application-based process. There are no credit applications and no transaction fees or interest charges when using Edstart Pay+ for your IPC fees.
Visit edstart.com.au/ipc for more information on Edstart payment options.