Term 4 Week 6 College Newsletter
Acknowledgement of Country
From the Principal
Dear Parents/Caregivers,
Farewelling our Year 12’s
Next week will be the final week for our Year 12 students. Our graduating Year 12 class of 2023 have been a great cohort of students across the range of academic, sporting, creative and performing areas and leave us with the skills necessary to take their place in our ever-changing society. As a Catholic School in the Edmund Rice Tradition we aim that all students are academically successful in their studies, but success is not just judged by our occupations or the amount of income we earn. It is measured by our character and the difference and positive influence we have on others in our society. Blessed Edmund Rice over two hundred years ago knew that if his boys off the streets were to be successful, he needed a holistic approach to education that developed a student’s spiritual, physical, social and emotional well-being that was aware of the needs of others in their community.
This Sunday our Year 12’s will celebrate their valedictory. This will be an opportunity to come together to reminisce and share their memories of their six years at Iggy Park. It will also be an opportunity to share a meal with their teachers as their journey through the College hasn’t been an individual effort but a collective one where staff and students have worked together in partnership.
Next Wednesday, 15th November will be the highlight of our College calendar our Year 12 Graduation Dinner. It is not just a night of arrivals in fancy cars or the fashions the couple wear. It is an evening for our College community to gather as family, friends, students and staff to recognize your son’s end of their secondary education and the commencement of a new chapter beyond the gates of Ignatius Park College. They are no longer boys but young men ready to embrace the next challenge in their lives, to share their God given gifts and talents with others and continue to be “Iggy Men” in this world and to live our motto “Seek Truth”.
The final Rite of Passage will occur on Friday, 17th November which is our Year 12 liturgy and Tunnel of Love as they are farewell by the whole College community, as they move beyond the gates of this wonderful college to continue to live the Iggy spirit. All parents and friends are welcome to this emotional and meaningful liturgy that farewells this wonderful Year 12 cohort who I have shared my principalship with over the past six years.
My final blessing for our Year 12 students as they move beyond the comfort of life at Iggy Park.
God our Father
We can look back over the last few years
and recall the friendships that have formed
and the good relationships that we have developed.
We give thanks for all who have enriched our lives in various ways:
at home, in school, in church, and in the local community.
We are conscious too, Father, of mistakes that have been made and relationships
that have gone sour.
We ask for healing of what has been negative in the past,
as we place ourselves into your hands.
Inspire us in the years ahead to live in such a way that we readily apologise when
things go wrong,
as well as expressing thanks and encouragement to those who are a part of our lives.
We give thanks, Father, for the gifts, talents and skills that you have given to each one of us.
We think of people who may have received less than others but have
made much of themselves.
We remember, too, those who have overcome great difficulties,
and all who have inspired us because they have given their best.
In giving thanks for what has been in the past,
we ask for your blessing on our present and future.
We pray for wisdom in setting our priorities and in making our
choices that we may live fully and make our part of the world a better place
because of the care and compassion that we bring into it.
Remembrance Day
This Saturday is Remembrance Day or Armistice Day. On this day on the 11th November at 11.00am, 105 years ago in 1918, the armistice was signed which signified the end of fighting of the “War to end all Wars”, or as we know it World War One. During this battle some of the 416,00 Australians who volunteered to fight overseas 212,773 were injured and 53,993 were killed or died from their wounds.
This year to celebrate the 105th anniversary of the armistice students from Ignatius Park College will be placing white crosses around our newly constructed defence memorial in our landscape area to pay respect to the men and women who gave their lives for the freedom we have today. What is it that continues to engage today’s generation with an event that took place 105 years ago? What is it that fascinates and moves us about these events in history and the people who lived and breathed the horror of war? How is it that through such adversity the wisdom of love, humanity, faith and courage are born?
It was a very different time and place, but I believe, that these events in history, and the spirit of the diggers, and what wisdom evolved through the sacrifice of life, continue to have relevance in our world today, especially for our youth, as many who fought and gave of their lives were young adults.
It is the spirit of these young diggers that continues to unite and motivate us as a nation to reflect upon our identity as Australians, our freedom, and its significance for our nation and its people. As a nation we admire the virtues of these young men, their strong love for our country and commitment to its future that saw them prepared to sacrifice their own life to create the lifestyle we enjoy as Australians today.
I often consider what courage and commitment to faith these young soldiers must have had, to continue to fight against such overwhelming odds. It is important that we don’t glorify war but to recognise the wisdom our war veterans have taught us, through their life experiences. Wisdom about - a love and respect for life and humanity, a commitment to faith, and the courage to challenge injustice.
For our young men today, we have a generation that have not experienced firsthand the impact of war, and that we need to develop them as future leaders of our country who continue to work towards world peace. May the spirit of our diggers from World War One live in our hearts forever, and their wisdom and respect for life, guide our young people to strive for world peace. This Saturday our 2024 senior leaders will lay a wreath at ANZAC Park on The Strand at 11.00 am as a sign of respect for those who gave the ultimate sacrifice of their life. Thank you to Mrs. Carolyne Drummond our Defence School Mentor for organising our students.
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly.
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the dead.
Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
Lest We Forget.
Live Jesus in our Hearts Forever
Shaun Clarke | College Principal
Director of Curriculum
(dates are subject to change)
Week 4 – 7 | |
· Monday 23 October – Tuesday 14 November: | Year 12 QCAA External Assessment Phase |
Week 7 - 8 | |
· Thursday 16 – Friday 24 November: | Year 7 – 10 Exam Phase |
· Thursday 16 – Friday 24 November: | Year 11 Mid Unit 3 Exam Phase |
Week 9/10 | |
· Friday 1 December | Year 7 – 11 Reports issued |
· Friday 15 December | Year 12 Final Results released by QCAA |
Students and parents are reminded that our last day of teaching and learning in 2023 is Friday 24 November (Week 8). |
End of Semester report cards for all Year 7 to 10 students will be available for collection from the Edmund Rice Hall on Thursday 30 November between 11am and 12pm. Please ensure all college resources (i.e. textbooks, borrowed laptops etc) have been returned to the Learning Resource Centre prior to collecting your report. Any damaged or lost resources must also be paid for prior to collecting.
Year 11 students will not receive a report card until the end of Unit 3 in Term 1 of 2024.
Year 12 results are due to be released on 15 December from 9:00am. Students will be able to access their final subject results and their Senior Education Profile (SEP) from their learning accounts on the myQCE website at: myqce.qcaa.qld.edu.au.
Depending on your son's subject selection and results, his SEP will comprise one or more of the following documents:
- Senior Statement: list of all QCAA subjects and results
- Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE): if eligible
- Queensland Certificate of Individual Attainment (QCIA): if eligible.
Additionally, Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC) has advertised that ATAR results will also be released on Friday December 15. Students who have not already done so, will need to set up an account with QTAC at: https://atar.qtac.edu.au/sessions/signin.
Students who have any questions about accessing their learning accounts on the myQCE website or their QTAC accounts should see myself or the College Careers Advisor, Ms. Fiona Williamson.
Students who will be in Year 9 – 11 next year will soon be emailed with their subject choices for next year. If students wish to make any changes to their subjects for 2024, a subject change form will need to be completed. Subject change forms can be collected from the Edmund Rice Office or please email curriculum@ipc.qld.edu.au for assistance.
Shane Dove | Director of Curriculum
Identity and Mission
This term we are celebrating the touchstone of an Inclusive Community where we foster a community that is accepting and welcoming, promoting right relationships and commitment to the common good. To acknowledge this, a student was nominated to receive the Inclusive Community Touchstone award this past assembly.
Congratulations to Marcus Carter; his nomination read:
This student exemplifies inclusivity every day. Whether in the toast room almost every morning or giving the elderly a sense of belonging at Brooklea. Before the battle of the bands, most of us were out having lunch while this student helped prepare the equipment and set up this significant event in our school calendar. Then, while most of us were in the car on the way home or mucking around at the bus stop, he gave up even more of his time to pack up. This student was instrumental in this event which allowed our college to demonstrate our musical talent. When asking staff about this student, many had nice things to say with Mrs. Drummond stating, “he is always one of the first to help.” He consistently gives up his own time to support our college community and, further yet the broader community so that all feel included and supported.
Week 7 we will see two big events taking place. Wednesday 15th our Year 12 Graduation, and Friday the 17th our Year 12 Final Liturgy. I want to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation for the incredible journey we have shared with the year 12s over the past 6 years. This year has been nothing short of remarkable, filled with unforgettable moments, personal growth, and countless achievements. Together as an Ignatius Park College family, we have faced challenges head-on, learned valuable lessons, and built lasting memories that will stay with us for a lifetime. As this chapter of your academic journey draws to a close, we want to extend our best wishes and heartfelt congratulations to each one of you. While the road ahead may be uncertain, we have every confidence that you will continue to excel and continue to seek truth. Live Jesus in your hearts, forever.
Graduation Prayer
May you celebrate the past and look hopefully toward your future.
May you have courage to use your gifts in new ways and places.
May you take a step every day toward your dreams and truth.
May home always bring inspiration and comfort.
Blessed Edmund Rice…Pray for Us.
Live Jesus in our Hearts…Forever.
Bianca Barbagallo | Director of Identity and Mission (Acting)
Pathways Hub
Last week we had about 70 Year 11 students participating in our Industry Placement program. This program is invaluable for enhancing our students’ employability skills and provides the opportunity for them to have a ‘real life’ work experience. We truly hope the students gained valuable life skills and now better appreciate the world of work.
Industry Placement Gallery
Vet and Industry Placement
Current year 11s who are doing Industry Placement next year would have received and emails. This is to organise their Industry Placement for 2024, even if they are returning to the same employer a new contract needs to be signed. This is now overdue. If this not completed, and returned we can’t see your son on placement in 2024.
Holiday Placements
We have 2 students doing work experience during these holidays. It is still open to register for Christmas/New Year Holidays. Work experience is a great opportunity for students to gain an insight into possible career matches and determine potential future pathways post school. If you would like more information about how to organise work experience, please contact Mr Kyle or Mrs Vignale in the Pathway Hub.
Industry Placement Packs from Year 10s Set Plan Interviews
The paperwork your son was given following his SET plan needs to be completed and returned to the Pathway Hub by Friday, the 10th of November (tomorrow). If he did not receive any paperwork at the end of the SET plan interview, please let me know. I can follow up with your son and provide him with a pack to complete.
Zeb Kyle | Program Leader of Skills and Training
I am very excited to announce that ALL year 10’s will be completing a week of work experience in 2024! This week will run from Monday 25th – Thursday 28th March (Week 10, Term 1). This is a perfect opportunity for the students to gain first hand experience in possible careers before they start their formal senior schooling planning.
After an introductory talk on Tuesday morning to get everyone excited, the students were given a 5-step process to ensure they were prepared, organised and ready. The onus is on the boys to find their own work placement for the week. Hard copies of forms were given out in homeroom during the week as well as a soft copy emailed home.
Further information will be given about this fabulous opportunity in the new year, but for now, if the boys can start working their way through the 5 steps we can get them arranged with their preferred employer.
Please note, a White Card must be held for anyone interested in attending work experience on a construction site. A White Card single day course will be held at IPC in week 4, Term 1. This will be at a discounted rate of $79 and open to 30 spots.
With approx. 166 students heading out on work experience that week it may come down to ‘first in, first placed’ with some employers. Don’t leave it until the last minute!
Benefits of work experience for students:
- gain a better understanding of how classroom learning is applied in the workplace,
- develop a better understanding of the work environment and what employers expect of their workers,
- explore possible career options including non-gender stereotyped occupations,
- grow in confidence, maturity and self-reliance,
- develop increased motivation to continue study and/or undertake further training.
QLD Gov; Benefits of Work Experience
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out at Fiona.williamson@ipc.qld.edu.au
Fiona Williamson | Careers Counsellor