2024 Commencement Information Newsletter
Acknowledgement of Country
From the Principal
Dear Members of the Ignatius Park Community,
Welcome to all families, staff and students for 2024. This is our college’s 55th year and I am excited to be joining the College as Principal in 2024. I have spent the last four years as College Principal at St Catherine’s Catholic College in the Whitsundays, and the move three hours north has been a great one for my family and I.
At the first staff professional development day yesterday, I had the pleasure of addressing the College staff for the first time. In my presentation I spoke about what it is that I value as a Principal, and ultimately what can they expect from me in this role. My four big rocks as a school leader are:
1. Holistic Education: School provides a breadth of experiences both inside and outside the classroom. This includes camps, retreats, sports, cultural, music and academic opportunities.
2. Student Engagement: Students must be engaged in their learning. This is done through things such as contextualised learning and gender and age specific strategies.
3. Senior Pathways: All students must have a plan for life after school. Ignatius Park is a step in the journey for your sons, and we will do all we can to help them get there.
4. Academics: All students need to be reaching their own level of academic excellence. This does not mean that every student must achieve an A, but that they are working to and achieving the academic standards that they are capable of.
As a regional a Catholic school in the Edmund Rice tradition, there is a lot to be proud of at Ignatius Park, but there are also opportunities to further improve this great College. I will write to all families once we are settled into the year, outlining the College goals for 2024, and further information regarding our College Masterplan and classroom refurbishment program. I look forward to getting to know the staff, students, parents and old boys that make up this thriving community throughout this year.
Year 7’s – 2024
All Year 7 students will commence on Monday, 22 January 2024, and will meet in the Edmund Rice Hall for an 8.30am start. They are to wear their Formal (Academic) Uniform on this day. Our Year 11 mentors will be supporting our Year 7’s on this transition day.
Parents, please utilise the student drop-off areas on this day and do not park and walk your son into the College. We are excited to welcome our newest ‘Iggy Boys’ on this day and look forward to them joining our community.
New Students Years 8 – 12 - 2024
All new Year 8-12 students will attend the College on Monday, 22 January 2024 – 9.00am-11.00am for an orientation morning. Students please meet in the Edmund Rice Hall for a 9.00am start. Dress is smart casual.
Parents, please utilise the student drop-off areas on this day and do not park and walk your son into the College. We are excited to welcome our newest ‘Iggy Boys’ on this day and look forward to them joining our community.
Continuing Students Years 8 – 12 - 2024
All continuing Year 8-12 students will commence on Tuesday, 23 January 2024 and will meet in House groups in the morning and are required to wear their Formal (Academic) Uniform. Our first Assembly for the year will occur on Thursday 25th January 2024 and students are required to wear their academic uniform. This will be a special Assembly to present Academic Awards to our 2023 Year 12’s based on their final ATAR score.
Please note that Assemblies occur on every second Thursday and students are required to wear their Formal Academic uniform on this day.
This year we have over 203 new students commencing at the College and it is shaping up to be another great year. Critical to a successful year is the establishment of a strong partnership between parents/caregivers, staff and students. I encourage all families to embrace this partnership and ensure 2024 is a successful year for all within the Iggy Park community.
Students will be able to access their timetables via Student Café and Parent Lounge by the end of this week. Copies will be available to all students on their first day at school.
2023 Results
Congratulations to our Year 12 Graduates of 2023. As a College community, we are extremely proud of their achievements and wish to acknowledge that their results are a testament to their individual and collective strength, resilience and determination to achieve their personal best, in what was an extremely challenging year.
Academically, the College achieved well in the ATAR with approximately 40% of Year 12 students gaining an ATAR of 80 and above. Liam Sutton is our College Dux with an ATAR score of 98.75.
In addition, we continue to experience success through our VET courses with some 70 students awarded VET Qualifications and 14 Year 12 School Based Trainees gaining employment prior to leaving the College. I congratulate students on their results. I also wish to acknowledge the work of our staff in supporting our students.
Congratulations to all our students on their diligence and hard work throughout the year.
Thank you.
As I am sure you are aware, our community was shocked and saddened by the sudden passing of Mitchell Blaik (Yr 7, 2023) at the beginning of the school holidays. After meeting with Mitchells parents, they have asked that I convey their sincere thanks to the College community for the support that they have received in the shape of meals, vouchers, offers of help and messages from so many people. They are deeply grateful to everyone for their support though this extremely difficult time.
Please peruse the attached documents for information that you will need to know for the commencement, and throughout the year ahead.
I wish everyone a positive new year ahead look forward to meeting you throughout the year.
Yours Sincerely
Luke Thomson | PRINCIPAL
2024 Staffing
Our teaching staff have returned to the College to commence Professional Development this week in the lead-up to the new year.
The College Leadership Team for 2023 is:
Mr Luke Thomson | College Principal
Mr John Doolan | Deputy Principal
Mr Vilton Crasto | Director of Business Operations
Mr Shane Dove | Director of Curriculum
Mr Mark Holmes | Director of Mission and Identity
Mr John Deer | Director of Students
Mr Tim Lindeberg | Dean of Senior School
Dr Rohan Lloyd | Dean of Middle School
Mr Christian Quabba | Dean of Student Wellbeing
Mr Matthew Arnold | Dean of Co-curricular
Pastoral Leaders:
Mr Michael Turner | Baillie House
Mr Paul Bruce | Carew House
Ms Kylie Tillack | Nolan House
Mr Ben Williams | Putney House
Mr Liam Dunne | Reid House
Mr Matthew Groves |Rice House
Mr Owen Flanagan | Treacy House
I also take this opportunity to welcome the following new, returning and internal changes in staff to the College:
New Staff:
Helene Kotzas-Lazaredes
Daniel Taylor
Chris Hoffensetz
Greg Nicol
Neelam Raj
Mark Robertson
Jake Riley
David Vize
Nathaniel Staples
HR Co-ordinator
Kim Ernst
Marketing and Communications
Tamara Medill
Teacher Aides
Caitlyn Cox
Yasman Bye
Internal Staffing Changes:
Mr Christian Quabba – Treacy Pastoral House Leader appointed to Dean of Student Wellbeing
Mr Owen Flanagan – Teacher appointed to Acting Treacy Pastoral House Leader.
Parking – Pick up/Drop off Areas
Reminders about parking areas and school drop-off/pick-up zones. These areas are available to be used prior to 8.30am and after 2.30pm each school day. Please adhere to the 10klm/hr speed to ensure the safety of each students.
Please do not park in the Holy Spirit Church area, or in drop-off, pick up bays for a long duration.
Northern Beaches Bus Service
This service is still available and information can be accessed on our webpage, or by contacting info@ipc.qld.edu.au.
The route commences at Deeragun, moves through Bushland Beach, Northshore, Kirwan and arrives at the College by 8.30am. The bus service will run every morning and evening during school time and there are limited seats on the bus.
Parent Information
There are several Parent Information evenings at the beginning of the year which will offer information about your son/s’ academic year ahead.
• Year 7 Parent Night -Wednesday 24 January 2024 at 3.15pm in the Edmund Rice Hall.
• Year 11 and 12 Parent Night – Monday 29 January 2024 at 6.00pm.
Year 11 commences at 6.00pm and Year 12 will commence at 7.00pm – in the Edmund Rice Hall.
The College Calendar can be found on the College website. https://www.ipc.qld.edu.au/community/calendar/
At the end of each week, parents/caregivers and mentors are asked to view their son’s diary.
A Reminder – Year 7 & 8 Students – diaries need to be signed at the end of each week by your parents.
Students and parents are asked to familiarise themselves with the policies and procedures outlined in the Student Diary. Effective communication between home and school is an essential component of successful schools. The College encourages communication through various channels.
Home Class Teacher: For specific classroom issues, please contact your son’s classroom teacher.
Pastoral Leaders: For any pastoral issue, please contact your son’s Pastoral Leader.
Faculty Leaders: For issues relating to assignments and other academic matters, please contact the relevant Faculty Leader.
Images and names of both our Pastoral and Faculty Leaders are on our website.
The College website, Facebook and Parent Lounge will continue to provide information on College events. Parent Lounge allows parents/caregivers to view and update information including contact details, add funds to your son’s tuckshop account, view curriculum activities, email your son’s teachers and view your son’s timetable.
Please refer to the following links and information.
Uniform and Grooming - https://www.ipc.qld.edu.au/our-college/policies/uniform-policy/
The College has clear expectations with regards to wearing the correct uniform.
▪ Students are expected to wear the full College uniform to and from school. They must wear correct socks and black leather dress shoes.
▪ All items should be clearly marked with your son’s name and House.
▪ Jewellery is not to be worn. A religious symbol may be worn under the uniform on a chain around the neck. No piercings are allowed.
▪ Hair is not to be cut any shorter than a number 2 blade with no undercuts, ponytails, shaving patterns (including those to create a ‘mullet’) or any other style that draws attention to the student.
▪ At the back, hair must be cut evenly and clearly above the collar.
▪ The fringe must be cut to a length above the eyebrows, not kept longer and simply brushed to the side.
▪ Hair must be of a consistent length, blended well between length changes.
▪ Sideburns should be no longer than mid-ear.
▪ Students should be clean-shaven at all times.
▪ It is expected that hair be kept completely as the student’s natural colour and that no artificial colouring, bleaching, dying or streaking of hair is done.
▪ As well as keeping hair at an acceptable length, it is expected that all students keep their hair neat and tidy every day. The way hair is worn should not draw attention to the student.
For students with hair that falls outside the expectation, parents/caregivers will be contacted to collect the student and have the situation rectified immediately. The student will not be permitted to return to school until hair meets College guidelines.
Absentees - https://www.ipc.qld.edu.au/our-college/student-absence/
In the best interest of your son’s safety, if your son is going to be late, or won’t be attending school - it is essential that you contact the College before 8.30am with your son’s name, year level, house, and reason for absence including if he will be late for school or leaving early.
This can be done:
- via the link above.
- via the College App
- by emailing student.absences@ipc.qld.edu.au, or
- by texting 0416 905 246.
If your son has not arrived and no notification has been received, you will be sent an SMS message asking you to contact the College to verify your son’s absence.
Student absence from school during term time for holidays and travel is not recommended. The College does not modify assessment schedules to accommodate such absences. Any requests for leave of this type should be directed to their Pastoral Leader.
Each Year 7 to 12 student is issued with a locker in the first week of Term 1. It is mandatory for your son to secure his locker with a school combination padlock, which can be purchased from our preferred supplier, the School Locker prior to him commencing at the College.
Mobile Phones and Electronic Items
Mobile phones are not to be used at school. Students are expected to leave their phones in their lockers after 8.10am. Students using mobile phones at school will have them confiscated. I ask parents/caregivers to reinforce these expectations with your sons. Laptops are to be used strictly for educational purposes and to be used only in designated areas.
Toast Room
For those families new to Iggy Park, the Toast Room provides breakfast for our students every morning from Tuesday which is available until the bell at 8.30am. This service will usually commence in Week 4.
Wednesday Morning Mass
The Eucharist is celebrated in the Chapel at 8.00am every Wednesday. Our initial community Mass will be on Wednesday, 7 February 2024 at 8.00am. All members of the Ignatius Park community are encouraged to participate and feel welcome each week at this important time for our faith community.
Textbooks & Stationery Requirements
The College provides free textbooks to all students through our LRC. Please be aware the conditions and use of textbooks as per our attached Textbook Hire Policy. https://os-data-2.s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/ipc-qld-edu-au/bundle149/library_contract.pdf
Stationery lists can be found here: https://www.ipc.qld.edu.au/enrol/commencementinformation/
Tuition Fees
Unfortunately, with the increase costs of salaries and other associated expenditures, the College tuition fees will increase this year by 4%.
School Culture
The College offers an outstanding School cultural program that compliments the strong academic and spiritual dimensions of College life and contributes to the holistic education of the Iggy boy. The College provides opportunities for students to participate our music programs that enable students the opportunity to play a musical instrument and be involved in our ensembles and choir. The College also offers debating and chess as part of its cultural program.
The sporting program offers students a range of sporting activities. The College actively promotes a participation program for students as well as providing athletes with the opportunity to reach their potential through a range of sporting excellence programs. Sport is not compulsory; however, I strongly encourage all students to participate. The College expects that students who commit to a sport fulfil their training and playing commitments and to always display the highest level of sportsmanship when competing.
1-2-1 Laptop Program. https://www.ipc.qld.edu.au/enrol/1-2-1-laptop-program/
It is compulsory for all Year 7 and Year 10 students to be part of the 1-2-1 Laptop Program. Various communications have been sent out concerning this with collection being available over the past 2 weeks.
By now all students/families should have collected their laptop from the LRC. If you haven’t collected your school laptop – please ensure this done on the first day of school by visiting the LRC (learning Resource Centre). Please note that Parents/Carers will have to sign for the laptop. Students will not be able to collect same without your signature.
School Photography
School photographs usually occurred in the first week of school, however we have a new provider and the photos will occur on Thursday 14 March 2024.
School Fees
The College Fee Schedule for 2023 can be viewed at https://www.ipc.qld.edu.au/enrolment/fees/.
Please be informed that timely payment of the school fees is mandatory. If you have defaulted a timely payment or have outstanding fees, please pay in full as soon as possible. Please contact the College Finance Team at finance@ipc.qld.edu.au or call (07) 4796 0222 if you need further information.
Ignatius Park has partnered with Edstart to assist parents in managing their school Fee payments. You can pay weekly, fortnightly, or monthly by choosing a plan that suits your budget. This is an application-based process. There are no transaction fees or interest charges when using Edstart Pay+ for your IPC fees. Visit edstart.com.au/ipc for more information on Edstart payment options.
Vilton Crasto | Director of Business Operations