Term 1 Week 2 College Newsletter
Acknowledgement of Country
From the Principal
Director of Curriculum
Identity and Mission
Year 7 Parent Information Evening
Year 11 Parent Information Evening
Year 12 Parent Information Evening
Students on School Grounds Outside School Hours
Pathways Hub
Counselling & Wellbeing Support
2024 Instrumental & Ensemble Music Programs
Debating in 2024
IPC Chess
South America Immersion Fundraising
Responsible Uses of Digital Devices Free Webinar for Parents
Starlight Children's Foundation Campaign
School Fees
Acknowledgement of Country
From the Principal
Dear Ignatius Park Community
Welcome to our 55th year of providing a quality Catholic education for the young men of Townsville in the Edmund Rice tradition. I would particularly like to welcome all families new to the College.
This year our College theme is ‘seven houses, one home’, and to me it speaks to the sense of brotherhood and ultimately family that exists here at the College. While we use the seven houses of the College as the vehicle, this theme extends beyond these houses to our wider College community. We all come from different backgrounds, nationalities and faiths, however we are all one under the Ignatius Park banner, one College family.
It would not be a start to the school year if things ran smoothly and last week was no different with the cyclone. Thankfully its impact seems to have been less than what most of the community anticipated, however it has still caused a significant amount of disruption to our start of the year.
Please see the list of events below and their rescheduled dates;
Year 7 Parent information evening: Monday 5th February, 3.15pm
Year 11 Parent information evening: Monday 5th February, 5.15pm
Year 12 Parent information evening: Monday 5th February, 6.15pm
Academic Assembly: Tuesday February 6th, 11.15am
Year 7 Camp: Date to be confirmed
The cyclone did cause some damage to the College. We had damage to trees with numerous dropped branches, most shade sails were also damaged however there was no significant damage to learning spaces and buildings at the College. The Quadrangle is the area that lost most of its shade sails, and as a result we are working on temporary shade in that area while we assess the best way forward for that space. I must highlight the work of our property and maintenance team who came in over the weekend to ensure that the College was safe and ready for students on Monday morning.
The start to the year is the perfect time to work with your boys to ensure that good study habits are formed that can be sustained throughout the year. I would encourage every parent to sit with their son, and go through their timetable, then develop a study plan to support and consolidate their learning at home each day. For our senior students studying General subjects, QCAA recommends at least three hours per week of work in each subject area outside of scheduled lesson times, while our year 7 students should be looking at sixty to ninety minutes each night. Developing these routines early in the year will reap rewards and results during exam and assessment times.
It has been a welcome sight to see the boys getting back into their routines here at the College, and into the business of learning. Our senior study group has begun on Wednesday afternoons, along with various extracurricular activities.
Next Thursday the College will host its opening Mass and Senior Induction ceremony. This is always a fantastic event to start the year, and it also sets the tone for the year ahead. I would encourage parents to come along and celebrate this event with us.
Luke Thomson | PRINCIPAL
Director of Curriculum
Key dates for Term 1 (dates subject to change)
Monday 5 February:
Year 7 Parent Afternoon - 3.15pm – 5.00pm
Year 11 Information Night - 5.15pm – 6.00pm
Year 12 Information Night - 6.15pm – 7.00pm
Monday 19 February: Year 7 & 9 NAPLAN Practice
Wednesday 13 March – Thursday 21 March: Year 7 & 9 NAPLAN
Monday 18 March – Friday 22 March: Year 8 & 10 End of Semester Exams
Monday 18 March – Thursday 28 March: Year 11 & 12 Block Exams
Monday 25 March – Thursday 28 March: Year 7 & 9 End of Semester Exams
Tips for Parents at the Start the New School Year
1. Maintain Open Communicate with the College
Ensure the College is aware of any illness, absence or settling issues your son may experience at the start of the year. Our Pastoral Leaders are often the best first point of contact.
2. Help your son establish a Routine
Structure is important, especially for teenage boys. Assist your son plan out his weeks to include time for:
- Homework/study
- Exercise/Sport
- Family time
- Recreational time – including tech free time from phones, game consoles and PC’s
- Sleep
3. Monitor your son’s nutrition
Limit processed foods high in sugar, salt and fat during school hours. Research is clear that these foods can be detrimental to learning, concentration and maintaining energy levels.
4. Stay Informed of College Events
The College has a range of formats to keep you informed including:
- Parent Lounge: assessment due dates, exams schedules, results, attendance data, pastoral activities, excursions details
- College Social Media: Facebook, IPC Student App
- College Newsletter: emailed each fortnight.
Interacting with these forums will ensure you are up to speed with College events impacting on your son.
5. Be there for your son, but try not to ‘hover’
Taking an interest in your son’s learning is crucial - but there can be a fine line between caring and being overbearing. Your son’s dependence will gradually decrease at high school……but he still needs to know you are there and you care! Finding that balance can be hard.
Year 9 – 11 Subject changes
Subject changes for all year levels will close this Friday 2nd February. Forms can be collected from the Edmund Rice office. Any questions should be emailed to curriculum@ipc.qld.edu.au.
Homework Program – All Students
Our homework program will be fully operational from week 3 this term. All students can take advantage of some quiet study time in our Learning Resources Centre every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 3.15pm until 4.00pm.
Senior Study Afternoon
Our Senior Study afternoons will commence from today (Wednesday 31 January) and will run every Wednesday from 3.15pm until 6.00pm in the Learning Resource Centre. Please note that this is only open to Year 11 and 12 students.
Shane Dove | Director of Curriculum
Identity and Mission
A sincere and warm welcome back to everyone. I hope you are all getting back into routine after our turn of weather events last week and your family and home is safe and secure once more.
For the new families in our college, it is indeed a privilege to again serve you as the Director of Identity & Mission for 2024. We welcome back Mr. Greg Christ to the team as Edmund Rice Beyond Borders (EREBB) and Retreats Coordinator (away for first 6 weeks) as well as Mr. Ty Mills to the Faith, Learning in Action Role. Mrs. Bianca Barbagallo will again do a great job in her role as Liturgies and Faith Development. We have an exciting and jam packed year ahead!
Prayer for Beginnings
O God of beginnings, as your Spirit moved over the face of the deep on the first day of creation, move with me now in my time of beginnings, when the air is rain-washed, the bloom is on the bush, and the world seems fresh and full of possibilities, and I feel ready and full… AMEN
A reminder of our Touchstones:
Upcoming Identity Events
• Mass in Our Lady of the Mount Chapel – every Wednesday morning 8am beginning Week 3 with BAILLIE House Mass
• Beginning of Year Mass – 11.15am Thursday 8th February (Week 3), Edmund Rice Hall (Livestreamed)
• Toast Room Launch, Shrove Monday 5th February (Week 3)
• Ash Wednesday Liturgy Wednesday 14th February(Week 4) – Hall
I look forward to keeping you updated on upcoming events and reporting on successful occasions this year.
Have a good fortnight continuing to settle into the routines of the school year.
Mark Holmes
Director – Identity & Mission
Year 7 Parent Information Evening
This Monday at our Year 7 Parent Information Evening, important pastoral information will be disseminated to the parent community of our year seven students. This information will be a furthering of the overview presented at the end of 2023, and go into detail regarding both academic and pastoral pursuits of our students. You will hear from the Dean of Wellbeing (Mr Christian Quabba), The Dean of Middle School (Mr Tim Lindeberg), the Director of Curriculum (Mr Shane Dove) as well as your son’s Pastoral Leader and Homeroom Teacher. This is an important event that all parents will find informative and it also offers an opportunity for questions to be answered.
We look forward to seeing you on Monday afternoon.
John Deer | Director of Students
Year 11 Parent Information Evening
This Monday, all Year 11 students and parents are strongly encouraged to attend our Year 11 Parent Information Evening. Our Director of Curriculum (Mr Dove) and Dean of Senior School (Mr Lloyd) will present important information that will help you support your son in his senior years of schooling.
Topics covered will include:
- Overview of Senior Schooling in Queensland
- Understanding:
- the Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE)
- Australian Tertiary Admissions Ranks (ATAR)
- Year 11 Assessment and Study Expectations
- Manage Subject Changes and Variations to Assessment
- Tips to support your son in Year 11
Our Skills and Training Program Leader, Mr Kyle, will also run a separate session for students undertaking Vocational Education and Training (VET) subjects. His session will provide crucial information on our Industry Placement program as well as general expectations of students undertaking a VET Pathway.
We look forward to seeing you all next Monday evening.
Shane Dove | Director of Curriculum
Year 12 Parent Information Evening
This Monday at our Year 12 Parent Evening, we invite parents to attend to hear from key members of the College Leadership Team as well as the Pastoral Team with the aim being to navigate the senior year with as much information as possible. Our team will provide information academic and pastoral support as well as important events which occur through the year as a senior student. The evening is designed to equip parents with a realistic expectation of the year ahead. Topics covered include:
- Pastoral Intentions
- Academic Intentions
- Driving
- Parties
- Parenting
- Graduation
We look forward to seeing you on Monday evening.
John Deer | Director of Students
Students on School Grounds Outside School Hours
Ignatius Park College has an enviable co-curricular program that operates outside school hours for a number of activities. All these activities are supervised by College staff and operate with parent and/or College permission.
For students arriving at school before the school day begins and remaining behind after the school day concludes, supervision is provided by school staff from 8.10am until the start of homeroom at 8.30am and after the school day concludes at 3.00pm until 3.20pm. School bells ring at 8.10am and 3.20pm to indicate the beginning and end of this supervision.
Parents are reminded that unless students are taking part in supervised outside school activities, they will not be supervised by school staff except during the period from 8.10 am and until 3.20pm. Parents should ensure that suitable arrangements are in place to ensure the supervision of their students outside these times. While school gates will be open before and after these times, this is to provide access to staff and for students attending these supervised activities.
John Doolan
Deputy Principal
Pathways Hub
Over the Christmas holidays we had 8 enthusiastic young men take the opportunity to gain experience in a career of choice or to trial for a school-based apprenticeship. Work placements are a great way for students to determine their interest and suitability for a role and to also develop much needed skills and attitudes necessary for a positive career outcome. One of my main priorities for 2024 is to promote and place as many students in work experience as possible to ensure that future decision processes have experience in the job as a necessary factor. If you are in year 10, 11 or 12 and would like to participate in a week of holiday work experience, please come to the pathway hub to discuss options and possibilities with me.
White Card Course
A mandatory requirement of the construction industry is that all workers, including industry placement students, undertake a General Construction Safety Induction prior to entering a construction worksite. This is necessary to ensure their safety and so that they understand and know what all signage and signals mean and how to wear all relevant PPE. Once the induction is completed students are issued with a White Card.
This course is compulsory for all students enrolled in Construction, Engineering Pathways and Resource Infrastructure. However, students undertaking Certificate I in Construction will not be required to pay the fee for this course, as it is included in their subject. For non- construction students the cost is $79 payable by the 9th of February 2024. While it is not a mandatory requirement for other VET students, it is highly recommended. Your son will not be placed on industry placement in a construction trade if he does not have a White Card.
The College will be offering this safety induction through a third-party provider and will be conducted at the College, during school time. Two White Card course will be run on the 14th and 15th of February. Your son will be advised via email which course he will be attending.
Industry Placements
There will be approximately 150 students attending industry placement this year. Finding placements for this many students is a mammoth task. Some of the placements have already been finalised, but many more still need to be matched with a willing employer.
If you have personal contacts and can assist with finding your son a placement, please contact Jennie Vignale as soon as possible – pathways@ipc.qld.edu.au
Once placements are organised we are hesitant to change them (until the following placement) so we do not inconvenience employers.
Industry Placements Dates for 2024
Please find below the industry placement dates for 2024. It is an expectation that all industry placement students attend every day. We ask that appointments, sport and work commitments are organised outside work time on these weeks as to not interfere with attending industry placement.
Term 1 |
Monday 4th to Friday 8th March (Week 7 of term) |
Term 2 |
Monday 27th to Friday 31st May (Week 7 of term) |
Term 3 |
Monday 19th to Friday 23rd August (Week 7 of term) |
Term 4 |
Year 11 Monday 28th October to Friday 1st November (Week 5 of term) Year 12s to organise own placement. |
If you have any concerns or queries about anything in this article, please call me on 0438 185 403 or my email is zeb.kyle@ipc.qld.edu.au.
Zeb Kyle
Program Leader Skills and Training.
Year 10 Work Experience
A MASSIVE Thank You to everyone who has returned their work experience forms! I’m very excited to see where you are going when these forms come in! Reminder, forms MUST be returned by week 5.
For those looking at heading out to a construction site a White Card course will be run on Tuesday of Week 4. Subsidised cost for this is $79. ALL students heading out to work in the construction industry are required to have a White Card.
Career Spotlight: Careers in Information Security
What are Information Security Analysts?
Picture yourself shielding precious information from cyber threats. Information Security Analysts are the first line of defense in the virtual world, ensuring that business networks and systems are fortified against attacks.
What skills and strengths are needed?
These professionals require a meticulous attention to detail, robust analytical skills for assessing security measures, and a proactive mindset. Technical proficiency is paramount, and a capacity to think like an attacker can be beneficial. Effective communication skills are essential for explaining complex information to non- experts.
What are the pathways?
Studying cybersecurity, computer science, or information technology at university, with a focus on security is a good place to start. Relevant VET courses in IT security can also pave the way. After your course you’ll need experience in roles like junior security consultant or IT support specialist before moving into a dedicated security analyst position.
Townsville: ADFA Careers Information Session
Study for your UNSW degree and graduate as an Officer in the ADF.
Would you like the opportunity to undertake military training in the Australian Defence Force (ADF) while earning a degree? All without debt - in fact, we'll pay you!
You will earn a salary while learning and step into a guaranteed role upon graduation as an Officer in the ADF.
Head to the upcoming info session to speak with current serving military personnel and learn more about the Australian Defence Force Academy.
It is highly recommended you book as soon as possible to avoid missing out as places are strictly limited!
Click here to read more and to register.
Good Careers Guide and what information it provides
The Good Careers Guide (GCG) provides information on over 400 jobs and related entry pathways. It also includes tips on career exploration, financial assistance and job seeking skills. In the online edition, you will be able to locate:
- Courses in Australia - Search for accredited courses offered by Australian universities, TAFE institutes and private colleges
- Institutions in Australia - Search every Australian university, TAFE institution and private provider
- The Good Careers Guide - Explore more than 400 job descriptions and find the right career for you
- University Ratings and Rankings in Australia - Find and compare ratings for universities and higher education institutions around Australia
- Scholarships in Australia - No matter what you are intending to study and where, you will be sure to find some financial assistance on offer to help you pay for it
- Events & open days - Keep up to date with the latest university events & open days.
Counselling & Wellbeing Support
The first day of year 7 for our new IPC students saw our newly trained, highly dedicated and compassionate Peer Mentors of 2024 really ramp it up!
The Peer Mentors kindly started the school year ‘one day earlier’! With lots of activities and information to take in, the Peer Mentors ensured the Year 7 students knew where to go, provided support and reassurance for those who felt overwhelmed, and offered a beginning understanding to the younger ones of what it means to be an IPC brother!
Baillie House: Ethan Catt and Luke Swain
Carew House: Brooklin Robinson and Bentley Duncanson
Nolan House: Max Reeves and Kobe Kenworthy
Treacy House: Gordon Richards and Elliott Gilmore
Reid House: Byron Morris and Josh Symons
Rice House: Harrison Biggins and Haydan King
Putney House: David Shilu and Ethan Cavanagh
Photo: - Bentley Duncanson
Fantastic work gentleman, we are sure proud of you.
From your Peer Mentor team – Mrs Derwent, Ms McLeod, Mrs Burnett, Mr Jackson and Mr Lucas
2024 Instrumental & Ensemble Music Programs
Debating in 2024
Are you passionate about expressing your opinions, honing your public speaking skills, and engaging in intellectual discussions? If so, we have a fantastic opportunity for you! Debating is an exciting activity that not only sharpens your communication skills but also allows you to explore and defend your perspectives on various topics. Whether you are a seasoned debater or a novice, this is your chance to be part of a dynamic and intellectually stimulating co-curricular activity. If you're interested in joining the Ignatius Park College Debating Team, please contact Ms. Martinez on marita.martinez@ipc.qld.edu.au
IPC Chess
IPC will once again compete in all 3 rounds of the North Regional Schools Chess competition in 2024. Dates & venues have been locked in as follows:
Wednesday 28th February (Term 1) – ANNANDALE CHRISTIAN COLLEGE (main hall)
Wednesday 29th May (Term 2) - IPC HALL
Wednesday 7th August (Term 3) - IPC HALL
Students who are keen to play will be out of classes for the day. I will be the supervising teacher at each event.
Information on registering will come out the week before each event via student notices and the College APP. Acceptance and registration payment ($22) will then need to be made via the Parent Lounge portal.
**Please note: Those who register to play in the 1st Round will be required to find their own way to and from the Annandale Christian College campus.
If you son is keen on a game of chess against some quality opposition in a relaxed and sociable setting, then I encourage him to register.
Any questions / queries in the meantime, please email john.fuller@ipc.qld.edu.au
Kind Regards,
John Fuller
South America Immersion Fundraising
The South America Immersion boys will be selling cheesburgers and soft drinks at the swimming carnival to raise money for their trip later this year. Enjoy a tasty and refreshing snack and help make this trip a reality! Prices will be as follows:
- $3 for 1 burger
- $3 for 1 can of soft drink
- $5 for a burger and softdrink.
Thank you!
Responsible Uses of Digital Devices Free Webinar for Parents
Starlight Children's Foundation Campaign
The Starlight Children's Foundation, an organization dedicated to brightening the lives of children facing serious illnesses, is embarking on a fundraising campaign this February to raise awareness and support. Find more details below through the QR Code on the flyer.
School Fees
The College Fee Schedule for 2024 can be viewed at https://www.ipc.qld.edu.au/enrolment/fees/.
Please be informed that timely payment of the school fees is mandatory. If you have defaulted a timely payment or have outstanding fees, please pay in full as soon as possible. Please contact the College Finance Team at finance@ipc.qld.edu.au or call (07) 4796 0222 if you need further information.
Ignatius Park has partnered with Edstart to assist parents in managing their school Fee payments. You can pay weekly, fortnightly, or monthly by choosing a plan that suits your budget. This is an application-based process. There are no transaction fees or interest charges when using Edstart Pay+ for your IPC fees. Visit edstart.com.au/ipc for more information on Edstart payment options.
Vilton Crasto | Director of Business Operations