Term 1 Week 4 College Newsletter
Acknowledgement of Country
From the Principal
Implementation of Co-curricular Agreement 2024
Maths Pathway Information Session
PSMT Workshop
Year 11 Engineering
Year 11 Visual Art
Band Rehearsals
Pathways Hub
IPC Chess
Defence School Mentor
Swimming Carnival
Rugby Union Kicks Off!
International Women's Day Breakfast
Junior Players Wanted!
Bring it On!
Students on School Grounds Outside School Hours
School Fees
Acknowledgement of Country
From the Principal
Dear Ignatius Park Community
Last Thursday marked a significant day in our College Calendar as we commissioned our senior students, student leaders and ‘officially’ welcomed our new year 7 students to the College. As a Catholic School in the Edmund Rice tradition, Masses and Liturgies are at the heart of our celebrations and allow our community to add a deeper understanding to what we do, and why we do it. Our senior cohort is excited by the challenge of 2024, and I, like many of you, are keen to see these young gentlemen lead from the front throughout the year.
It did not take long for a leadership opportunity to present itself as the College swimming carnival took place on Friday. It was a day full of house spirit, camaraderie and above all, effort and participation. There were some fantastic individual and team performances on the day, with the loudest cheer being for the student leaders relay team that pipped the staff team in the final race.
One area that was a significant focus for the College in 2023, was the development of the College Masterplan. This is a comprehensive document that is aspirational for our College moving forward. With the damage to the shade structures in the College Quad, we are currently working with outside consultants on a redevelopment plan for this area which we hope will soften and green this space, while also providing ample, shaded seating for the boys. I hope to be able to share further information with you regarding this project in the near future.
Last week we held parent information sessions for parents of boys in years 7, 11 and 12, and I would like to thank those parents who were able to attend. Schools often talk about working in partnership with families but events like these provide the clarity to allow this to happen. It was great to meet parents after the event and answer some questions that they have, particularly around the senior curriculum, and eligibility rules.
I had the pleasure of meeting with JCU Vice-Chancellor Prof Simon Biggs last week. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss how IPC and JCU can not only continue our close working relationship but enhance it. Of particular interest to me were ways that we can engage our year 8 and 9 boys through the content that they are learning in class, and how this can lead to tertiary studies and pathways at JCU. We also discussed the success of our Engineering program, and the high number of IPC students choosing Engineering at JCU in 2024, which will coincide with the opening of their new Engineering block this year.
Over the next two weeks we have a lot happening - Year 7 parent info session regarding our Maths program, senior Biology field trip, NAPLAN practise, White Card courses, and a Rugby Camp thrown into the usual busyness of school life. There is little doubt that after our ‘false’ start (TC Kirrily) the year is well and truly underway. Have a great fortnight.
Luke Thomson | PRINCIPAL
Key dates for Term 1 (dates subject to change)
Monday 19 February: Year 7 & 9 NAPLAN Practice
Wednesday 13 March – Thursday 21 March: Year 7 & 9 NAPLAN
Monday 18 March – Friday 22 March: Year 8 & 10 End of Semester Exams
Monday 18 March – Thursday 28 March: Year 11 & 12 Block Exams
Monday 25 March – Thursday 28 March: Year 7 & 9 End of Semester Exams
Dean of Senior School | Dr Rohan Lloyd:
Our Year 11s will start to receive their first pieces of assessment for Unit 1. Similarly, our Year 12s are in the midst of Unit 3 assessment. The details of these assessments, along with due dates for drafts and the finals, are viewable in Student Cafe and Parent Lounge
Dean of Junior School | Mr Tim Lindeberg:
Should you have any concerns regarding NAPLAN or your son’s participation please email me on tim.lindeberg@ipc.qld.edu.au. Further information can be provided on application.
Shane Dove | Director of Curriculum
Implementation of Co-curricular Agreement 2024
Dear parents / caregivers,
I am writing to inform you about an important development that will come into effect for our students participating in co-curricular activities at Ignatius Park College in 2024.
We feel that participation in Co-Curricular activities is a privilege at Ignatius Park College, not a right. Dedication, desire, teamwork, commitment, integrity, pride and good citizenship are essential personal characteristics which are necessary for a student to successfully participate on any co-curricular activity. The goal is to nurture these traits. In so doing, each student should develop a sense of pride in himself, the school and the community. In order to assist the students to achieve these goals, a letter outlining the expectations will be given to the students participating in co-curricular activities in 2024. It will comprise of an agreement between the school, the student and the parents/carers.
The key elements of the Ignatius Park College Student Athlete Agreement include:
- Commitment to academics
- Behaviour expectations
- Attendance and punctuality
- Communication
- Sportsmanship and integrity
The agreement will come into effect once co-curricular activities are undertaken. It will be distributed among the chosen student and their parents/carers, and we kindly request you to review the agreement together with your son.
We firmly believe that this agreement will enhance the overall experience of our students, promote a positive culture at Ignatius Park College, and enable them to excel both in the class room and beyond.
Matthew Arnold | Dean of Co-curricular
Maths Pathway Information Session
Dear Parents and Guardians,
We're thrilled to invite you to our Maths Pathway Information Session, where we'll dive into how we tailor your child's mathematical education for their success at Ignatius Park College.
Date: Thursday, February 22nd, 2024
Time: 3:30pm – 4:30pm
Location: Edmund Rice Hall
What to Expect:
- Learn about Maths Pathway, our personalised approach to learning Mathematics.
- Meet your child's Maths teacher and discover how to support their learning at home.
- Explore the Parent Portal to track your child's progress.
We encourage you to attend with your child and bring their device for access to our school network.
Let's work together to unlock your child's potential!
Kind regards,
Mark Laguna | Faculty Leader - Mathematics
PSMT Workshop
Dear Year 12 Mathematics Students,
Join us to learn how to improve your mathematical report with a specific focus on Mathematical Methods and General Mathematics.
Date: Wednesday, 21st February
Time: 3:30 – 5:30 pm
Location: Mount Sion (upstairs in the LRC)
What to expect:
- Understand the ISMG
- Review of template for PSMT
- Examples from QCAA subject reports and exemplars
- Opportunities for peer review.
See you there!
Mark Laguna | Faculty Leader - Mathematics
Year 11 Engineering
The new Year 11 Engineering cohort completed their annual bridge building competition. This year we had a brand new Vernier Structures and Materials tester to help us out and graph the data real-time. The winning group reached the maximum load of the tester (1000 Newtons / 101 kg) with their bridge still intact! Well done to this year’s winners; Harrison Biggin, Haydan King, David Shilu & Scott Kelly. This activity will set the cohort up well for materials and structures analysis later in the Unit.
Tom Lucas | Teacher
Year 11 Visual Art
Year 11 Visual Art students have been exploring found object Art and artists this week. Inspired by work of British nature artist Andy Goldsworthy (known for his ephemeral sculptures created outdoors from natural found objects), the students scoured the school grounds for items of interest. They then began experimenting with how they could use these objects in their own Art. We look forward to seeing their work evolve throughout the term.
Band Rehearsals
Lots of fun happening in our music rooms as our Iggy Park students get creative and develop skills in the Arts department. Ukulele, keyboard and guitar classes are in full swing, our ensembles are rehearsing, along with some recording projects and lunch time jams in the band room.
Classroom music and co-curricular programs like our ensembles and instrumental tuition gives the boys a chance to get hands-on practical experience, express themselves and have a great time with their mates. 🎵
For more info go to our website or contact Miss Tess Higgins: tess.higgins@ipc.qld.edu.au
Pathways Hub
School-based Apprenticeships (SBA)
During the last fortnight we have been extremely busy signing up students as SBAs. We are happy to announce the following students.
- Joe Briskey (12 Reid) has been signed up as an SBA Plumber with Skeene Plumbing & Gas Fitting.
- Andre Corradini (12 Putney) has been signed up as an SBA Carpenter with Young Build.
- Tallis Smith-Wehrman (12 Baillie) has been signed up as an SBA Glazier with Vetro Windows and Doors.
- Oliver Nguyen (11 Baillie) has been signed up as an SBA Electrician with MGE – Mark Graham Electrical
- Riley McAlister (10 Reid) has been signed up as an SBA Carpenter with Woolam Constructions
Congratulations to all these young men on securing this opportunity to gain skills and a qualification whilst still at school. A massive thank you also to our wonderful employers.
White Card Courses
Tuesday, Wednesday and today we had our Year 10 (work experience) Year 11 and 12 VET students who completed their White Card courses. This is a mandatory requirement of the construction industry is that all workers, including industry placement students, undertake a General Construction Safety Induction (White Card) prior to entering a construction worksite. This is a valuable certificate for students to obtain and essential for their safety.
The students are being issued with their actual White Card, which they need to take with them on industry placement and work experience (if in a construction occupation). They will be emailed a Statement of Attainment (SOA) to their school email. Once received this SOA should be saved and kept with their resume and course details.
Industry Placements
There will be approximately 150 students attending industry placement this year. Finding placements for this many students is a mammoth task. Some of the placements have already been finalised and must be done by tomorrow Friday 16th February 2024. Once placements are organised we are hesitant to change them (until the following placement) so we do not inconvenience employers.
Work Experience during Easter Holidays
Any year 10, 11 or 12 student wishing to organise a week of work experience during the Easter Holidays needs to have finalised all the necessary paperwork by Friday 20th March. If you are unsure what you need, please come to the Pathway Hub and Mrs Vignale can assist you. At this stage, we have 2 students wanting to do work experience during these holidays to ascertain if a certain occupation is a good fit for them.
Cert II Electrotechnology
Ignatius Park College in conjunction with TAFE QLD have forged a partnership to deliver the certificate II in Electrotechnology. This course has been implemented to meet the high demands of students wanting to enter the Electrical trade. The Course started on Tuesday the 6th of February and will run until the end of the year. All students completing the certificate will do their work placement with Electrical companies to further enhance their skills.
If you have any concerns or queries with regard to anything in this article, please call me on 0438 185 403 or my email is zeb.kyle@ipc.qld.edu.au.
Zeb Kyle | Program Leader Skills and Training.
Year 10’s & Year 10 Parents – You are amazing! We now have 2/3rds of forms returned with one week to go. Reminder for those still waiting to hear back from businesses – forms are to be returned by NEXT FRIDAY.
The White Card Course ran successfully this week for those who will be visiting or working on construction sites. Another course will be run later in the term for those who missed out this week.
Year 12 Interviews begin next week. These interviews will be conducted throughout Term 1 and allow students the opportunity to discuss their future pathways with me to gain further information, support and guidance for their transition at the end of the year.
Year 12 students are invited to experience a day in the life of a CQU student on Tuesday, 5 March, getting a taste of what post-school study is really like.
Not only does Uni Experience inform and excite students about their future, it also kickstarts the conversation about preparing and applying for university or TAFE.
What to expect:
Students will choose two study areas of interest and participate in interactive, hands-on sessions delivered by CQU teaching staff. There will also be dedicated sessions focused on student finances, pathway programs, careers and industry, and time management.
On the day, students will receive a personalised timetable to navigate the day just like uni students. They'll also:
- Learn about our early offer options and other online study and residential schools.
- Discover study support and scholarship options.
- Get to ask our friendly CQU staff and students questions.
- Meet students from other schools with similar interests.
Year 12’s who are interested in attending this event, please add your name to the list outside Mrs Williamson’s office.
IPC Chess
The 1st round of the North Regional Schools Chess competition will be held at ANNANDALE CHRISTIAN COLLEGE on Wednesday 28th February (Week 6). This is an all-day school event where your son will be out of lessons for the day. Academic or HPE uniform can be worn on this day.
**PLEASE NOTE: all students registering for Round 1 will need to find their own way to and from the venue on the day.
Any questions / queries in the meantime, please email john.fuller@ipc.qld.edu.au
Kind Regards,
John Fuller
Defence School Mentor
Our Defence School Mentor is on campus 5 days a week and is available for Defence students and their families. Please keep an eye on emails and our social media for upcoming events. It is also important that you keep our DSM updated with any changes, including extended exercise training, deployments and absence.
- Welcoming - DSM connecting with students and families and introducing them to the range of support available from the school and DSMP
- Integrating - DSM focusing on providing additional support for Defence students to access social and emotional help during transitions into new schools and curricula
- Absence support - DSM frequently communicating with families to understand the specific circumstances impacting each Defence student, and working closely with students to provide the necessary emotional and social support during periods of service related parental absence
- Farewelling - DSM coordinating activities with students and families to support, manage and prepare students when relocating to a new school.
Carolyne Drummond our DSM can be contacted on Carolyne.drummond@ipc.qld.edu.au.
Swimming Carnival
Congratulations to the following swimmers who won age champion at the Ignatius Park College Interhouse carnival on Friday the 9th of February.
18 Alex Demopoulos
17 Ronan Richter
16 Euan Roberts
15 Jedd Giddy
14 Sebastian Sieben
13 Oscar Demos
12 Porter Gilbride
Here are the points for each House at the end of the day:
Carew: 591
Baillie: 729
Putney: 896
Reid: 958
Nolan: 972
Treacy: 1096
Rice: 1128
Congratulations to the Rice House on their overall victory on the day!
Rugby Union Kicks Off!
Rugby Union across three age groups (Years 7 & 8, Years 9 & 10 and First XV) began yesterday.
Congratulations to the 1st XV on their 31-22 win over Grammar yesterday afternoon.
Try scorers:
Joshua Morton x 2
Indygo Keir x 2
Tallis Smith-Wehrman x 1
Indygo Keir x 3
International Women's Day Breakfast
Junior Players Wanted!
Bring it On!
Students on School Grounds Outside School Hours
Ignatius Park College has an enviable co-curricular program that operates outside school hours for a number of activities. All these activities are supervised by College staff and operate with parent and/or College permission.
For students arriving at school before the school day begins and remaining behind after the school day concludes, supervision is provided by school staff from 8.10am until the start of homeroom at 8.30am and after the school day concludes at 3.00pm until 3.20pm. School bells ring at 8.10am and 3.20pm to indicate the beginning and end of this supervision.
Parents are reminded that unless students are taking part in supervised outside school activities, they will not be supervised by school staff except during the period from 8.10 am and until 3.20pm. Parents should ensure that suitable arrangements are in place to ensure the supervision of their students outside these times. While school gates will be open before and after these times, this is to provide access to staff and for students attending these supervised activities.
John Doolan | Deputy Principal
School Fees
The College Fee Schedule for 2024 can be viewed at https://www.ipc.qld.edu.au/enrolment/fees/.
Please be informed that timely payment of the school fees is mandatory. If you have defaulted a timely payment or have outstanding fees, please pay in full as soon as possible. Please contact the College Finance Team at finance@ipc.qld.edu.au or call (07) 4796 0222 if you need further information.
Ignatius Park has partnered with Edstart to assist parents in managing their school Fee payments. You can pay weekly, fortnightly, or monthly by choosing a plan that suits your budget. This is an application-based process. There are no transaction fees or interest charges when using Edstart Pay+ for your IPC fees. Visit edstart.com.au/ipc for more information on Edstart payment options.
Vilton Crasto | Director of Business Operations