Term 1 Week 6 College Newsletter
Acknowledgement of Country
From the Principal
Calls for Expressions of Interest for the College Advisory Council
Curriculum Corner
Mission and Identity
Student Wellbeing
Implementation of Co-curricular Agreement 2024
Pathways Hub
Defence School Mentor
Marching Drum Corps
Rugby Union- Round 2
2024 Townsville Youth Conference
International Women's Day Breakfast
Junior Players Wanted!
Bring it On!
Students on School Grounds Outside School Hours
School Fees
Acknowledgement of Country
From the Principal
Dear Ignatius Park Community
As we head beyond week 5, students will begin to start moving their attention from skill and knowledge acquisition in the classroom, to assessment. During this time for all boys, time management is critical, and I would encourage all parents to take the time to discuss with their son upcoming assessments and outside commitments and spend some time to support them to develop a plan to ensure that they are able to give the required time and effort to each assessment item. As always, I would encourage any parent with concerns to email their sons teacher.
Last week saw our students sit the first NAPLAN practise for the year. This practise aims to familiarise our boys with the test, and the tools available to them within the test, but it is also an opportunity for the College to ensure that its IT capabilities are at the level that they need to be prior to administering the tests. Ignatius Park College will begin the NAPLAN testing cycle in week 8, and any parents from year 7 and 9 who have any questions regarding this should contact Tim Lindeberg from our Curriculum team.
Next week will see the College host two significant events on our annual calendar. The first of these is our International Women’s Day Breakfast, run in partnership with Soroptimist International, a group that aims to transform the lives of women and girls by helping them to achieve their potential and realise their aspirations. At the Year 7 enrolment interviews, one of the most common questions that I have been asked this year is about our connections to local girls schools, and how we support our boys to develop healthy relationships in our educational setting. Events such as these, and the educational opportunities that come with it all contribute to supporting and educating our boys in this space. Recently our senior leaders have come to me and asked for support from the College in a student driven initiative they are planning for later this year, that speaks directly to their awareness and engagement in gender based societal issues. Watch this space.
The second of these events is our College Open Day next week. This is an afternoon that provides us with a great opportunity to not only market the College but to capture the awe and imagination of the next generation of Iggy Boys as they come to the College and experience it first-hand. Please encourage anyone you know with a son in years 4, 5 or 6 to come along on Thursday 7th March at 3.30pm and experience Ignatius Park for themselves.
Last year the College engaged in a significant masterplan to guide the College in its development, building and refurbishment projects into the future. This was a significant body of work which involved a large amount of consultation with various groups within the IPC community. I am pleased to inform you that we have begun the design phase on three projects that align with this masterplan. These are;
- Quad redevelopment project
- Science precinct refurbishment
- Camp Gedling facility upgrade
I will keep the community informed on the progress of these projects throughout the year, with the Science Precinct being a significant project that will require an extensive (and time consuming) design and consultation process.
And finally, Our College Advisory Committee is seeking Expressions in Interest for new members. This year Mrs Nadine George and Mrs Miranda Mears have stepped down from the committee. I would like to take this opportunity to thank them for their contribution to the committee, and the role that they have played in supporting the development of the College and its initiatives throughout their tenure. If you are interested in applying to join the committee, further information is contained within this newsletter. I am more than happy to speak with any prospective members and can be contacted through the College office or via email at principal@ipc.qld.edu.au.
Luke Thomson | PRINCIPAL
Calls for Expressions of Interest for the College Advisory Council
We are currently seeking suitable members to fill up to three (3) positions on our College Advisory Council, and we welcome members of our College community to apply.
The Council would appreciate any applicant that can contribute to the skills and knowledge of the Council and brings a wealth of experience and expertise in the fields of marketing / building / architecture / property.
Our College Advisory Council plays an important role in working collaboratively with the Principal and Leadership Team to ensure that we are faithful to the Charter for Catholic Schools in the Edmund Rice Tradition and quality stewardship in offering the best possible learning community at Ignatius Park College.
The College Advisory Council provides advice to the Principal in support of the strategic plan, annual budget & financial statements, capital works and master planning in their role to implement school policies & procedures in line with guidelines set by the EREA Policy Framework.
If you are interested in applying to become a member of our College Advisory Council, please email principal@ipc.qld.edu.au to request an Expression of Interest form.
All Expressions of Interest are to be submitted by COB - Friday, 15th March 2024. Interviews will then be held with prospective candidates.
We look forward to a positive, collaborative year ahead.
Curriculum Corner
Key dates for Term 1 (dates subject to change)
Wednesday 13 March – Thursday 21 March | Week 8/9 | Year 7 & 9 NAPLAN |
Monday 18 March – Friday 22 March | Week 9 | Year 8 & 10 End of Semester Exams |
Monday 18 March – Thursday 28 March | Week 9/10 | Year 11 & 12 Exams *note Week 10 is blocked |
Monday 25 March – Thursday 28 March | Week 10 | Year 7 & 9 End of Semester Exams |
End of Term Exam Schedule
This week the College published the exam schedule for week 9 and 10 and of this term https://www.ipc.qld.edu.au/studies/exams-assessment-study-documents/. Parents are asked to review this schedule with their son’s to ensure all aware of his commitments.
Please note for Year 11 students, there are exams scheduled for the Pupil Free Day on Thursday 28 April. This day has been used to ensure students have suitable time to prepare and study for their exams.
Checking Your Son’s Assessment Schedule- Parent Lounge
Did you know you can see your son’s assessment schedule for the current term at any time? Did you also know you can check his results for previous assessment without a report card or Parent-Teacher Interview?
To learn how to do this, follow the instructions below:
Variations to Assessment – Absence, Extensions
It is timely to remind parents that requests to vary the conditions or due date of any assessment item can only be considered following the submission of an Access Arrangement and Reasonable Adjustment (AARA) form and appropriate supporting documentation.
Year 7 – 9: The completed AARA form should be submitted to their Subject teacher. Documentation may be required (i.e. standard medical certificate)
Year 10 – 12: The completed AARA form, along with required documentation (i.e. detailed medical certificate and details of absence) must be submitted to their Subject Faculty Leader or the Edmund Rice Office.
A copy of the AARA form is available on the school website at: https://www.ipc.qld.edu.au/studies/exams-assessment-study-documents/. Alternatively, hard copies of this form are available from the Edmund Rice Office.
Junior Update
Our Year 7 and Year 9 students have now completed the NAPLAN Practice test. Their participation was positive and fills us with confidence for the upcoming testing days. During the sessions, the students and teachers were able to identify areas of improvement around being better prepared. Some key learnings from our Practice session include:
- Make sure laptops are fully charged the night before – plugged in and switched on
- Pack chargers as a back up
- Working wired headphones are required to listen to test questions
- A good night's sleep
- A healthy breakfast
- A positive attitude
Should you have any concerns regarding NAPLAN or your son's participation, please email me on tim.lindeberg@ipc.qld.edu.au.
Shane Dove | Director of Curriculum
Mission and Identity
Dear Parents and Carers,
God, may your mystery surround us and your light shine on us. May your Spirit explore with us and be our companion. May what we do not understand send us on a journey with you today. Amen.
Get ready to participate in some powerful transfigurations! Ask God to change the rough, ugly, or impossible roads in your life into freeways for grace. Invite the Holy Spirit to make the valleys smooth, and the mountains low. “Don’t breathe a word of what you’ve seen. After the Son of Man is raised from the dead, you are free to talk”.
Second Week of Lent
(Week beginning Monday 26th February)
Second Week of Lent (Week beginning Monday 26 February) |
Ronita is 22. She lives with her husband and two children in a barangay (local district) in Quezon City, which is situated in Metro Manila in the Philippines. Ronita left school when she became pregnant as a teenager. This could have had a life-long impact on her ability to find work and provide for her family but, thankfully, she heard about the Alternative Learning System (ALS) program run by the Faithful Companions of Jesus (FCJ), Caritas Australia’s local partner in the Philippines. Through the FCJ, Ronita was able to re-enrol in her studies and continue learning in a safe and flexible environment – even with the arrival of her second child. After completing her ALS classes, Ronita went on to earn her Grade 12 Senior High School Diploma. With her new diploma, Ronita has now secured a job at a call centre and is looking to a brighter future for her whole family. “I have now graduated senior school and I am so proud of myself,” she said. “I feel hopeful for the future… Now it’s not impossible for me to achieve my dream… Thank you.” Watch Ronita’s Story Please donate to Project Compassion. Together, we can help vulnerable communities face their challenges today and build a better tomorrow for all future generations. You can donate through Project Compassion donation boxes, online by visiting caritas.org.au/project-compassion or by calling 1800 024 413. Photo: Richard Wainwright/Caritas Australia |
Please support Project Compassion: www.caritas.org.au/project-compassion by visiting the site or supporting one of our school initiatives as per below.
IPC Project Compassion Fundraising coming up: Free Dress Day!
IPC students are invited to come to school in free dress on the 8th of March. It is a gold coin donation, and the theme is Green for St Patrick’s Day.
Mark Holmes | Director of Mission & Identity
Student Wellbeing
Antibullying Week
In Week 5, the IPC community launched our annual Antibullying campaign. During this time the staff and students stood together to take a stand against bullying.
The theme for 2024 ‘Another Brick in the Wall’ recognizes that every student and interaction is a brick in our wall at Ignatius Park and it's the weak bricks that compromise our collective strength. At IPC, we acknowledge that bullying effects people globally and understand the gravity of this issue, which is why we're fully committed to addressing it.
Throughout the week, the community delved into the alarming issues surrounding verbal, social, cyber and physical bullying. Each variant of bullying can significantly impact members of our community. Through our endeavours, we aim to raise awareness about these different forms of bullying and their adverse effects.
Activities included a presentation on Monday morning in House Assembly on how and where to report bullying, a pulse survey in PACA where data was collected from students on bullying at IPC and finally a campaign video during College Assembly which demonstrated behaviours. The students were challenged to stand united against bullying, fostering an environment of empathy, kindness and respect. Finally, the students were asked ‘What type of Brick they would be? as we stand together in order to make IPC a safe and supportive environment for all.
Middle Leaders
On Thursday during College Assembly the Middle Leaders for Semester 1 were officially inducted and presented their badges by Principal Mr Thomson.
These students are from Year 9, with one from each House being selected to represent the student body. The students were asked to submit a formal application as well as sit through an interview process. All students are to be commended on the quality of applications received. IPC is certainly in good hands in the years to come!
Jackson Rowe
Cody Parsloe
Riley Johnston
Sam Donkin
Brendan Rains
Thomas Griffiths
Eli Groves
Christian Quabba | Dean of Student Wellbeing
Implementation of Co-curricular Agreement 2024
Dear parents / caregivers,
I am writing to inform you about an important development that will come into effect for our students participating in co-curricular activities at Ignatius Park College in 2024.
We feel that participation in Co-Curricular activities is a privilege at Ignatius Park College, not a right. Dedication, desire, teamwork, commitment, integrity, pride and good citizenship are essential personal characteristics which are necessary for a student to successfully participate on any co-curricular activity. The goal is to nurture these traits. In so doing, each student should develop a sense of pride in himself, the school and the community. In order to assist the students to achieve these goals, a letter outlining the expectations will be given to the students participating in co-curricular activities in 2024. It will comprise of an agreement between the school, the student and the parents/carers.
The key elements of the Ignatius Park College Student Athlete Agreement include:
- Commitment to academics
- Behaviour expectations
- Attendance and punctuality
- Communication
- Sportsmanship and integrity
The agreement will come into effect once co-curricular activities are undertaken. It will be distributed among the chosen student and their parents/carers, and we kindly request you to review the agreement together with your son.
We firmly believe that this agreement will enhance the overall experience of our students, promote a positive culture at Ignatius Park College, and enable them to excel both in the class room and beyond.
Matthew Arnold | Dean of Co-curricular
Pathways Hub
Industry Placement
Next week about 150 Year 11 and 12 students will be participating in our Industry Placement program. This program is invaluable for enhancing our students’ employability skills and provides the opportunity for them to have a ‘real life’ work experience. We truly hope the students gained valuable life skills and now better appreciate the world of work.
Could parents of these students please peruse their son’s logbook and remind them of the importance of having pages 13 and 14 completed by their employers. Four fully completed logbooks could earn the boys 2 QCE points. Please check with the boys to make sure they are ready for Monday that they return their Logbooks to the Pathways office on Monday of Week 8.
If the students wish to change placements for Term 2, they must have the purple Change of Placement form completed and lodged with the Pathways office by Friday 17 May 2023 (Week 5).
Conditions and Expectations of Students on Industry Placement
Contacting Employers
- The student will phone the employer by no later than the Wednesday prior to placement dot confirm arrangements. If the student is having trouble contacting the employer, he will see the Pathway Hub for assistance as soon as possible.
- If the student has any commitments that will affect his attendance during Industry Placement (including appointments school commitments, sporting commitments etc.) he will advise the Program Leader of Skills & Training and the employer at the earliest possible time prior to the Industry Placement week.
Change of placement
- Requests to change placement/employers will be completed and submitted to the Pathway Hub, by date they have been provided with.
- Contacting the Employer. If the student is absent from the workplace, he will call his employer. This must be done prior to his usual staring time.
- Contacting the College: During Industry Placement week parents/guardians will phone the Program Leader of Skills & Training directly before 8.30am on 0438 185 403. (This is also shown on the student logbooks)
- Students will neatly, comprehensively, and diligently complete their logbooks for each placement day and have it signed by their supervisor at the end of the week.
- On the first school day after industry placement week, the student will have his logbook sighted and signed by the Program Leader of Skills & Training.
Conduct in the Workplace
Students are to ensure they adhere to the following conduct expectations whilst on Industry Placements.
- Confidentiality: While on placement any information you gain must be treated as confidential n you must refrain from discussing such information with others.
- Mobile phones: Mobile phones are not to be used for personal use at all during working hours. Use of mobile phones during breaks is at the discretion of the work supervisor.
- Courtesy: Remember a smile goes a long way in personal relations when greeting and dealing with customers, staff, and management.
- Initiative and enthusiasm: Be willing and inquiring on and show the employer you are thinking about what you are doing. Make sure you listen to and following instructions. If you encounter difficulties, ask for help.
- Dressing appropriately: Before arriving at work on the first day, check with the employer about the type of clothing and personal protective equipment which is appropriate for the work you will be undertaking.
- Honesty: During placement, you are representing the College. Regarding money, merchandise, behavior and truthfulness show personal pride in yourself and your college by behaving appropriately.
- Safe work practices: The Workplace Health and Safety Act states that employees and other (including Work Experience Students) have certain obligations in the workplace. All workers:
- Must comply with the instructions given by the employer.
- Must not injure themselves.
- Must use protective equipment.
- Must not place other employees at risk.
- Must not willfully or recklessly interfere with or misuse equipment or anything provided in the interests of health or safety at the workplace.
- Non-discriminatory work practices: The Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 prohibits either direct or indirect discrimination based on sex, race or impairment. Any person who experiences discrimination or sexual harassment may make a complaint to the Commissioner of the Anti-Discrimination Commission within one year of the alleged contravention of the Act.
Failure to follow these protocols and expectations will result in consequences at the discretion of the Program Leader of Skill & Training.
Work Experience
Any year 10, 11 or 12s students wishing to organise a week of work experience during the Easter Holidays needs to have finalised all the necessary paperwork by Friday 22 March. If you are unsure what you need, please come to the Pathway Hub and Mrs Vignale can assist you. At this stage, we have no students wanting to do work experience during these holidays to ascertain if a certain occupation is a good fit for them.
Zeb Kyle | Program Leader of Skills and Training
Defence School Mentor
Our Defence School Mentor is on campus 5 days a week and is available for Defence students and their families. Please keep an eye on emails and our social media for upcoming events. It is also important that you keep our DSM updated with any changes, including extended exercise training, deployments and absence.
- Welcoming - DSM connecting with students and families and introducing them to the range of support available from the school and DSMP
- Integrating - DSM focusing on providing additional support for Defence students to access social and emotional help during transitions into new schools and curricula
- Absence support - DSM frequently communicating with families to understand the specific circumstances impacting each Defence student, and working closely with students to provide the necessary emotional and social support during periods of service related parental absence
- Farewelling - DSM coordinating activities with students and families to support, manage and prepare students when relocating to a new school.
Carolyne Drummond our DSM can be contacted on Carolyne.drummond@ipc.qld.edu.au.
Marching Drum Corps
Rehearsals continue each Monday after school for our inaugural Marching Drum Corps – one of several musical ensembles available at IPC. Students from Years 7 – 12 are currently honing their skills as they prepare to commemorate ANZAC Day. The band will join the IPC student body as they march along the Strand on April 25th.
Under the guidance of Mr Andrew Hodgson, students rehearse Mondays 3.15pm – 4pm. Students can learn teamwork, enhance coordination and boost self-esteem by joining our Marching Drum Corps. No experience is needed. To sign up, or learn more about this opportunity, contact Katrina Guazzo (katrina.guazzo@ipc.qld.edu.au) or Tess Higgins (tess.higgins@ipc.qld.edu.au).
Rugby Union- Round 2
Game 1: IPC Roos v IPC Taipans
Result: Taipans: 40 – Roos: 5
The boys were hyped up for an epic showdown between two of the fiercest IPC teams, ready to give it their all in a battle of mate on mate. The game was an explosive display of speed, strength, and pure grit, as both sides left everything on the field. In a nail-biting finish. The Taipans were too strong in the end, emerging victorious after an intense battle, but the real winners were the fans who witnessed a spectacular match. With lightning-fast footwork, hard-hitting tackles, and stunning displays of teamwork, this was a game for the ages.
Tries Taipans: William Travers x 4; Archer Smerdon; Quaid Smith; Reuben Simmons-McMullan; Harley Clifford
Tries Roos: Boston Bolton;
IPC Taipans MVPs: 3 – William Travers ; 2 – Archer Smerdon; 1 – Quaid Smith
IPC Roos MVPs: 3 – Boston Bolton; 2 – Nataio Tamwoy; 1 – Blake Dowd
Game 2: IPC Boars v Grammar
Result: WON: IPC: 20 – Grammar: 15
It was an exhilarating spectacle on the rugby pitch this week as the Boars engaged in an epic clash against Grammar. With both sides racking up try after try, tension hung thick in the air, and the stakes soared even higher. By halftime, IPC seemed to hold the edge with a one try lead. Yet, Grammar bounced back early in the second half to make the game level. The IPC squad delved deep, showcasing their resilience and unleashing an unstoppable second-half surge. With the crowd teetering on the edge of their seats, the IPC amalgam dazzled with a display of rugby prowess and grit, notching an impressive 2 tries to seize the lead and clinch a heart-stopping victory by a mere try as the final whistle blew.
MVPs: 3 – Ioakima Paulino ; 2 – Gibson Westcott; 1 – Harvey Reddy
Game 3: IPC Dingoes v Cathedral
Result: WON: IPC: 15 – Cathedral: 10
IPC Dingoes faced off against Cathedral on Tuesday afternoon, showcasing their prowess and finesse on the field, securing a narrow victory with a score of three tries to two. The match transpired in a spirit of camaraderie, with both sides exemplifying commendable sportsmanship.
The triumph of the IPC team can be attributed to their exceptional teamwork and individual talent. The win was a testament to the Dingoes cohesive efforts and unwavering determination, underscoring their commitment to excellence on the rugby field.
Tries: Lui Henry x 2; Nate Groves; William Travers
MVPs: 3 – Leon Clauss ; 2 - Bailey Campbell; 1 – Lui Henry
Game 1: IPC 1 V Cathedral 1
Result: DRAW: IPC1: 20 - Cathedral 1: 20
The clash between two elite local Rugby teams was an electrifying spectacle, pulsating with adrenaline from start to finish. It was a whirlwind of action, with both sides relentlessly trading tries in a dynamic display of skill and speed. The players showcased peak performance, delivering powerful runs that effortlessly tore through the opposing defence. Spearheaded by the unstoppable trio of Alex Moss, Liam Gibb and Mitchell Hobb, the game unfolded as a testament to their athletic prowess and unwavering determination. Amidst the fierce competition, the match epitomized the true essence of sportsmanship, with every player embodying a spirit of fair play and a commitment to excellence.
Tries : Liam Gibb x 2; Jayden Nash-Smith; Alex Moss
MVPs: 3 – Alex Moss; 2 – Liam Gibb; 1 – Mitchell Hobbs
Game 2: IPC 2 V Cathedral 2
Result: LOST: IPC1: 20 - Cathedral 2: 25
Brace yourselves as the IPC1 squad embarked on an exhilarating journey this week, taking on the formidable Cathedral 2 team. This game was always going to be an intense showdown. The atmosphere crackled with anticipation as both sides fiercely competed in a closely contested match. Despite showcasing remarkable skills and putting up a brave fight, IPC2 found themselves unable to match Cathedral 2's relentless pace in the latter half, resulting in a narrow defeat.
Tries : Xydan Scarff x 2; Chase Davies; Leo Payten
MVPs: 3 – Chase Davies; 2 – Xydan Scarff; 1 – Leo Payten
Year 9/10
Result: WON: IPC: 5 - Cathedral 0
IPC entered their match against Cathedral with a sense of trepidation against a strong Cathedral team. The game certainly proved to be more arduous than anticipated, especially with wet conditions necessitating precise ball control. The first half unfolded as a midfield battle, with both teams struggling to gain significant ground. Despite moments of disciplined and structured play that applied pressure on Cathedral, lapses in concentration and decision-making led to errors with possession. Nonetheless, holding a five-point lead at halftime, the team recognized the need to elevate their performance in the second half. The second half turned into a slog feat with both teams turning over possession at key times and neither team able to apply any sustained pressure. Coming away with a 5-0 win, the boys knew they needed to do some work before taking on Grammar next week.
Tries: Jonah Allan
MVPs: 3 – Koby De Wet; 2 – Taj Viliamu; 1 – Nic Demopolous
2024 Townsville Youth Conference
International Women's Day Breakfast
Junior Players Wanted!
Bring it On!
Students on School Grounds Outside School Hours
Ignatius Park College has an enviable co-curricular program that operates outside school hours for a number of activities. All these activities are supervised by College staff and operate with parent and/or College permission.
For students arriving at school before the school day begins and remaining behind after the school day concludes, supervision is provided by school staff from 8.10am until the start of homeroom at 8.30am and after the school day concludes at 3.00pm until 3.20pm. School bells ring at 8.10am and 3.20pm to indicate the beginning and end of this supervision.
Parents are reminded that unless students are taking part in supervised outside school activities, they will not be supervised by school staff except during the period from 8.10 am and until 3.20pm. Parents should ensure that suitable arrangements are in place to ensure the supervision of their students outside these times. While school gates will be open before and after these times, this is to provide access to staff and for students attending these supervised activities.
John Doolan | Deputy Principal
School Fees
The College Fee Schedule for 2024 can be viewed at https://www.ipc.qld.edu.au/enrolment/fees/.
Please be informed that timely payment of the school fees is mandatory. If you have defaulted a timely payment or have outstanding fees, please pay in full as soon as possible. Please contact the College Finance Team at finance@ipc.qld.edu.au or call (07) 4796 0222 if you need further information.
Ignatius Park has partnered with Edstart to assist parents in managing their school Fee payments. You can pay weekly, fortnightly, or monthly by choosing a plan that suits your budget. This is an application-based process. There are no transaction fees or interest charges when using Edstart Pay+ for your IPC fees. Visit edstart.com.au/ipc for more information on Edstart payment options.
Vilton Crasto | Director of Business Operations