Term 2 Week 10 College Newsletter
Acknowledgement of Country
From the Principal
2025 Year 7 Enrolments
Curriculum Corner
Director of Students
Identity and Mission
Wellbeing Update
Pathways Hub
Edmund Rice Education Beyond Borders
Defence School Mentor Update
Iggy Under the Stars - Hall of Fame Profile #1 Jason Clarke
CQUniversity QISSRL Bursary Scholarships
CQUniversity Confraternity Carnival Gold Sponsors
CQUniversity Confraternity Carnival Silver Sponsors
CQUniversity Confraternity Carnival Bronze Sponsors
NRL Jersey Raffle
Year 11 Physics
NQ U15 Touch Football State Championships
QLD U15 Rugby League National Championships
Youth Art Classes
Drum Ensemble Signup
Students with Disability Travel Rebate
Man Song
Hey Wire Competition
2024 Awards for Excellence in Art Design
Students on School Grounds Outside School Hours
School Fees
Acknowledgement of Country
From the Principal
Dear Parents and Carers,
Advisory Council - Earlier this term I called for an Expression of Interest from any community members who were interested in applying for a position on the College Advisory Council (CAC). The CAC is a mix of stakeholders from within our College community, who provide invaluable advice, guidance and support to both myself as the College Principal, and the wider College Leadership Team on all matters of College business. I am pleased to inform the college community that as a result of this process, three new members have been invited to, and accepted a position on the Council. Congratulations to Mrs Pamela Griffiths, Mr Tom Hegarty and Mr Matt Lyons on their appointment, and on behalf of the College thank you for stepping into this position in support of our school.
Reports & Parent Teacher Evening - This week has been a busy one as students finalise assessments and sit exams to complete semester one. Early in term 3, report cards will be issued, and in week 2, parents will be invited to come to the College for our second Parent Teacher conference evening. In my opinion, this process of reporting and parent consultation in invaluable in ensuring that students have clarity on where they are currently standing and how they can continue to progress their academic studies. I would strongly encourage all parents to take the opportunity to come and meet with your sons’ teachers so that we can better support you and you can better support your son’s education at home.
Confraternity - As I am sure you are aware, the Confraternity Shield will begin this Sunday with Mass and the Opening Ceremony in the Edmund Rice Hall. Mr Mark Holmes has done a fantastic job convening this carnival, working with so many staff and community organisations to bring this whole event together. From Monday the carnival will begin in earnest, with 64 teams taking to the field at the Brothers Leagues fields on Hervey Range Rd, Kirwan. Last week we took the opportunity to present our First XIII team to the College. These boys have been dedicated to their training, arriving at 6.30am on training mornings, with this week being their main focus from day one. I know that they will be playing with pride, integrity and commitment throughout the carnival, and on behalf of the College I wish Mr Kyle and the team all the best for the week ahead. We will be posting game times on the College Facebook site, and I would encourage everyone to get behind our team as they compete on home soil for the first time in 11 years.
Quad - I know that we are all eagerly awaiting the construction of our new Quad, however we have had to push this project back to the September Holidays. Having an element of demolition involved, this work must be completed when school is not on due to the noise. With our contractors currently only at the tender process, we have pushed this back. This has also had an effect on the order of our room renovations, with the next rooms to be completed now being 212-215. These will continue next term with rooms 102-105 being completed at the same time that the Quad is being built. In addition to this we have selected the successful architect for our major science refurbishment, and they are currently in the design phase of this project.
Deputy Principal - Last week you would have received advice that Mr Shane Dove will be stepping into the role of Deputy Principal. This vacancy is due to Mr John Doolan leaving the College after 9 years. I would like to publicly thank John for his extended service to the College, and particularly for his work in the role of Deputy Principal. I have certainly appreciated his wisdom and guidance in my short time here, and I know that many of the staff and students feel the same. I wish John well for his return to the tablelands, and again, thank him for his contribution to this great College.
Thank you - With the Semester drawing to a close, I would like to thank the staff for their work throughout the last 6 months. Being new to the College, I can see the efforts that so many staff put into providing the myriads of opportunities for our students. From debating and musicals, to rowing and rugby. Trips overseas, school camps and STEM opportunities - this school provides such a wide variety of opportunities for the boys who attend.
And finally, thank you to each and every one of you for your support of the College this year. If you are at a Confraternity game over the first week of the school holidays please be sure to stop by and say hello, and I look forward to seeing you all back in term 3.
Luke Thomson | Principal
2025 Year 7 Enrolments
Enrolment applications for Year 7 2025 and 2026 are currently being accepted. Applications are available via this link. Please complete the online Enrolment Application including the following documentation:
- Birth Certificate (if born overseas we will also need passport and visa documentation)
- Baptism Certificate (if Catholic) as well as any additional Sacramental Certificates
- Semester 2, 2023 Report (and 2024 reports as available throughout the year)
- Year 5 Naplan (when available)
- Any legal or learning support documentation if applicable
- Immunisation Statement
- Medicare Card details
If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact the Enrolments Officer
E: enrolments@ipc.qld.edu.au
Curriculum Corner
Key dates for Term 3
July 12 Year 7 – 10 Report cards issued
July 22 Subject Showcase Evening
July 24 – 29 Year 11 Mid Unit 2 Exam Phase
August 5 – 9 Year 12 End of Unit 4 Exam Phase
August 16 SET Plan Interviews
August 19 SET Plan Interviews
September 2 – 12 College Exam Phase: Year 7 – 10, Year 11 End of Unit 2, Year 12 Mock Exams
YEAR 11 and 12 REPORTS
Year 11 Unit 1 and Year 12 unit 3 report cards have now been emailed to Parents and are available to access via Parent Lounge and Student Café.
Year 7-10 Semester One report cards will be finalised in Term 3. Parents will be emailed reports by Friday 12 July at 3.00pm. Reports cards will be available to access via Parent Lounge and Student Café after this time.
Parent Teacher Conferences will be held in the Edmund Rice Hall on Wednesday 17 July 2024, commencing at 1.40pm. Interviews will be conducted by your son’s Subject Teacher to discuss his progress for Term One. Students will finish lessons at 12.55pm on this day.
Students are most welcome to attend the interviews with their parents.
If students are not travelling directly home at lunchtime, they must change out of their school uniform prior to leaving the College. Students who are unable to arrange transport home will attend supervised study in the Learning Resource Centre and will not be permitted to leave the College grounds until 3pm, unless collected by a parent. There will be no Homework Program operating.
Interviews are booked through our Parent Lounge portal. Access to bookings will open Friday 05 July at 8am and close Monday 15 July at 5pm. After this time, we will be unable to accept any further bookings.
Unavailable Teachers – Some teachers may be unavailable for interviews. In this case, please contact Parent Reception curriculum@ipc.qld.edu.au to request them to contact you at a later date.
This term, Year 10 students have embarked on their Senior Education and Training Plan (SET Plan) Journeys . Every Year 10 student in Queensland is required to develop a SET Plan in order to:
- investigate possible careers and future study options after school
- structure their subject selection for Years 11 and 12 around their abilities, interests and ambitions
- map their pathway to a Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE).
Parents play an extremely important part in this process. This process and timeline for SET Planning and subject selections is outlined below;
Date | Activity | Involvement |
Term 1 | Week 10 | Work Experience Week | Students |
Term 2 | Week 1 - 7 | Pastoral Care Lessons – Focus on Careers Pathway. Mini Careers Expo, Career Investigation | Students and Teachers |
Term 2 | Week 8 | Pastoral Care Lesson – Senior Curriculum Handbook emailed to all students and published on IPC website. Students provided with guidance around subject selections and the subject selection process. | Students, Director of Curriculum, Careers Advisor and Teachers |
Term 2 | Week 9 | All year 10’s attend subject information talks by Faculty Leaders. First round of subject selections - subject portal opens at 5.00pm | Students and Faculty Leaders |
Term 3 | Week 1 | 2025 subject lines released. Subject selection process is reinforced. SET Plan writing and preparation continues. | Students, Director of Curriculum, Careers Advisor and Teachers |
Term 3 | Week 3 | Subject Showcase Evening SET plan writing and preparation for interviews continues. . Subject selection portal opens at 6.00pm. | Students and Parents, key College staff |
Term 3 | Week 4 | Subject selection portal closes 6.00pm. Townsville Careers Expo | Students and Parents |
Term 3 | Week 5 | SET Plan Interview portal opens. The portal is open for 1 week only. It will close at the end of week 5. | Students and Parents |
Term 3 | Week 6 – 7 | SET Plan Interviews with all students and families will occur in Week 6 (Friday 16 August) and Week 7 (Monday 19 August) | Students, Parents and key College staff |
Shane Dove | Director of Curriculum
Director of Students
Social Media Use
At Ignatius Park College, we try to educate our young men that in today's interconnected world, social media group chats offer a platform for instant communication and community building. However, within the instant convenience lies potential risks. It's crucial to prioritize online safety to safeguard personal information and privacy. Group chats, while fostering camaraderie, can inadvertently expose users to scams, cyberbullying, and malicious content.
Of note, the current federal opposition leader, Peter Dutton has recently made an announcement regarding social media use and is intending on banning social media use for children under 16 within 100 days of being elected. More information can be found here.
To keep your son safe, consider these tips: verify the group's authenticity before joining, carefully manage privacy settings, and avoid sharing sensitive information like addresses or financial details. Be wary of strangers and suspicious links and encourage respectful behavior among group members. Remember, staying vigilant and informed is key to enjoying the benefits of online communities while minimizing risks. Stay safe, stay informed, and enjoy your online experiences responsibly.
Thank You
As we wrap up another memorable term at Ignatius Park College, we want to express our deep appreciation to our entire community. Amidst the hustle of appearance policies, detentions, and assessments, it's the people—the relationships and the extra mile we all go—that truly make this place feel like home to our students. Parents, your enthusiasm and dedication have made this term truly exceptional. Together, we've reached academic milestones, celebrated sporting victories, witnessed outstanding performances, and nurtured a strong sense of camaraderie. Let's carry this spirit into the upcoming break, rejuvenating ourselves for even greater achievements ahead. Thank you for your hard work, positivity, and for embodying the values of Integrity, Pride, and Commitment that define our community.
John Deer | Director of Students
Identity and Mission
Dear Parents and Carers,
As we finish off Term 2, planning is well under way for numerous events to raise Social Justice awareness in the College. This notion is becoming ever more pertinent in today’s society, when we see all around us injustices of every kind occurring. The aim of Term 3, under the Touchstone banner of ‘Justice and Solidarity,’ is to advocate and immerse ourselves in social justice in and around our great community. More information will be provided early next Term, but when planning all of this with the Identity and Mission team, the ‘feeding of the five thousand’ parable always comes to mind.
Most of us would be appalled as the Twelve if Jesus made this staggering demand of us. Feed five thousand people? On a fisherman’s salary? In the middle of nowhere? Give us some lead-time, a boat, some nets, some fundraising expertise maybe. Give us fair odds. Five thousand to twelve is unsurmountable by human standards. Five loaves and two fish would hardly make a satisfying meal for a dozen of them, much less for five thousand unexpected guests.
Two observations are useful here. 1) By human standards, it IS impossible, but Jesus never asks us to operate on human power alone. 2) In God’s eyes, there’s no such thing as unexpected guests. We should expect a guest at any moment because the world is our neighbour. These two points dovetail; the world is our guest, and our hospitality can never be enough unless we ground ourselves absolutely in God’s power to satisfy. Feed the world? Sure, we can. And more than just bread. Right now? No better time to start, because our guests are getting mighty hungry while we argue about this.
Do you believe that with God all things are possible? How do you demonstrate what you believe in how you live?
Take Jesus seriously. Begin feeding the world right now, starting with the next person you meet. Share your food, money, faith, time, company, laughter, and love. Decide on what seems a safe amount to share – then give more.
You will be drawn back to this meal again and again until the Master returns.
Thanks and have a great holiday.
Mark Holmes | Director of Identity & Mission
Wellbeing Update
Sharing of images or content
In Queensland, it is a criminal offence if a person shares an image of another person without their consent in a way that would cause distress. It is also illegal if a person threatens to share an intimate image without the person’s consent in a way that would cause them fear. This applies whether a person threatens the person in the image or anyone else. This offence applied even if the image does not exist.
It doesn’t matter if an image was originally taken with consent. If someone gave you the image or gave you permission to see the image, it does not mean they have agreed to anyone else seeing it.
If someone sends you an intimate image, don’t show it to anyone else without their willing consent. You cannot pressure them into agreeing.
Under 16s
If the person in the image is under 16, the law says it is ever ok to share the image. Even if the person has told you it is ok to share. Queensland law states a person under 16 cannot consent to an intimate image of them being shared.
Further information
Sharing of intimate images | QPS (police.qld.gov.au)
Christian Quabba | Dean of Student Wellbeing
Pathways Hub
School-based Apprenticeships (SBA)
During the last fortnight we have had another student sign up as SBAs. We are happy to announce the following student.
- Jaron Lakin (12 Reid) has been signed up as a school based apprentice electrician with WF Electrical Contractors Pty Ltd.
Well, done to Jaron on securing this opportunity to gain skills and a qualification whilst still at school.
Change of Placement – Term 3
If the student wish is to change placements for Term 3, they must have the purple Change of Placement form completed and lodged with the Pathways office by Friday 2nd August 2024 (Week 4).
Work Experience – School Holidays
We are no longer taking work experience forms for June/July holidays. The next work experience will be during September holidays. Please keep coming to see us at the Pathway Hub to collect your forms. We love to see so many keen students doing this.
Zeb Kyle | Program Leader of Skills and Training
Edmund Rice Education Beyond Borders
We are just 3 months away from our inaugural EREBB South America Immersion to Argentina and Uruguay. 15 students in year 10 and 11 are travelling on the amazing adventure.
The wonderful Year 9 middle leaders are working on two projects at present:
1. The boys are preparing a small segment to present to their House Assembly at House Meeting Mon 17th June about their partner EREBB school from overseas. See Map below.
2. Year 9 Middle Leaders are also doing GCP - Global Classroom Partners with Mount Edmund College from Pretoria in South Africa https://cbcmountedmund.co.za/ This will involve a series of online meetings in term 3. Times and dates TBC
TMSG – Townsville Multi-Cultural Support Group which is based at St Josephs Mundingburra is hosting a Gala Day involving a 7 a side Soccer tournament which will feature IPC Seniors, ably led by Jacob Sexton and Trey Horan and amigos. The event is at Aitkenvale State School from 4pm – 7pm on Wednesday 19th June. Thanks to Mr Ty Mills for organising and managing.
Defence School Mentor Update
Mrs Drummond, our Defence School Mentor wishes to congratulate Liam Torrens in Year 7 for being the Defence Student of the Month for June. Liam has shown commitment to his school studies and House Sports. The ADF values of courage and respect are very important to our community, and Liam has shown these values through his everyday interactions here at school.
Liam has settled into Term Two of Year 7 and have made some lovely friendships with his peers. He has shown kindness and being respectful of others and is always using his manners in the Defence Room.
Liam is a committed member of the IPC community and we forward to seeing him grow and flourish this year. Liam has received a Tuckshop voucher for his efforts.
Iggy Under the Stars - Hall of Fame Profile #1 Jason Clarke
Preparations are well underway for Ignatius Park College’s Arts evening, Iggy Under the Stars, in early August. The showcase will include a Hall of Fame photo gallery to celebrate the achievements of old boys across diverse fields within the Arts sector, locally, nationally and globally.
The Hall of Fame will also serve as inspiration for present and future generations of aspiring Arts students. In the lead up to Iggy Under the Stars, Arts staff look forward to sharing a glimpse into the lives and careers of old boys who have continued their commitment to artistic expression and creativity post school. The first profile recognises Hollywood actor and producer, Jason Clarke. IPC is very proud of Jason and grateful for the path he creates for our young men to follow.
Old boy: Jason Clarke
Role: Hollywood actor and producer
Years at IPC: 1985 – 1986
His Story: Leaving the gates of IPC in the ‘80s, old boy Jason Clarke has risen to the top of the Hollywood game. The humble Winton-born actor and producer has starred alongside household celebrity names Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ryan Gosling, Tom Hardy and Johnny Depp in some of the biggest films to have hit the screen in the past decade.
From blockbuster franchises such as Planet of the Apes and Terminator, to critically acclaimed flicks like Mudbound, The Great Gatsby, and Zero Dark Thirty, Clarke has become one of the most highly rated and versatile actors around the globe.
Rubbing shoulders with A-list celebrities is now an everyday part of life for the IPC graduate, but there was a time when he was just another Iggy boy looking to the future. Attending IPC in 1985 and 1986, he is remembered fondly as a modest student who got along well with his peers and teachers. Long-serving IPC staff member, John Alloway, describes Clarke as a “quiet lad” and “good student” who generally kept “a low profile” during his time at the College.
Born in 1969 and raised in Winton on a sheep property, Clarke’s family moved to South Australia before returning to North Queensland in the mid-1980s, which is when Clarke began his time at IPC. In the 1986 yearbook, the then Year 12 student wrote that he wanted to study Law, “while at the same time enjoying a good social life” and, eventually, travelling.
Clarke did, indeed, begin studying Law after high school, but - as fate would have it – he soon opted to pursue acting instead. “When I was studying preliminary law at university, I'd find myself missing lectures and going and sitting in a cinema, just dreaming of different worlds… that’s when it all started,” he explained. Dropping out of Law, Clarke enrolled at Sydney’s Actors Studio alongside another future film star, Hugh Jackman.
Speaking about his Hollywood celebrity status recently, Clarke revealed, “I enjoy the craft, not the celebrity.” The 55-year old went on to talk about the importance of finding enjoyment in what you do and taking time for what’s important, such as family. “ I want a life outside this business…I'm pretty happy taking my kids to the pool on a Saturday afternoon.”
When it comes to advice for the future, Clarke recommends having a plan, but he also emphasises the need to be open to changing direction. “I truly love not knowing how my career is going to go, or how a particular scene is going to play out. As soon as you make plans in this business, God just has a laugh at you.”
Clarke advised IPC students to “dig deep” and “work very hard” at whatever it is they decide to do. “You can't expect that you're going to be successful, but you've got to put your heart and everything you have into it.”
For more information about Jason and his career, check his IMDB page HERE.
CQUniversity QISSRL Bursary Scholarships
CQUniversity is proud to be the naming rights partner of the 2024 CQUniversity QISSRL Confraternity Carnival, hosted by Ignatius Park College Townsville! CQUniversity takes immense pride in offering support to QISSRL participants as they navigate their post-school pathways.
As part of our commitment to support students, CQUniversity is offering two $1000 bursary scholarships to QISSRL participants that choose to study with CQUniversity. These scholarships will provide financial support and recognise the outstanding achievements of young athletes. For more information, you can email us at scholarships@cqu.edu.au.
We understand that life after school can be both exciting and challenging. At CQUniversity, we offer a wide range of study options, including vocational education, undergraduate degrees, and postgraduate programs. Whether you’re interested in health sciences, business, engineering, or creative arts, we have pathways to suit your aspirations. To explore your study options at CQUniversity, head to www.cqu.edu.au/study/high-school-students.
CQUniversity wishes all QISSRL participants the very best of luck for the exciting week ahead. May your dedication, teamwork, and sportsmanship shine brightly on and off the field!
CQUniversity Confraternity Carnival Gold Sponsors
CQUniversity Confraternity Carnival Silver Sponsors
CQUniversity Confraternity Carnival Bronze Sponsors
NRL Jersey Raffle
Year 11 Physics
In Year 11 physics with Mr Lucas and Mrs Busby, students are studying Impulse and Momentum. The Air Track was used to simulate car crashes and calculate velocities and forces involved in collisions. No longer are we using stopwatches and measuring tapes, but state-of-the-art Tracker software to analyse the impacts and graph the complex kinematics involved.
NQ U15 Touch Football State Championships
Congratulations to the following men of IPC who represented Northern at the U15 State Touch championships, defeating Capricornia 11-5 in the plate series final.
Jacob Peachey, Tamiana Fatiaki, Konrad Fatiaki, Luke Bannister, Timothy Dixon, Blaize Goodwin, Cruz Paul, Jay Kyle-Little and Jonah Allen.
Timothy Dixon was selected in the QLD U15 touch team along with Jacob Peachey and Tamiana Fatiaki as shadows.
QLD U15 Rugby League National Championships
Congratulations to regarding Tamiana Fatiaki for his selection in the QLD Rugby League U15 team compete at the Rugby League National Championships from the 29th June – 5th July 2024 in Port Macquarie.
Youth Art Classes
Drum Ensemble Signup
Students with Disability Travel Rebate
Man Song
Hey Wire Competition
2024 Awards for Excellence in Art Design
Entries are open for the 2024 Awards for Excellence in Art Design. Further info is available at the below link:
Students on School Grounds Outside School Hours
Ignatius Park College has an enviable co-curricular program that operates outside school hours for a number of activities. All these activities are supervised by College staff and operate with parent and/or College permission.
For students arriving at school before the school day begins and remaining behind after the school day concludes, supervision is provided by school staff from 8.10am until the start of homeroom at 8.30am and after the school day concludes at 3.00pm until 3.20pm. School bells ring at 8.10am and 3.20pm to indicate the beginning and end of this supervision.
Parents are reminded that unless students are taking part in supervised outside school activities, they will not be supervised by school staff except during the period from 8.10 am and until 3.20pm. Parents should ensure that suitable arrangements are in place to ensure the supervision of their students outside these times. While school gates will be open before and after these times, this is to provide access to staff and for students attending these supervised activities.
John Doolan | Deputy Principal
School Fees
The College Fee Schedule for 2024 can be viewed at https://www.ipc.qld.edu.au/enrolment/fees/.
Please be informed that timely payment of the school fees is mandatory. If you have defaulted a timely payment or have outstanding fees, please pay in full as soon as possible. Please contact the College Finance Team at finance@ipc.qld.edu.au or call (07) 4796 0222 if you need further information.
Ignatius Park has partnered with Edstart to assist parents in managing their school Fee payments. You can pay weekly, fortnightly, or monthly by choosing a plan that suits your budget. This is an application-based process. There are no transaction fees or interest charges when using Edstart Pay+ for your IPC fees. Visit edstart.com.au/ipc for more information on Edstart payment options.
Vilton Crasto | Director of Business Operations