Term 3 Week 6 College Newsletter
Acknowledgement of Country
From the Principal
2025 Year 7 Enrolments
Curriculum Corner
Pastoral Place
Identity and Mission
Wellbeing Update
Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD)
Congratulations Tom Lucas!
Iggy Under the Stars
Public Speaking
NQ Schools Rowing Championship
Student Achievement
The Tobruk Fig Tree
CQUniversity Confraternity Carnival Silver Sponsor
National Science Week 2024
Parent Webinar
Drum Ensemble Signup
National Water Week Competition
Hey Wire Competition
Students on School Grounds Outside School Hours
School Fees
Acknowledgement of Country
From the Principal
Dear Parents and Carers,
On Tuesday the College community celebrated the Anniversary Mass of 55 years of Ignatius Park College. Bishop Tim Harris and Father Emene Kelemete celebrated the mass. This was a wonderful event with our Iggy Spirit on show and is one of those wonderful traditions that has been left to us, by others.
We have confirmed the commencement date for the redevelopment of the Quad. It will be started in November in an effort to minimise disruption to classes. This will be completed over the Christmas break, with the boys returning to a new open, green and welcoming space.
It has been a busy couple of weeks with our Senior Cohort starting with our Year 11 Leadership Conference. Instead of the usual 2 day camp – we opted for a Conference day where they explored the qualities of a leader as they prepare for possible leadership positions in 2025 – with our guest speaker Commanding Officer of the 2nd Cavalry Regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Ashley Hicks who presented a different view on leadership for our boys. I wish those boys who are applying for leadership positions the best of luck as they embark on this process.
Our Year 10 set plans interviews were held this week. It was great to meet with so many parents. It was even better to see that there were so many students who had put a lot of thought into their subjects and were excited and knowledgeable about where they are heading in their next 2 years of schooling and thereafter.
Last Friday was Iggy Under the Stars. This was a wonderful event attended by many and thank you to all involved.
This weekend we see our rowers compete in the Head of the River. This is an important event on the rowing calendar and the last local regatta for the rowing season. We wish all our rowers the best of luck and welcome the community to come down and support them at Riverway this Sunday.
We also have the Interschool Athletics carnival being held Thursday and Friday – good luck to all involved.
Luke Thomson | Principal
2025 Year 7 Enrolments
Enrolment applications for Year 7 2025 and 2026 are currently being accepted. Applications are available via this link.
Year 7 Enrolments for 2025 will be closing very soon, so please apply ASAP. Please complete the online Enrolment Application including the following documentation:
- Birth Certificate (if born overseas we will also need passport and visa documentation)
- Baptism Certificate (if Catholic) as well as any additional Sacramental Certificates
- Semester 2, 2023 Report (and 2024 reports as available throughout the year)
- Year 5 Naplan (when available)
- Any legal or learning support documentation if applicable
- Immunisation Statement
- Medicare Card details
If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact the Enrolments Officer
E: enrolments@ipc.qld.edu.au
Curriculum Corner
August 15 SET Plan Interviews
September 4 – 12 College Exam Phase: Year 7 – 10, Year 11 End of Unit 2, Year 12 Mock Exams
*Please note that year 11 & 12 students will only attend school during the Mock Exams and End of Unit 2 Exams when they have scheduled exams.
During week 9 and 10 students in all year levels will be entering their examination period to end the term. It is important that students are aware of their scheduled examinations and are prepared with the equipment required (i.e. calculator, ruler, pens).
We would ask that all parents are conscious of their son’s exam timetable in setting appointments, as staff will not be able to assist with collecting students from exam rooms. During exam period, the front office will not be able to call up to classrooms as this will disturb students.
All exam schedules are published to our website here: https://www.ipc.qld.edu.au/studies/exams-assessment-study-documents/
Please note this schedule only covers exams. Please refer to Student Café / Parent Lounge for assignment draft and due dates.
VARIATION TO ASSESSMENT – AARA‘s (Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments)
A general reminder about our AARA process:
- As per the College’s Assessment Policy, requests to vary the conditions or due date of any assessment item can only be considered following the submission of an Access Arrangement and Reasonable Adjustment (AARA) form and appropriate supporting documentation.
- The completed AARA form, along with required documentation (i.e. detailed medical certificate and details of absence) must be submitted to their Subject Faculty Leader or the Edmund Rice Office.
- A copy of the AARA form is available on the school website at: https://www.ipc.qld.edu.au/studies/exams-assessment-study-documents/. Alternatively, hard copies of this form are available from the Edmund Rice Office.
SET Plan interviews are taking place over the next two days (Wednesday 14 and Thursday 15 August) in our Learning Resource Centre for our current Year 10 students and parents. If you have been unable to attend and need to reschedule your appointment, please email curriculum@ipc.qld.edu.au.
Lesley Gardner | Director of Curriculum
Pastoral Place
Attendance Matters
As previously communicated, Ignatius Park College has implemented systematic measures on student attendance this semester to ensure academic success and foster a culture of responsibility. The school emphasizes the importance of regular attendance as a key factor in achieving educational goals as well as preparing our young men for societal expectations beyond our gates. Teachers and Pastoral Team members are closely monitoring attendance records, and students with unexplained absences will face intervention as we ramp up our push to ensure all of our students are achieving to their capability. Parents have previously been informed of the new policies, with the expectation that they will support the school's efforts to reduce absenteeism. The college believes that consistent attendance is essential for students' academic and personal development. We look forward to working with parents in a partnership of support and success.
Mobile Phone Use
At Ignatius Park, our mobile phone policy is that they are switched off and locked into student lockers for the duration of the day. What happens outside of school hours are the realm of the parents. What are your rules around mobile phone use at home? Does your son have it in his bedroom whilst you are sleeping? Are you aware of the addictive nature of phones and their impact on mental health? With the prevalence of social media, online gaming, and messaging apps, teens are exposed to a wide range of content, some of which may be inappropriate or harmful. By staying informed, parents can help guide their sons in making responsible choices, protect them from cyberbullying, and prevent exposure to dangerous situations or content. Open communication and setting boundaries are key in fostering a healthy relationship with technology and ensuring their safety. Our SchoolTV site has many informed and current research and advice publications to assist if you are unsure how to navigate this mindfield. Please find them here.
Electric Scooter Use
With the rise in popularity of e-scooters, IPC has developed a policy around their use. These vehicles do form a very real risk of safety to both students and others on the roads.This policy is in line with Queensland State Government Road rules, and requires our students to follow them. Beginning in term 4, the below expectations will be in place for students wishing to ride scooters to school. Non-compliance with these rules will result in student scooters not being able to be ridden home, parents contacted and the students being picked up.
Use of Electric Scooters
- All normal road rules need to be adhered to, including speed.
- Riders must maintain a safe distance from others.
- Helmets (bike or motorbike) must be worn.
- E-scooters need to be locked and stored in the caged area designated for bicycles at the college
- Students under 16 must be supervised by an adult whilst riding an e-scooter.
- Children under the age of 12 cannot ride e-scooters.
- There can only be a single rider at a time on scooters (no doubling).
John Deer | Director of Students
Identity and Mission
Dear Parents & Carers,
Last week, Faith Learning in Action Coordinator Ty Mills and Edmund Rice Beyond Borders Coordinator Greg Christ along with School officer Kia Mills held the annual Homeless Sleepout with 12 eager Year 10's.
The night started with a talk, tour and visit from the Orange Sky Laundry Van, then a visit from Stephen Gasparini (old boy) who now is the local Youth Coordinator for St Vincent de Paul talking to the boys about Youth Homeless and playing some games to get them thinking and talking.
The boys then sourced some strategically placed items from around the quad (cardboard etc) to create a 'rough' sleeping space.
We watched a movie which got them thinking about struggle and resilience (Pursuit of Happyness) to settle down after dinner. The night was a great success in getting the students thinking deeply and experiencing profoundly the plight of those less fortunate in our society.
This week also sees the continuation of the Year 12 Drop-In Centre Visits for 2024. The centre and the clients are always much appreciative of our attendance in cooking a nice hot breakfast to serve them with. We thank Althea Projects and the students and staff who gave their time to volunteer.
Our Justice and Solidarity based initiatives fit in perfectly with the Gospel focus of this week on which is a great reflection for our lives and how we see the world.
Building a Bigger House
(Matthew 15: 21-28)
Even dogs have hope! This is what the woman says to Jesus, when she asks him to heal her tormented daughter. She classifies her family with dogs, knowing the average Israelite would describe a Canaanite that way. Jesus is astounded by her faith and gives her the desire of her heart.
Some scholars claim Jesus was testing the woman by not responding to her request right away. Others say Jesus learned from her that his mission was larger than Israel. This seems strange to those of us who were taught that Jesus had the mind of God from the time Mary first laid him in the straw. But if Jesus is also fully human, he’d have to grow in knowledge and wisdom, as Luke says Jesus did.
This woman summoned up the courage to tell Jesus how to run his own ministry! The best of the prophets and saints showed this kind of spirit, sparring with God over matters of importance to them. Who knows what could happen if more people prayed with such confidence? Who knows how many of us could wrestle with God like Abraham, Jacob, Hannah, and the Canaanite woman - and win?
Do you think God’s mind can be changed? Do you think there are things about which “God’s mind is made up”?
Wise and loving God, when relationships are fractured, journey with us in the life-giving process of reconciliation. Fill us with patience and unconditional love, so that we might forgive as we have been forgiven. In Christ. Amen.
Show some chutzpah! Resolve to pray for the things that are most important to you - peace in the world, an answer to hunger - or a job or a better relationship with someone in your family. Pray unceasingly, as Paul says, or sing your prayer, as Augustine recommends. But pray most of all unfailingly. “Oh, woman, your faith is something else. What you want is what you get!”
... for my house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples. (Isaiah 56:7)
Every three years, about a million Catholic young people from all over the world gather at an event called World Youth Day, of which friends of ours from Good Shepherd Mt Isa and once of their Parish Priests (and Iggy Park Old Boy!) Fr Emene Kelemete attended. This year’s World Youth Day was in Lisbon, Portugal. It is a time for young Catholics to go to Mass together, share stories, learn about other cultures and languages and become friends. Pope Francis once said about World Youth Day: “We celebrate the fact that coming from different cultures, we have come together to pray. Let our best word be our unity in prayer”.
God living among us, let me love all your people, all over the world. Amen.
Have a great fortnight.
Mark Holmes | Director of Identity & Mission
Wellbeing Update
It has been a very bus couple of weeks in the Pastoral and Wellbeing space at Ignatius Park College.
Year 9 Rite Journey Camp
All Year 9 students attended an overnight camp at Camp Gedling during Week 4. This camp forms an integral part of The Rite Journey program and took place in the students assigned Rite Journey Pods, facilitated by each groups teacher mentor.
The College rites of passage program carefully designate experiences such as this camp as being essential to the students development. The Year 9 Camp aimed to build and reinforce positive relationships amongst the students and staff leaders, as well as further develop their outdoor skills.
A portion of the camp was assigned to reflection and devoting time to being thankful for what students have as well as planning for their futures. Activities during the camp included bush camping, food preparation, team challenges, dining at a cafe and personal analysis.
Year 11 Leadership Conference
The Year 11 Leadership Conference began the process of guiding Year 11 students to take over the role of leading the College in 2025. Taking place on Thursday and Friday in Week 5, the forum gave the students the opportunity to learn what the role of Year 12 students will be in 2025 and to encourage them to take on additional roles by supporting their leadership development.
Day 1
Day 1 was all about House Leadership. Each House spent time together completing several challenges. The aim was for the students to see the value of all members of the group working together to gain success and that each member of the house needs to contribute and play their role. The Day took place at the College Camp facility ‘Camp Gedling.’
Day 2
Day 2 was about the Year 11 cohort seeing the importance of them being on the same page as Year 12’s in 2025. The day before we were split into 7 houses, on day 2 we came together as one group. The focus was on achieving a common path forward and seeing the importance of all 146 members of the group working toward the common goal. The strength of the group is reliant on the commitment of the individual.
The day was spent at the Mercure Inn Townville, with guest speakers Commanding Officer of the 2nd Cavalry Regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Ashley Hicks and his team of soldiers as well as 2009 Baillie House Captain and NRL superstar Michael Morgan. Ashley and Michael provided the boys with key messages on Leadership and hard work to achieve group success.
I also thank College Principal Mr Luke Thomson and Director of Students Mr John Deer for facilitating a session on Leadership at Ignatius Park College and leading with Integrity, Pride and Commitment.
Year 8 Camp
In Week 7, all Year 8 students will be involved in a compulsory two-day camp, which is held at the College property on Hervey Range.
The aim of this camp is to provide students with a range of diverse opportunities; personal development, team building challenges, build positive relationships amongst the students and staff, develop friendships as well as establish or revisit spiritual identity.
Planned activities during the camp include hiking, abseiling, ropes course, team challenges, shooting and a cultural experience.
Antibullying Week
In Term 5 of each Term, the College takes time to focus on Antibullying messages. The focus this Term was on Social bullying and ensuring we are including others.
Students were shown ways of reporting bullying in House Assembly on Monday morning with particular focus on the online reporting system which is found on the College Website.
During Pastoral Care lessons on Thursday, year 7, 8 and 9 students worked through scenarios which highlight Social bullying and how IPC can be a more Inclusive Community. The teachers and students were supported by Year 12 students during these lessons to reinforce the sense of IPC community.
Combined Pastoral Events
Combined Pastoral events are an important part of the College Pastoral landscape, where the boys are given an opportunity to mix socially with students from our partner schools in St Margaret Mary’s College and St Patrick’s College.
90 Year 12 students and 5 staff from Ignatius Park College attended the $5 on Friday night at St Margaret Mary’s College.
This Friday, Year 10 students will be given the same chance with IPC hosting the Year 10 Semi Formal in our Hall.
Earlier in the year, Year 11 students attended the ‘Year 11 Trivia Night’ hosted by St Patrick’s College, while Year 9 students enjoyed the ‘Pastoral Touch Day’ at Queens Park.
I look forward to attending the Year 7 and 8 events with the students later in the year and thank the teachers for giving up their Friday nights to facilitate such events.
Christian Quabba | Dean of Student Wellbeing
Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD)
Every year, all schools in Australia participate in the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD). The NCCD process requires schools to identify information already available in the school about supports provided to students with disability. These relate to legislative requirements under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and the Disability Standards for Education 2005, in line with the NCCD guidelines (2019).
Information provided about students to the Australian Government for the NCCD includes:
- year of schooling
- category of disability: physical, cognitive, sensory or social/emotional
- level of adjustment provided: support provided within quality differentiated teaching practice, supplementary, substantial or extensive.
This information assists schools to:
- formally recognise the supports and adjustments provided to students with disability in schools
- consider how they can strengthen the support of students with disability in schools
- develop shared practices so that they can review their learning programs in order to improve educational outcomes for students with disability.
The NCCD provides state and federal governments with the information they need to plan more broadly for the support of students with disability.
The NCCD will have no direct impact on your child and your child will not be involved in any testing process. The school will provide data to the Australian Government in such a way that no individual student will be able to be identified – the privacy and confidentiality of all students is ensured. All information is protected by privacy laws that regulate the collection, storage and disclosure of personal information. To find out more about these matters, please refer to the Australian Government’s Privacy Policy (https://www.education.gov.au/privacy-policy).
Further information about the NCCD can be found on the NCCD Portal (https://www.nccd.edu.au).
If you have any questions about the NCCD, please contact the school.
Nicole Putscher | Program Leader - Inclusive Education
Congratulations Tom Lucas!
Congratulations to IPC Teacher Mr Tom Lucas who, earlier this week, received the 𝙋𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝘿𝙤𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙩𝙮 𝙊𝙪𝙩𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙏𝙚𝙖𝙘𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙤𝙛 𝙎𝙏𝙀𝙈 𝘼𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙙.
This award, which celebrates the life of Nobel prize-winning scientist, Professor Peter Doherty, honours outstanding achievements in STEM education across Queensland.
Mr Lucas, pictured here with Honourable Di Farmer MP, Minister for Education and Minister for Youth Justice and Michael De’Ath, Director-General, Department of Education, is one of only eight teachers across the State to receive the award this year.
This is IPC's second STEM Award winner in recent years, with Mrs Annette Gregory receiving the Peter Doherty Outstanding STEM Support Officer Award in 2019.
Mr Lucas and Mrs Gregory's enthusiasm and expertise in STEM are evident in our classrooms every day, and we’re so proud our boys are the beneficiaries of their passion in this area.
Iggy Under the Stars
We are still basking in the success of Iggy Under the Stars on Friday 2 August. The event was a wonderful celebration of creativity and hospitality and saw Year 11 Hospitality students make and serve canapes, desserts and mocktails to guests, while enjoying a relaxing evening of Music, Drama, Visual Art and Film by the talented Creative Arts students. We hope to see you at next year’s event.
For a gallery of images from the night and a recap video by old boy Bailey Simmons, capturing some of the evening’s highlights, have a look on our website HERE.
Public Speaking
Recently, three of our exceptional debaters and public speakers—Riley Johnston, Jimmy Robinson, and Gordon Richards—showcased their talents at the annual Denise Glasgow Public Speaking Competition held at Townsville Grammar School. This competition challenges participants with a short notice/impromptu format, requiring them to think quickly and deliver a compelling speech to an unfamiliar audience with minimal preparation. Congratulations to these students for their continued dedication to honing their public speaking skills. Well done, gentlemen!
NQ Schools Rowing Championship
Our boys recently competed in the NQ Schools Championship for Rowing on the 3rd and 4th of August. They competed with pride and integrity, and achieved the following placings:
Open Double - Seth Chun Tie, Rory Foyle
Open Eight - Logan Webster, Angus Woodhouse, Rory Foyle, Seth Chun Tie, Ethan Cavanaugh, Sebastian Arends, Harry ward, Harry Leoni, Thomas Bartels
Open Four - Logan Webster, Seth Chun Tie, Rory Foyle, Jack Whelan
Year 8 Single - Raymond Whitney
Year 11 Quad - Harry Ward, Rory Foyle, Seth Chun - Tie, Logan Webster, Angus Woodhouse
Year 9 Single - Harry Leoni
Year 9 Double - Harry Leoni, Marlon Lau
Year 11 Double - Seth Chun Tie, Rory Foyle
Year 9 Quad - Raymond Whitney, Marlon Lau, Harry Leoni, Seth Lucas-Schipplock
Well done boys!!
Student Achievement
Congratulations to Brooklin Robinson who has been selected to referee the SSA Football 12 years National championships to be held in Perth Western Australia in October. This was on the back of performance at the State Championships held in Townsville recently.
The Tobruk Fig Tree
Ignatius Park College has just taken delivery of our second Tobruk siege fig tree. We have Councillor Kurt Rehbein to thank for this tree which was grown by Townsville City Council arborists with a cutting taken from a tree at the Marian School. The Marian School tree was planted by Corporal James Stewart McCloskey (QX2384) and Thomas Bell (QX 31631). Cpl. McCloskey was among 14000 Australian troops (Rats) who defended the port city of Tobruk in 1941 for nine months and inflicted the first land defeat on Nazi Germany in World War 2. About 800 Australians were killed during the siege. The last surviving Rat was Tom Pritchard who passed away recently in Melbourne aged 102.
Tobruk city is in Libya and is surrounded by the Sahara desert. The fig tree was the only tree growing there and became a symbol of the resistance offered by the Australian “Rats”. It has become iconic not unlike the “Lone Pine” from Gallipoli in World War 1. The Tobruk Memorial Baths on the Strand have also been named to honour the brave Australian Rats of Tobruk. The College is proud to have this tree growing in our grounds.
CQUniversity Confraternity Carnival Silver Sponsor
National Science Week 2024
Parent Webinar
Drum Ensemble Signup
National Water Week Competition
Hey Wire Competition
Students on School Grounds Outside School Hours
Ignatius Park College has an enviable co-curricular program that operates outside school hours for a number of activities. All these activities are supervised by College staff and operate with parent and/or College permission.
For students arriving at school before the school day begins and remaining behind after the school day concludes, supervision is provided by school staff from 8.10am until the start of homeroom at 8.30am and after the school day concludes at 3.00pm until 3.20pm. School bells ring at 8.10am and 3.20pm to indicate the beginning and end of this supervision.
Parents are reminded that unless students are taking part in supervised outside school activities, they will not be supervised by school staff except during the period from 8.10 am and until 3.20pm. Parents should ensure that suitable arrangements are in place to ensure the supervision of their students outside these times. While school gates will be open before and after these times, this is to provide access to staff and for students attending these supervised activities.
School Fees
The College Fee Schedule for 2024 can be viewed at https://www.ipc.qld.edu.au/enrolment/fees/.
Please be informed that timely payment of the school fees is mandatory. If you have defaulted a timely payment or have outstanding fees, please pay in full as soon as possible. Please contact the College Finance Team at finance@ipc.qld.edu.au or call (07) 4796 0222 if you need further information.
Ignatius Park has partnered with Edstart to assist parents in managing their school Fee payments. You can pay weekly, fortnightly, or monthly by choosing a plan that suits your budget. This is an application-based process. There are no transaction fees or interest charges when using Edstart Pay+ for your IPC fees. Visit edstart.com.au/ipc for more information on Edstart payment options.
Vilton Crasto | Director of Business Operations