Term 3 Week 8 College Newsletter
Acknowledgement of Country
From the Principal
Curriculum Corner
Pastoral Place
Identity and Mission
Wellbeing Update
Pathways Hub
Ignatius Park College Explores "Species Survival" in Exciting Science Week 2024
2024 Townsville Japanese Speech Competition
CQUniversity Confraternity Carnival Silver Sponsor
U18 Australia Oztag Carnival Champion
Parent Information Session
National Science Week 2024
Drum Ensemble Signup
Soroptimist Trivia Night
Townsville Cricket Events
National Water Week Competition
Hey Wire Competition
Students on School Grounds Outside School Hours
School Fees
Acknowledgement of Country
From the Principal
Dear Parents and Carers,
The last two weeks I have had the opportunity to sit in on our interview process, and our candidate speeches for our student leadership team for 2025. It has been fantastic to not only get to meet this group of wonderful, positive young men, but to hear their vision for the College, and to hear how much ‘The Park’ means to them. Through this process I have heard about students running charity projects outside of school, students who swim between Townsville and Magnetic Island on their days off, students who have moved away from their parents for the opportunity to attend IPC, and student’s future goals and aspirations.
As positive as this process was for me, it can only be as good as the candidates that apply for the positions. Luckily, we had 23 students apply for the 6 positions, and it is the quality of this pool that gives IPC our strength in student leadership.
We need leaders, not only in our schools, but in society. Sadly, these days, many people are reluctant to step into leadership roles, because as soon as you do you are putting yourself out there, and in doing this you open yourself to criticism, and if unsuccessful, disappointment. I am extremely proud of each and every student who accepted the challenge of undertaking the process of application for a leadership position, and I look forward to sharing further news of this process as we work through it.
Today is a student free day, and while I understand that for many parents these days can be a challenge, they are essential for the professional development of our staff and to ensure the integrity of our senior system. Today our staff will be continuing their work on our Link-S program, where we are working to ensure that our assessment pieces are accessible to all students, no matter the diversity of their learning. Teachers are also continuing their work on ensuring that Version 9 of the Australian Curriculum is implemented as per our implementation plan for IPC.
Recent weeks have seen our students continue to represent the College with pride across a number of areas. Our junior debaters have progressed to the regional final, our seniors have been studying for their mock exams, our Touch teams took out every division at the recent Townsville All Schools Touch, our Athletes competed at the NQ athletics trials, our senior VET students completed industry placement and our students continued to support Brooklea nursing home and Althea Projects, by volunteering to cook breakfast for those less fortunate than us throughout the term. Many examples of our young men putting their best foot forward both inside and outside of the College. Well done to all involved and thank you to the staff who provided these opportunities for our students.
We are nearing the end of our Year 7 enrolment process for 2025. This means that we are beginning to look toward our 2026 applications. We have been oversubscribed for places in year 7 (2025) and are currently operating waiting lists for this year level. I would encourage any family who has a boy thinking about enrolling at the College in either of these years to contact our Enrolments Officer asap to discuss the application process.
Luke Thomson | Principal
Curriculum Corner
September 4 – 12 College Exam Phase: Year 7 – 10, Year 11 End of Unit 2, Year 12 Mock Exams
*Please note that year 11 & 12 students will only attend school during the Mock Exams and End of Unit 2 Exams when they have scheduled exams.
During week 9 and 10 students in all year levels will be entering their examination period to end the term. It is important that students are aware of their scheduled examinations and are prepared with the equipment required (i.e. calculator, ruler, pens).
We would ask that all parents are conscious of their son’s exam timetable in setting appointments, as staff will not be able to assist with collecting students from exam rooms. During exam period, the front office will not be able to call up to classrooms as this will disturb students.
All exam schedules are published to our website here: https://www.ipc.qld.edu.au/studies/exams-assessment-study-documents/
Please note this schedule only covers exams. Please refer to Student Café / Parent Lounge for assignment draft and due dates.
VARIATION TO ASSESSMENT – AARA‘s (Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments)
A general reminder about our AARA process:
- As per the College’s Assessment Policy, requests to vary the conditions or due date of any assessment item can only be considered following the submission of an Access Arrangement and Reasonable Adjustment (AARA) form and appropriate supporting documentation.
- The completed AARA form, along with required documentation (i.e. detailed medical certificate and details of absence) must be submitted to their Subject Faculty Leader or the Edmund Rice Office.
- A copy of the AARA form is available on the school website at: https://www.ipc.qld.edu.au/studies/exams-assessment-study-documents/. Alternatively, hard copies of this form are available from the Edmund Rice Office.
Lesley Gardner | Director of Curriculum
Pastoral Place
Hands Off Policy
In our commitment to fostering a safe and respectful environment, Ignatius Park College has a clear "Hands Off" policy. This policy emphasizes the importance of personal space and encourages our students to avoid unnecessary physical contact with peers. Whether in the classroom, on the playground, or during extracurricular activities, we urge all students to practice respectful boundaries. This initiative aligns with our values of mutual respect and care for one another. By promoting a culture of respect, we aim to ensure a positive and supportive environment for everyone in our college community.
Responsible Thinking
Ignatius Park College is dedicated to maintaining a positive and supportive learning environment for all of our young men. To enhance student well-being and behavior management, we will be implementing a Responsible Thinking Centre (RTC) process. All young men make mistakes through their time. The RTC serves as a restorative space where students can reflect on their actions, understand the impact on others, and develop strategies and plans for making better choices in the future.
When a student is referred to the RTC, they will engage in guided reflection with a staff member, focusing on the reasons behind their behavior and how it aligns with the college's values of Integrity, Pride and Commitment. This process is not punitive but aims to encourage personal growth and responsibility. By providing this reflective opportunity, we hope to empower students to take ownership of their actions and contribute positively to the school community. The RTC process reinforces our commitment to nurturing respectful, responsible, and resilient young men at Ignatius Park College.
Recently, some families received a letter from the college with regards to attendance concerns. Whether the reasoning for absence is sports, illness or otherwise it is our duty to remind parents that if students are not in class, they are lessening their chances of success academically. Regular attendance is crucial for academic success and personal growth at Ignatius Park College. Being present in class not only ensures that students keep up with their studies but also helps them build strong relationships with peers and teachers. Every day of school is an opportunity to learn, participate, and contribute to our college community. We encourage all students to prioritize their attendance and engage fully in their education. Parents and guardians play a vital role by supporting consistent attendance, ensuring that their sons make the most of their time at Ignatius Park College.
John Deer | Director of Students
Identity and Mission
Dear Parents & Carers,
Drop in Centre – Wrap for 2024
Well its been a big Term for Mr Mills and for the Year 12’s who have been working tirelessly every morning to engage with the homeless in our community, through the Townsville Drop in Centre we participate in each year. Every Monday and Thursday since Week 2 of Term 3, a small group of Year 12’s meet at school early to jump in the van with a staff member and head to the centre in Morehead St, South Townsville and cook a hot BBQ breakfast donated by the College. It is a humbling and sometimes eye opening experience for the boys who listen and interact with members of the community less fortunate than ourselves. We look forward to this experience each year and I am sure the 2025 Year 12’s will do the program justice as well.
True story: I attended a meeting held in a conference room. The chairs arranged in the usual circle looked typically uncomfortable except for one large, ornate, padded chair which no one had yet claimed. I had walked far to be there and was tired, but the idea of taking that particular chair seemed selfish. So, I passed on it, choosing a tin folded chair instead. More people arrived. They eyed the beautiful chair wistfully. Each chose another place to sit. Finally, a pert little woman walked in and, without hesitation, made a beeline for the best chair in the room. As she plopped into it, there was a creaking sound, and the bottom fell out and she went through it! As we helped the poor woman up - bruised only in the ego - we all laughed at having coveted that precarious chair. We deemed it the Chair of Humiliation. It looked appealing but led to embarrassment. Sometimes the comforts we seek and the honours we claim have a way of backfiring. Humility beats humiliation by a mile!
Who is your best teacher of true humility?
Practice humility. Surrender the larger portion. Let someone get ahead of you. Allow the quiet person to speak. Seek wise teachers. Listen to their words, watch their actions, imitate their example.
“Invite some people who never get invited out, the misfits from the wrong side of the tracks. You’ll be - and experience - a blessing”.
Prayer for Father's Day
Happy Father's day to all the dad's, grandad's and everyone else in the IPC and wider community who is a male and plays an important role in their families lives... this role is now more important than ever. Have a great day on Sunday.
We give our thanks, Creator God, for the fathers in our lives. Fatherhood does not come with a manual, and reality teaches us that some fathers excel while others fail. We ask for Your blessings for them all and forgiveness where it is needed.
This Father's Day we remember the many sacrifices fathers make for their children and families, and the ways--both big and small--they lift children to achieve dreams thought beyond reach.
So too, we remember all those who have helped fill the void when fathers pass early or are absent, grandfathers and uncles, brothers and cousins, teachers, coaches and the women of our families.
For those who are fathers and for those still to become, we ask for wisdom and humility in the face of the task of parenting. Give them the strength to do well by their children and by You. In Your Holy name, O God, we pray.
Mark Holmes | Director of Identity & Mission
Wellbeing Update
A Special Report: Celebrating Father’s Day
For many years now, the role of fathers has changed and evolved. During the industrial revolution, fathers were often considered detached and distant due to working long hours in factories. However, today things have changed dramatically with many dads being celebrated for being sensitive, caring and more hands-on.
Recent studies have shown that children benefit greatly from having fathers who are present and interacting in everyday activities. This has transformed the understanding of how fathers shape children’s lives from the start, challenging conventional ideas of parenthood and gender.
Research also suggests that fathers influence their sons and daughters in different ways, which is especially true during their transition to adolescence. Engaging in regular physical activities can play a key role in influencing children to learn self-control, face challenges, regulate emotions and take manageable risks.
In this Special Report, fathers will learn about the positive impact they can have on their child’s mental health and wellbeing, whilst also ensuring they indulge in a little self-care.
We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this Special Report, and as always, we welcome your feedback.
If you do have any concerns about the wellbeing of your child, please contact the school for further information or seek medical or professional help.
Here is the link to your special report:
Christian Quabba | Dean of Student Wellbeing
Pathways Hub
Industry Placement
Last week 150 Year 11 and 12 students were participating in our Industry Placement program. Congratulations to all students who took part in this program as it’s invaluable for enhancing our students’ employability skills and provides the opportunity for them to have a ‘real life’ work experience. Majority of the feedback we received from our employers was overwhelmingly positive however we still have a number of students not meeting the requirements of Ignatius Park Expectations. This impacts our working relationships with our employers. We truly hope that the majority of students gained valuable life skills and now better appreciate the world of work. Congratulations to all those who has secured apprenticeship and or traineeships from this program
Could parents please remind their sons that their logbook is returned by Friday (30/08/2024) fully completed otherwise they will receive a detention.
If the student wish is to change placements for Term 3, they must have the purple Change of Placement form completed and lodged with the Pathways office by the end of term 3 as placement is in week 5 in term 4.
Work Experience – School Holidays
We are still taking work experience forms for September Holidays. The next work experience will be during September holidays. Please keep coming to see us at the Pathway Hub to collect your forms so your work experience can be organised. We love to see so many keen students doing this.
Zeb Kyle | Program Leader of Skills and Training
Ignatius Park College Explores "Species Survival" in Exciting Science Week 2024
Last week, Ignatius Park College buzzed with excitement as students and staff immersed themselves in the 2024 Science Week celebrations. This year's theme, "Species Survival: More than just sustainability," challenged our young men to think critically about the interconnectedness of ecosystems and the crucial role we play in preserving our planet's biodiversity.
The Science faculty crafted an engaging series of lunchtime activities throughout the week, each designed to illuminate different aspects of species survival and environmental stewardship. Monday's activity, "Story of a River," set the tone with a powerful demonstration of water pollution's impact. Students gathered in the Physics lab to participate in this eye-opening laboratory practical, using a Fish tank willed with clean water to simulate a pristine river and observing how various pollutants affected water quality. This vivid demonstration brought home the reality of how human activities can rapidly degrade entire ecosystems.
As the week progressed, students were treated to a diverse array of scientific experiences. Tuesday featured a captivating VR experience centered on New Zealand's iconic Kauri trees. Students virtually explored the ancient Tāne Mahuta, learning about its complex ecosystem and the threat of kauri dieback disease. This immersive activity highlighted the delicate balance of forest ecosystems and the importance of conservation efforts.
Wednesday's lunchtime was filled with excitement as students witnessed the dramatic "Elephant's Toothpaste" experiment. This chemical reaction between hydrogen peroxide, dish soap, and potassium iodide created a spectacular foam eruption, demonstrating the power of catalysts and exothermic reactions while captivating students' imaginations.
On Thursday, students delved into the world of genetics with DNA coding challenges. They learned about mRNA transcription and its role in creating amino acid chains and proteins, gaining insights into the fundamental processes of life at a molecular level.
Friday's activity brought a unique twist with the "Chemical Analysis of Whale Snot" practical. Students discovered how researchers use whale blow samples to assess the health, stress levels, and even pregnancy status of these majestic marine mammals, underscoring the innovative techniques used in modern conservation efforts.
Throughout the week, an ongoing endangered species puzzle piece hunt added an element of fun and discovery to each day. Students eagerly searched for 3D-printed models representing different endangered species, fostering awareness about biodiversity loss and conservation needs.
As we reflect on Science Week 2024, it's clear that the theme "Species Survival: More than just sustainability" resonated deeply with our Ignatius Park College community. From simulating river pollution to analyzing whale health, our students engaged with complex ecological concepts in tangible, memorable ways. The hands-on nature of these lunchtime sessions encouraged active participation and collaborative problem-solving, skills essential for the environmental leaders of tomorrow.
Science Week 2024 at Ignatius Park College has undoubtedly planted seeds of curiosity and environmental awareness that will continue to grow in the years to come.
2024 Townsville Japanese Speech Competition
On August 16th, Japanese language students from Ignatius Park College took part in the 2024 Townsville Japanese Speech Competition at Townsville Grammar School. The event attracted students from private schools across Townsville, making for an intense competition. Our Year 12 student, Ronald Ryan, claimed first place with a presentation so impressive in pronunciation and accent that one of the judges questioned if he might actually be Japanese!
Our Year 8 participants, Romeo Healy, Ethan Prassad, and Paarth Ori, delivered outstanding speeches despite battling some serious nerves. Well done, boys!
CQUniversity Confraternity Carnival Silver Sponsor
U18 Australia Oztag Carnival Champion
IPC Vice Captain Kynan Purdy recently represented Australia in the Australian Oztag Carnival in Coffs Harbour. The Australian team played a total of nine games over the 3 day carnival with 8 nations represented in the age group. Australia took home the gold in the final against New Zealand 10-5. Kynan played middle for the 18s boys team and represented his country so well, gaining special mention and credit during the teams final presentation. It was a really special time for him to cherish forever. Well done Kynan!
Parent Information Session
National Science Week 2024
Drum Ensemble Signup
Soroptimist Trivia Night
Townsville Cricket Events
National Water Week Competition
Hey Wire Competition
Students on School Grounds Outside School Hours
Ignatius Park College has an enviable co-curricular program that operates outside school hours for a number of activities. All these activities are supervised by College staff and operate with parent and/or College permission.
For students arriving at school before the school day begins and remaining behind after the school day concludes, supervision is provided by school staff from 8.10am until the start of homeroom at 8.30am and after the school day concludes at 3.00pm until 3.20pm. School bells ring at 8.10am and 3.20pm to indicate the beginning and end of this supervision.
Parents are reminded that unless students are taking part in supervised outside school activities, they will not be supervised by school staff except during the period from 8.10 am and until 3.20pm. Parents should ensure that suitable arrangements are in place to ensure the supervision of their students outside these times. While school gates will be open before and after these times, this is to provide access to staff and for students attending these supervised activities.
School Fees
The College Fee Schedule for 2024 can be viewed at https://www.ipc.qld.edu.au/enrolment/fees/.
Please be informed that timely payment of the school fees is mandatory. If you have defaulted a timely payment or have outstanding fees, please pay in full as soon as possible. Please contact the College Finance Team at finance@ipc.qld.edu.au or call (07) 4796 0222 if you need further information.
Ignatius Park has partnered with Edstart to assist parents in managing their school Fee payments. You can pay weekly, fortnightly, or monthly by choosing a plan that suits your budget. This is an application-based process. There are no transaction fees or interest charges when using Edstart Pay+ for your IPC fees. Visit edstart.com.au/ipc for more information on Edstart payment options.
Vilton Crasto | Director of Business Operations