Term 3 Week 10 College Newsletter
Acknowledgement of Country
From the Principal
Curriculum Corner
Identity and Mission
Pathways Hub
Child Protection Week 2024
2025 NZ Ski Tour
CQUniversity Confraternity Carnival Silver Sponsor
Drum Ensemble Signup
Townsville Cricket Events
Festive Flags
National Water Week Competition
Students on School Grounds Outside School Hours
School Fees
Acknowledgement of Country
From the Principal
Dear Parents and Carers
As we near the end of the term, Ignatius Park is as busy as ever as our students are completing assessment, teachers are busy marking and opportunities for our students to engage in co-curricular activities continue as always.
This term we have had our senior students take the opportunity to volunteer at the community hub run by Althea Projects in South Townsville. I had the pleasure of joining our volunteers last week and it was fantastic to hear the complex manager speak so highly of our boys and the work that they have done all term to support the people who access support through this complex. He told me that the clients love seeing the boys, and he has enjoyed watching the way that our students interact with those that are less fortunate than themselves, in a caring and respectful way. Thank you to those students who have volunteered to support our community through this initiative.
Last week also saw our year 7 students for 2025 join us at the College for the second Phoenix Flyers afternoon. It was a great opportunity for our incoming students to meet our staff and build connections with each other as they prepare to join our community next year.
We have two overseas tours departing our shores these holidays, with our football (soccer) tour departing for Europe today, and our South American Immersion departing during the holidays. These tours are an opportunity for our students to immerse themselves in another culture, with both groups connecting with local schools throughout their trip. We wish them all the best and safe travels, and certainly look forward to hearing about these trips and the learnings that our students have gained from them upon their return.
We also have basketball and rowing teams departing for state championships to SE Qld at this time. Our senior basketballers are currently on the Gold Coast competing, and our rowers will be travelling to Lake Wyaralong tomorrow. Best of luck to these groups as they compete against the best student athletes from across the state in each of their sports.
In addition to these tours and teams, our junior debating team competed against St Margaret Mary’s in the Townsville Schools final on Monday evening. It was a fantastic debate with a topic that is in the news at the moment as our boys argued that ‘young people who commit adult crimes, should do adult time’. Sadly our team was pipped in the final, but a fantastic achievement all the same to make the finals. We have also had students competing at the Townsville Eisteddfod this week, with our drama and film groups achieving some fantastic results.
With mock exams almost complete, our senior students begin the countdown to their external exams. With just three weeks of school remaining in Term 4, every minute counts and no doubt every student will be using the time over the holidays to continue to reinforce the learning in preparation for these exams.
Last fortnight, I wrote of the process that we were currently undertaking to find our College Leaders for 2025. After a robust process coordinated by Mr Quabba, it gives me great pleasure to announce the following students as our six College Leaders for 2025.
Rory Foyle
Dane Craperi
Cooper Fletcher
Ethan Cavanagh
Luke Swain
Bentley Duncanson
Congratulations to these gentlemen, I can see that the future of our College is in safe hands. The specific positions that they have been awarded will be announced at our College Awards night in Term 4. Please keep in mind that term 4 commences on Monday the 30th September.
If you are travelling over the holidays I wish you all safe travels, and I look forward to welcoming everyone back for our final term in two weeks.
Luke Thomson | Principal
Curriculum Corner
Key dates for Term 4
14-18 October Year 12 Unit 4 Exams – Applied subjects
16 October Academic Awards Evening
21 Oct – 12 Nov Year 12 External Examinations
1 November Year 11-12 Report Cards Issued
18 – 28 November Year 7-11 Exam Phase
5 December Year 7-10 Report Cards Issued
End of Term Reflection
As term 3 draws to a close, we encourage you as parents to spend some time with your son to reflect on his academic performance so far this year.
We would also ask you to reflect upon your involvement in your son’s progress at school. Whilst Ignatius Park College has a range of dedicated and skilled staff to support your son, a myriad of research exists to suggest parental involvement is crucial to enhance academic outcomes of your children.
Year 12 External Examinations – Journey to Post-School
As we approach the end of our Mock Exam phase we just wanted to provide you with some key areas of preparation for the External Exams (EA) next term.
The QCAA external timetable has been released for a significant period of time. Students should be familiar with the timings of their exams. The September break provides a perfect opportunity for students to organise a study plan which reflects the exam schedule.
Students should be aware of the revision resources that individual class teachers have begun to release in preparation for the External Exams. Revisiting revision tools used in preparation for the Mocks will also be beneficial.
As we move into the start of Term 4 tutorial times for individual subjects will be released. Attending these should be a priority for students.
Preparing for external exams can be stressful, and maintaining a healthy balance is the key. Students should be following a schedule which includes taking breaks, balancing activities and getting enough rest. Please remember that support exists at school if there are any major concerns.
As we near the exam period, communication between school and home is important. If there are any concerns or questions regarding exam preparation please do not hesitate to reach out to relevant people at school. We are here to support both you and your son during this crucial time.
Thank you for your continued partnership and support. We wish all of the Year 12 students the very best in their preparations and exams. Together we will navigate this final stretch.
Year 11 – End of Unit 2 Subject changes
Year 11 Students have the opportunity to consider subject changes as we’re nearing the end of Unit 2.
It is an opportune time for students to be reflecting on their results and subject pathways. Any student wishing to change their subject are to follow the process below:
- Subject Change form obtained from the Edmund Rice Office
- Obtain feedback and signatures from:
- Teacher of Current Subject
- Teacher of New Subject
- Faculty Leader of New Subject
- Subject Change form signed by student and parent/carer
- Submit subject change form handed in to Edmund Rice Office or email to curriculum@ipc.qld.edu.au
Subject changes will remain open in Term 4 until the end of Week 3 and it is encouraged that students discuss their intended changes with our Dean of Senior School and / or Careers Advisor.
If you have any questions, please email curriculum@ipc.qld.edu.au
2025 Subject Selections – Year 8 into Year 9
Last week all students in Year 8 were emailed with a link to submit their ‘elective’ subject selections for year 9 2025.
In Year 9, students will:
- continue to study the 6 Core Subjects of English, Mathematics, Science, HASS, Religious Education, Health and Physical Education. These Core subjects do not need to be selected for 2025 – they are automatically allocated.
- select 2 (+ 1 reserve) Elective subjects per semester
Subject selections will close on Thursday 12 September at 5.00pm. For any questions or late submissions please email curriculum@ipc.qld.edu.au
Naplan – Year 7 and Year 9
Naplan results have been posted home so you should have received or be receiving these shortly. While they do present a snapshot of your son’s progress, please take some time to review the information. If you have any questions, please contact curriculum@ipc.qld.edu.au
Lesley Gardner | Director of Curriculum
Identity and Mission
Dear Parents & Carers,
Well we made it to the end of another big Term. I'd like to thank you all for your support, in supporting your son to be the best they can. I mean this in Terms of our Touchstone focus for Term 3 - Justice & Solidarity. Mr Ty Mills is the Program Leader of Faith, Learning in Action and has worked tirelessly in this regard to raising awareness, advocate for and fundraise for the less fortunate in our community of Townsville.
I look forward to updating you with the Term 4 focus early in October - Inclusive Community and the plans we have to increase our inclusivity and further build strong and valuable relationships with each other the wider society in many meaningful ways.
Have a great holiday break and see you all in Term 4.
Prayer for Justice & Solidarity
We Go Forth
God of the marginalised,
Through your prophets and through your Word
you have called us into solidarity with the broken and the humble.
Open our eyes to all our neighbours in need:
in our families; in our school; in our country; and in our world.
We ask this through your Holy Spirit, who transforms the world.
Blessed Edmund Rice (Pray for Us) - Live Jesus in Our Hearts (Forever).
Mark Holmes | Director of Identity & Mission
Pathways Hub
Holiday Placements
We have several students doing work experience during these holidays. It is now too late to register for any more however you can still register for the Xmas Holidays. This is a great opportunity for students to gain a look into possible career life after school. If you would like more information regarding this, please contact the Mr Kyle in the Pathway Hub.
Change of Placement Forms
Our year 12’s finished their last block of industry placement as Ignatius Park College students in week 7 and the feedback was overwhelmingly positive. Year 12’s keep an eye out for job opportunities that are coming in thick and fast. They will be emailed to parents and student emails. If any year 11 students wish to change placements for Term 4, they must have the purple Change of Placement form completed and lodged with the Pathways office by Friday 4th October 2024 (Week 1 of term 4).
Industry Placements Dates for Term 4
Please find below the industry placement dates for Term 4.
Term 4 |
Monday 28th Oct to Friday 1st Nov (Week 5 of term) |
Happy Holidays
I just want to wish the IPC community a happy holiday period. Term 3 has been a hectic term for everyone. If travelling do so safely and enjoy the time with family and friends. I look forward to a busy and productive term 4.
Zeb Kyle | Program Leader of Skills and Training
The QMEA is offering up to twenty positions in the 2025 QMEA Student Ambassador Program to students completing year 12 in 2025. Students selected as 2025 QMEA Student Ambassadors will participate in a number of activities across a twelve-month period that will increase their understanding of the resources sector, provide unparalleled opportunities for networking with other students and industry representatives and develop leadership skills.
Students will be expected to attend a 5-day QMEA Student Ambassador Program in Brisbane from Sunday 24th November to Thursday 28th November 2024, which includes attendance at the QMEA Annual Breakfast in December 2024. Students from regional areas will have travel costs met by QMEA and accommodation, meals and transport to activities will be provided for all students.
During 2025, QMEA Ambassadors will be invited to participate in a range of QMEA activities, and where appropriate, may be asked to promote the QMEA and the benefits of working in the resources sector to industry, students and the community.
Mandatory Selection Criteria
To be eligible, applicants must:
- Be enrolled full-time in a QMEA school and intend to complete Year 12 in 2025
- Be an Australian resident
- Complete the Judgify online application form including uploading relevant documentation (https://www.judgify.me/QMEA-Ambassadors-2025)
- Be willing to act as a QMEA ambassador for a twelve-month period and be available to attend the QMEA Ambassador Camp in November 2024.
Key points
- Ambassador program is for the 2025 school year, although successful applicants will be expected to attend a five-day QMEA Ambassador Camp in Brisbane from November 24 - 28, 2024.
- Up to twenty ambassador positions will be offered as part of this program (generally up to ten for university and up to ten for VET/Trade pathway students)
If you would like to apply to be an Ambassador please get in touch with Mrs Williamson.
Occupation Spotlight: Speech Pathologist
What is a Speech Pathologist?
Speech pathologists work with people of all ages who have trouble understanding and talking with other others. They might work with patients to improve their reading and spelling, and teach them how to use technology or other ways to improve their communication skills. Speech pathologists also help people who have trouble swallowing, which can make eating and drinking difficult.
What skills and strengths are needed?
- Good listening and interpersonal skills Enjoy language and communication
- Able to inspire confidence and cooperation
- Enjoy working with people
- A patient and tactful approach to people's problems
What are the pathways?
Speech pathologists must be university educated either through an accredited Bachelor's or Master’s degree.
JCU: ATAR 70. Subject requirements – English, plus one of Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Psychology
Child Protection Week 2024
Each year, the IPC Peer Mentors come together to raise awareness about Child Protection Week and create a video that is presented to the whole school. This year, on behalf of the Peer Mentors, Josh Symons and David Shilu presented the video on assembly while acknowledging the significance of Child Protection Week.
As stated by Josh and David, Child Protection Week is an annual event held across Australia that is coordinated by the National Association for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, also known as NAPCAN. The overall aim of the week is to raise awareness of the issues surrounding child abuse and neglect, and it helps everyone to recognise that children’s welfare is in fact everyone’s priority, as well as everyone plays a part to prevent this issue. In 2024, the theme for child protection week is “Every Conversation Matters”, emphasising the importance of dialogue in addressing child abuse and neglect. The campaign aims to educate and empower communities to prevent child abuse and neglect.
The Peer Mentors want to specially thank Mr. Clelland for helping them film and edit the video for this year.
If you have a reason to suspect a child in Queensland is experiencing harm, or is at risk of experiencing harm or being neglected, contact Child Safety Services Centres and talk to someone about your concerns:
- During normal business hours - contact the Regional Intake Service.
- After hours and on weekends - contact the Child Safety After Hours Service Centre on 1800 177 135. The service operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
From the Student Counsellors
2025 NZ Ski Tour
CQUniversity Confraternity Carnival Silver Sponsor
Drum Ensemble Signup
Townsville Cricket Events
Festive Flags
National Water Week Competition
Students on School Grounds Outside School Hours
Ignatius Park College has an enviable co-curricular program that operates outside school hours for a number of activities. All these activities are supervised by College staff and operate with parent and/or College permission.
For students arriving at school before the school day begins and remaining behind after the school day concludes, supervision is provided by school staff from 8.10am until the start of homeroom at 8.30am and after the school day concludes at 3.00pm until 3.20pm. School bells ring at 8.10am and 3.20pm to indicate the beginning and end of this supervision.
Parents are reminded that unless students are taking part in supervised outside school activities, they will not be supervised by school staff except during the period from 8.10 am and until 3.20pm. Parents should ensure that suitable arrangements are in place to ensure the supervision of their students outside these times. While school gates will be open before and after these times, this is to provide access to staff and for students attending these supervised activities.
School Fees
The College Fee Schedule for 2024 can be viewed at https://www.ipc.qld.edu.au/enrolment/fees/.
Please be informed that timely payment of the school fees is mandatory. If you have defaulted a timely payment or have outstanding fees, please pay in full as soon as possible. Please contact the College Finance Team at finance@ipc.qld.edu.au or call (07) 4796 0222 if you need further information.
Ignatius Park has partnered with Edstart to assist parents in managing their school Fee payments. You can pay weekly, fortnightly, or monthly by choosing a plan that suits your budget. This is an application-based process. There are no transaction fees or interest charges when using Edstart Pay+ for your IPC fees. Visit edstart.com.au/ipc for more information on Edstart payment options.
Vilton Crasto | Director of Business Operations